What is Machine Learning? Definition, Types, and Easy Examples

Written by: Mayank Gupta - AVP Engineering at Scaler
29 Min Read

Have you ever wondered how computers can learn to recognize faces in photos, translate languages, or even beat humans at games? The magic behind this is machine learning.  In simple terms, it’s the science of teaching computers how to learn patterns from data without being explicitly programmed. If you’re curious about the future of technology, machine learning is where it’s at. Let’s break down the basics and explore why it’s revolutionizing industries all around us.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

At its core, machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on teaching computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed for every single rule. Let’s break that down:

  • Think Like a Child: Imagine a toddler learning to identify a cat. You show them pictures, point out features (whiskers, pointy ears), and eventually, they can recognize cats on their own. Machine learning is similar, but instead of pictures, we feed algorithms massive amounts of data.
  • Finding Patterns, Not Rules: Instead of giving the computer strict instructions for every possible scenario, machine learning algorithms uncover hidden patterns in the data. This lets them make predictions, classify things, or even generate new content.

Machine Learning vs. AI vs. Deep Learning

machine learning vs ai vs deep learning

These terms often get thrown around interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. Think of them like a set of nesting boxes:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)The broad concept of machines performing tasks that typically require human-like intelligence. Think of it as the overarching goal.
Machine Learning (ML)A key subset of AI focused on developing algorithms that learn from data. It’s the tool helping us approach the goal of intelligent machines.
Deep Learning (DL)A specialized ML technique that utilizes complex neural networks, inspired by the human brain, to learn intricate patterns from vast amounts of data. It’s a powerful tool within the ML toolbox.

In conclusion:

AI embodies the dream of creating intelligent machines.

ML serves as the pathway to construct these machines.

DL stands out as a cutting-edge technique nested within ML.

Methods of Machine Learning

methods of machine learning

Machine learning isn’t one-size-fits-all.  Here’s a look at the core methods, each with its own strengths:

1. Supervised Learning

A type of machine learning where the algorithm learns from a dataset with labeled inputs and outputs. Think of this as learning with flashcards. The algorithm is given a dataset with both inputs (like images) and the correct outputs (labels like “cat” or “dog”). The goal is to learn the relationship between the input and the desired output.

Common Applications: Spam filters, image recognition, predicting house prices. Categories are formed to identify messages’ containing spams, classified data help in identifying images, prices of houses can be forecasted using labeled datasets from housing datasets which have housing attributes that is correlated to prices.

2. Unsupervised Learning

A type of machine learning where the algorithm finds hidden patterns or groupings within unlabeled data. Here, the algorithm is given data without labels. The aim is to find underlying patterns or groupings within the data itself.

We can compare it to organizing a messy room with no labels on anything.

Common Applications: Customer segmentation, dimensionality reduction, anomaly detection. This involves recognizing patterns in raw data such as linking similar customers together for improved marketing; analysing big sets to make them clearer while spotting any irregularities pointing out cheating among others.

3. Semi-Supervised Learning

A type of machine learning that combines a small amount of labeled data with a much larger amount of unlabeled data. This method falls between the two extremes. The algorithm learns from a partially labeled dataset, a mix of labeled and unlabeled data.

Common Applications: Labeling all data in fields such as medical imaging and speech recognition is expensive. This is where machine learning comes in. To train models efficiently, using restricted labeled data, semantic learning approaches such as active and supervised learning are applicable. This is particularly pertinent in cases in which there is no possibility for full labeling to take place like in speech recognition and medical image classification.

4. Reinforcement Learning

A type of machine learning where an algorithm learns through trial and error by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or punishments for its actions. The goal is to learn the best sequence of actions to maximize the reward.

Think of it like training a dog for good behavior.

Common Applications: Artificial Intelligence is deployed in game playing, Robotics, Self-Driving Car optimization, and other areas where it is essential that intelligent agents learn what to do with limited information based on what they observe. Reinforcement Learning entails learning from rewards and punishments caused by actions good or bad respectively within an environment that may change over time. The Application of reinforcement learning makes it possible for such AI agents both human beings like us might become better at playing games or navigating dangerous streets so they never crash into anything while maintaining a steady speed all along those routes according to some rules set up beforehand!

