Scaler Diaries: Ranjeet Kumar’s Journey to Clevertap

Written by: Ranjeet Kumar
5 Min Read

Like most people, I have made some good decisions and some bad decisions. I have fallen and gotten up multiple times along the way. That’s how most people do it, so what makes me special? I come from a small village in Bihar. I went to school there and had my family support all my life choices. They have seen me fail and succeed but they have never lost faith in my abilities. I am the very first graduate from my family, which is why they are exceptionally proud of me.

Because of that achievement, I wanted to put my qualifications to good use and become a teacher. I also want to serve my country by being a part of the defence forces. However, life happened and my plans changed. In 11th grade,  I decided to sit for the JEE exam like most of my peers. I was fascinated with the world of computers and my adoration for computer sciences bloomed leaps and bounds. I chose to pursue engineering on my own. I didn’t have any guidance from anyone because my family was totally unaware of the process. Little did I know that this would cost me so much.

I took the JEE examinations and got a tier 3 college. Consequently, I didn’t expect a lot from my college. I was never confident about landing a good package, especially since the job market during that time was not doing very well. To add salt to my wounds, my coding skills were manageable at best. And I wasn’t aware of design patterns.

It was at this point in time that I decided to seek Scaler’s help in upskilling. I knew I was going to get the guidance I lacked there! I used to only know how to code but now after upskilling; be it ethical hacking or machine learning- I have done it all!

My experience of the academy was first-class. The first session included high-level design discussions. I already knew about data structures but dynamic programming was new to me. Tarun Malhotra and Anshuman sir helped us comprehend these topics and much more. The mentors and teachers were very friendly, and I felt like I could talk to them about anything. The benefit of joining such an academy was its community. I met people from diverse backgrounds and different walks of life, which really helped me develop a much more rounded personality.

It was the HR rounds that used to intimidate me the most but after sessions with my mentors, I learned how to approach CTC negotiations effectively and confidently. Not only that, they went through the process step-by-step with me, again and again, to help me get rid of any inhibitions. That is how I cracked an interview at CleverTap.

As a professional, my problem-solving skills have become so much better in the last year. I got into CleverTap, thinking that was the best I could achieve because it was a good company with a scalable system. But new avenues have opened up for me since I have upskilled. I never thought I would get better offers!

The moral of my story is this: working on yourself can never not be beneficial. You try, you fail, you try again. In the process, you learn so much that when you finally achieve your goal, you also learn how to be better individuals, personally as well as professionally! So, try, try and keep trying. I vouch that you will become better in no time!

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