How I Achieved Beyond My Aspirations With Scaler

Written by: Vipul Srivastava
6 Min Read

I was around 14 years old, when my father bought my elder sister a computer for her work. As a young boy, I remember spending hours playing games on it, but soon, my curiosity made me want to explore the world of computers and programming in depth. With my sister working in the IT field, she gave me valuable insider inputs and overview of what it is like. So the decision of studying computer science after school seemed like a natural course of action for me.

After my second attempt at JEE, I took admission at the Vellore Institute of Technology. The college was a reputed one, and gave good placement opportunities. But as I was more interested in coding, I kept looking for other platforms to learn and practice it on. At this point, my childhood friend, who was aware of my interests, suggested a website, SPOJ, that all his college friends used for coding practice.

So I started learning Data Structures and Algorithms, and practicing coding on YouTube channels and SPOJ — and that’s where it really took off. I would learn a new concept and solve a few problems based on it — I kept note of all the concepts I was learning and the problems I was solving. My hard work landed me a job at SAP as a development associate consultant. I continued learning and working at SAP for the next 3 years, but I knew my interest lay with the software side of things. I had the skills required to be in a product based profile, and I also had the required knowledge of DS Algo.

So in an attempt to switch to a product based profile, I started sending out my resume to multiple companies. But I never got shortlisted for any. Since I had 3 years of experience in a client facing profile, I was at a big disadvantage. Looking at my predicament, my friend suggested I look up Scaler Academy. Since Abhimanyu Sir, the founder of Scaler Academy was an alumni of his college, he was convinced that it was a good program. Not just that, most of his college mates were active on InterviewBit, and used the website to practice and prepare for their interviews.

This gave me the boost I needed to take the leap.

Most of the time, I was a part of US-based projects, so I would always be busy with client calls at night but the flexibility of the course and everyone there to support us, made a lot of difference.

I was decent in my technical knowledge and skills, and had I chosen to continue with SAP technologies, I would have gotten a lot of opportunities. But I wanted to learn new things and change my domain, and that’s where my lack of relevant experience created a bottleneck in the path of my career growth.

And Scaler gave me the necessary knowledge to bridge the gaps, build and show my competence.

There are many institutes that advertise online learning and skill development. But Scaler really works. And it’s not just empty promises, they live up to it. They train you with the best content, and there are experienced instructors, teaching assistants and mentors to help you along.

With my experience at Scaler, I would recommend Scaler Academy to anyone who wishes to improve their technical skills, learn the basics and understand DS Algo and scale in their respective careers. It bridges the gap between your strengths and weaknesses between where you are, and where you want to be.

Lastly, I would like to add another reason why this Academy establishes such credibility. The founders Abhimanyu Sir and Anshuman Sir are people to get inspired from. The way they have designed the model is amazing. To start something like this, with a huge investment of resources, and the willingness to change the face of tech education in the country would have been hard. But they must have been confident that they could make it happen, and they did!

The kind of impact and influence Scaler Academy has had on me is something that will be with me for life. My entire career path changed — from aspiring to be in an MNC to working at Amazon as an SDE — Scaler made it possible for me to achieve it all.

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