Important Note

These categories aren’t rigid—many real-world problems involve combinations of these techniques!

How Does Machine Learning Work?

Building a machine learning solution involves a series of steps, just like following a recipe. Here’s a breakdown of these steps:

1. Data Collection

This is where you gather the raw materials, the data, that your machine learning model will learn from. The quality and quantity of this data directly impact how well your model performs. Data can come from many sources, like databases, websites, sensors, or even manual creation.

2. Data Preprocessing

Real-world data isn’t always perfect. This step involves cleaning the data (removing duplicates and errors), handling missing bits, and ensuring everything is formatted correctly for the machine learning algorithm to understand.

Think of it as cleaning and prepping your ingredients before you start cooking!

3. Choosing the Right Model

There are many different machine learning models, like decision trees or neural networks, each with its strengths. Choosing the right one depends on the type of problem you’re trying to solve and the characteristics of your data.

It’s like picking the right tool for the job – a hammer wouldn’t be the best choice for cutting vegetables!

4. Training the Model

This is where the magic happens! The prepped data is fed into the chosen model, and it starts to learn patterns within that data. Think of it as teaching a student from the data they’re given.

This process often involves multiple rounds of the model seeing the data and adjusting its internal settings to learn better.

5. Evaluating the Model

Before using the model in the real world, we need to assess its performance. This involves testing it on a separate dataset it hasn’t seen before.

Metrics like accuracy and precision help determine how well the model is learning.

Imagine giving a student a practice test to see how well they understood the material before the big exam.

6. Hyperparameter Tuning and Optimization

Machine learning algorithms have adjustable settings called hyperparameters. Tweaking these settings can further improve the model’s performance.

This step is like fine-tuning a recipe – a pinch more salt or a bit less spice can make a big difference!

7. Prediction and Deployment

Once the model is performing well, it’s time to put it to use! The model can be integrated into a website, used to analyze new data, or even power a self-driving car.

This is where the model graduates from the kitchen and starts serving its purpose in the real world!

Common Machine Learning Algorithms

common machine learning algorithms

Machine learning offers a powerful toolkit of algorithms. Below is a primer on some of the most widely used methods:

  • Neural Networks: Inspired by the brain, neural networks are composed of interconnected artificial neurons, loosely mimicking the structure of the human brain. They excel at learning complex, non-linear patterns. Applications include image recognition, natural language processing (translation, text generation), self-driving cars, and playing complex games.
  • Linear Regression: Used to model the relationship between a continuous target variable (e.g., housing price) and one or more features (e.g., size in square feet). The aim is to find a “best fit” line that describes the data. Applications include analyzing sales trends, forecasting stock prices, or predicting student performance.
  • Logistic Regression: While similar to linear regression, logistic regression is used for classification problems with binary outcomes (e.g, yes/no, spam/not spam). It predicts the probability of belonging to a certain class.  Applications include determining if a customer will click an ad, classifying emails as spam or not, or predicting if a patient is at risk of a disease.
  • Clustering: Clustering algorithms discover hidden groupings within data with no predefined labels. Data points within a cluster are more similar to each other than those in other clusters.  Applications include market segmentation (grouping customers by behavior), anomaly detection, and image compression.
  • Decision Trees: Decision trees ask a sequence of yes/no questions about the data, splitting it into branches. Leaf nodes represent a classification or a prediction.  Applications include identifying if a loan applicant should be approved, medical diagnosis, and determining which product features to prioritize.
  • Random Forests: Random forests build a multitude of decision trees, each trained on a different subset of data. The final prediction is based on the “votes” from all the trees, leading to more robust results.  Applications are often used when high accuracy is the top priority, such as in banking or healthcare.

Importance of Machine Learning

Machine learning isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a powerhouse technology shaping the way we live and work. Here’s why it matters across industries:

  • Solving Intractable Problems: Machine learning excels at tasks that would be impossible or incredibly difficult to code explicitly – like recognizing faces with high accuracy or detecting subtle financial fraud patterns.
  • Unlocking Hidden Insights: Machine learning can analyze massive datasets, uncovering patterns and trends invisible to the unaided human eye. This informs better decisions, whether it’s about a marketing campaign or a patient diagnosis.
  • Hyper-Personalization: From movie recommendations to individually tailored treatment plans, machine learning customizes experiences based on our behaviors and preferences.
  • Automation at Scale: Machine learning streamlines tedious tasks (think document review) and enables machines to perform actions (like self-driving cars navigating busy streets).

Machine Learning Applications: Real-World Examples

Let’s look at where machine learning is already revolutionizing various sectors:


  • Diagnostics: Analyzing medical images to identify diseases with greater accuracy than some specialists.
  • Drug Discovery: Accelerating the identification of potential new treatments.
  • Personalized Medicine: Predicting patients’ risk of diseases and tailoring treatment plans.


  • Fraud Detection: Spotting anomalies in transactions to prevent financial losses.
  • Algorithmic Trading: Making high-speed trading decisions based on market data.
  • Risk Assessment: Analyzing borrowers’ data to determine creditworthiness.


  • Self-Driving Cars: Using machine learning to perceive the environment and make driving decisions.
  • Traffic Optimization: Analyzing real-time traffic data to predict congestion and suggest optimal routes.
  • Logistics: Improving supply chains and routing for more efficient deliveries.


  • E-commerce: Product recommendations and search personalization.
  • Customer Service: Chatbots and virtual assistants resolve customer queries.
  • Manufacturing: Predictive maintenance to prevent equipment failures.

Machine Learning Tools and Technologies

machine learning tools and technologies

To build effective machine learning solutions, you need the right toolset. Here’s a look at the core technologies that empower data scientists and machine learning engineers:

Python for Machine Learning

Python is the most widely used language in machine learning due to its clear syntax, readability, and massive ecosystem of libraries. It’s user-friendly, versatile, and well-supported by excellent learning resources. If you’re starting with machine learning, explore online courses, and tutorials on websites like Scaler Topics or the official Python website.

R for Machine Learning

R is a powerful language for statistical analysis and data visualization, making it a strong contender in machine learning, especially for research and analysis. It offers an extensive range of statistical libraries and strong visualization tools. Look for resources specifically focused on R for machine learning on websites or dive into the official R documentation.

Popular Libraries and Frameworks

These libraries provide pre-built tools and algorithms, making it faster and easier to implement machine learning projects:

  • Scikit-learn: Offers a wide array of machine learning algorithms for tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and more. Known for its user-friendly interface.
  • TensorFlow: Powerful framework for deep learning and large-scale neural networks. Primarily used with Python but supports other languages as well.
  • Keras: High-level API built on top of frameworks like TensorFlow, focusing on user-friendliness and fast experimentation.
  • PyTorch: Popular deep learning framework known for flexibility and dynamic computational graphs.

Top Machine Learning Career

The rapid growth of machine learning translates into a wealth of exciting and lucrative career paths. Here are a few roles expected to be in high demand:

Data Scientist

Data scientists blend domain expertise, statistical skills, and programming to extract insights from data. They build machine-learning models to solve real-world problems across industries.

Key Skills:

  • Statistics and mathematics
  • Programming (Python or R)
  • Machine learning algorithms and techniques
  • Data visualization and communication

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning engineers focus on the practical implementation of machine learning models. They design, build, and deploy scalable machine learning systems within a production environment.

Key Skills:

  • Strong programming foundations (Python, Java, Scala)
  • Deep understanding of machine learning algorithms
  • Cloud computing platforms (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)
  • Software engineering best practices

Research Scientist

Research scientists explore the bleeding edge of machine learning. They develop new algorithms, improve existing techniques, and advance the theoretical foundations of this field.

Key Skills:

  • Advanced mathematics and statistics background
  • Strong research and publication track record
  • Typically requires a Ph.D. in machine learning or a related field

Other Exciting Careers in Machine Learning

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer: Focuses on developing machine learning models that can understand, interpret, and generate human language.
  2. Computer Vision Engineer: Specializes in building systems that derive meaning from images and videos (e.g., self-driving cars, image analysis tools).
  3. MLOps Engineer: Ensures the smooth deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of machine learning systems in production.

Important Note

These roles often overlap and job titles may vary across companies. Strong foundational skills in machine learning and the ability to adapt to emerging trends are crucial for success in this field.

How to Get Started With Machine Learning?

Embarking on a machine learning career is an exciting journey! Here’s a roadmap to help you take those first steps:

1. Build a Strong Foundation

Start by focusing on the essentials: brush up on linear algebra, statistics, and calculus, as these are the foundations of machine learning.  Master the basics of Python or R, the top languages for machine learning, and consider taking a beginner-friendly introductory course to gain an understanding of core concepts and algorithms.

2. Explore and Choose Tools

Familiarize yourself with popular machine learning libraries like Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. Experiment with them to see which resonates best with you. Additionally, gain hands-on experience with cloud environments like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, which are often used for deploying and scaling machine learning models.

3. Hands-on Projects are Key

The best way to learn is by doing! Begin with simple projects – analyze datasets from Kaggle, implement a basic image classifier, or build a chatbot.  Let your interests guide you, and as you learn, showcase your work on platforms like GitHub to demonstrate your growing skills.

4. Continuous Learning

The field of machine learning is rapidly evolving, so make continuous learning a priority.  Read blogs, follow tech news, and keep exploring new skills to stay ahead of the curve. Engage with online forums, attend meetups, and network with other machine learning practitioners. Never stop experimenting, build new projects, and try out different algorithms!

Useful Resources:

Kaggle: A platform with datasets, competitions, and a vibrant community.

GitHub: Share your code, learn from others, and collaborate on projects.

Remember, the journey to becoming a skilled machine learning professional takes time and dedication. Consistent practice and a passion for exploring the potential of AI will take you far!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Learning

Advantages of Machine Learning

  • Automation and Efficiency: Machine learning can automate tedious, repetitive tasks, saving time and freeing up humans for higher-level work.
  • Handling Complexity: Machine learning can tackle problems that are too complex for humans to solve manually, like analyzing massive datasets or facial recognition.
  • Discovering Hidden Insights: Algorithms can uncover patterns in data that would otherwise be invisible, leading to data-driven decision-making.
  • Continuous Improvement: Machine learning models can learn and adapt with more data, potentially leading to ever-increasing performance over time.
  • Wide Range of Applications: From healthcare to finance to self-driving cars, machine learning’s impact and potential are far-reaching.

Disadvantages of Machine Learning

  • Data Dependence: Machine learning models are only as good as the data they’re trained on. Biased or insufficient data leads to biased or inaccurate results.
  • The Black Box Problem: Complex models (like deep neural networks) can be difficult to explain, making it hard to understand why they arrive at certain outcomes.
  • Potential for Misuse: Like any powerful technology, machine learning can be misused. It’s crucial to address ethical concerns like bias, privacy, and transparency.
  • Computational Cost: Training large-scale machine learning models can be computationally expensive, requiring specialized hardware.
  • Need for Expertise: Implementing effective machine learning solutions requires specialized knowledge and skillsets.

Challenges of Machine Learning

While machine learning has incredible potential, it’s crucial to acknowledge and responsibly address the challenges it presents:

Technological Singularity: While still somewhat theoretical, some experts express concern over the potential for “superintelligent” AI that surpasses human cognitive abilities. Considerations of control, safety, and the long-term consequences of such a development are complex debates in the field.

Privacy Concerns: Machine learning thrives on data, yet the collection and use of personal data raise serious privacy questions.  Balancing innovation with privacy protection is essential to build public trust in AI technologies.

AI Impact on Jobs: Automation powered by machine learning has the potential to displace jobs. Preparing the workforce for change and addressing potential inequalities in job displacement is a critical socioeconomic challenge.

Bias and Discrimination: Algorithms can perpetuate existing biases if trained on biased data. For example, facial recognition systems may perform poorly on certain demographics if the training data lacks representation. This can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes in real-world applications.

Accountability: Who is responsible when a self-driving car causes an accident, or an AI-powered loan system denies someone wrongly? Determining accountability is crucial as AI systems become more autonomous and impactful.

Some Real-world Use Cases of Machine Learning

Machine learning isn’t just about the future; it’s already transforming our world today. Let’s look at a few of its diverse applications:

  • Speech Recognition: Machine learning models transcribe spoken language into text, enabling seamless voice interactions with devices.  Think virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri, automated transcription services, and even real-time translation.
  • Customer Service: AI analyzes customer queries and routes them effectively. It also provides 24/7 support using chatbots.  You’ve likely encountered these chatbots on e-commerce websites, AI-powered help desks, or when using sentiment analysis to understand customer feedback.
  • Computer Vision: ML-powered systems make sense of visual data (images and videos). This technology enables things like facial recognition for security and unlocking devices, powers self-driving cars, and even helps with medical image analysis for diagnosis.
  • Recommendation Engines: Algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences to provide personalized suggestions. This is how you get the “You might also like…” on Amazon, Netflix’s movie recommendations, and even targeted advertising.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Software robots powered by ML automate repetitive, rule-based tasks.  They streamline processes like data entry, invoice processing, and customer onboarding.
  • Automated Stock Trading: ML analyzes huge amounts of market data to identify patterns and predict trends.  This drives applications like high-frequency trading algorithms and AI-powered portfolio management tools.
  • Fraud Detection: ML can identify anomalies and atypical patterns that may indicate fraud.  This helps detect fraudulent credit card transactions, insurance scams, and suspicious online activity.

Get Started with Machine Learning: How to Learn?

If you’re fascinated by the potential of machine learning and eager to launch a career in the field, the right training program can be transformative. The Scaler Machine Learning course could be a valuable resource to help you achieve your goals. Here’s a quick rundown of what the course entails:

  • In-Demand Job Skills: This course covers the essential skills and knowledge that employers actively seek – from core machine learning algorithms to industry-standard tools like Python and data analysis techniques.
  • Career-Oriented Approach: The course appears to be designed with real-world applications in mind. Expect to build projects and gain the kind of experience that aligns with jobs in machine learning.
  • Competitive Edge: Completing this course could give you the edge needed to secure interviews and stand out among other candidates in the job market.
  • The Potential for Success: Machine Learning careers are among the fastest-growing and most lucrative. Entry-level data scientists in India can earn an average salary of around ₹5-10 lakhs per annum, with the potential to increase significantly with experience and specialization.

If you’re serious about pursuing a career in machine learning, this course could be a valuable one-stop shop to equip you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need. A successful data science or machine learning career often requires continuous learning and this course would provide a strong foundation for further exploration.


  • Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that enables systems to learn from data without being explicitly programmed to do so.This could fundamentally change various sectors through prediction powers.
  • In machine learning, supervised learning (both supervised and unsupervised), semi-super supervised learning and reinforcement learning are the primary methods employed. This enables machines to learn, predict and optimize decisions within a variety of contexts.
  • Among the steps within machine learning are data collection and preprocessing as well as model choice and training, evaluation, hyper-parameter tuning and deployment.
  • Machine learning careers that are most exciting include data scientists, machine learning engineers, as well as research scientists. Well versed in statistics, programming and domain expertise, they are positioned to develop and implement efficient machine learning solutions
  • Though machine learning has many benefits like automation, efficiency, and hidden insights, it also comes with downsides such as bias, privacy, and accountability.


What is meant by machine learning?

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence where algorithms learn patterns from data without being explicitly programmed for every possible scenario.

What are the 4 basics of machine learning?

The four basics of machine learning are: data (the fuel for learning), algorithms (mathematical recipes for finding patterns), models (the “brains” that embody the patterns learned from data), and ultimately making predictions or decisions based on those patterns.

What is machine learning mainly used for?

Machine learning has wide applications. It helps analyze complex data, automate tasks, personalize experiences (such as through product recommendations), identify fraud, and drive innovation in industries like healthcare and finance.

What is the difference between ML and AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the broader concept of machines acting intelligently. Machine learning (ML) is a key subset of AI, focusing on algorithms that learn from data to make predictions or decisions.

What are the 7 steps of machine learning?

The seven steps of machine learning involve: data collection, data preprocessing, model selection, model training, model evaluation, hyperparameter tuning, and finally, prediction and deployment.

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By Mayank Gupta AVP Engineering at Scaler
Mayank Gupta is a trailblazing AVP of Engineering at Scaler, with roots in BITS Pilani and seasoned experience from OYO and Samsung. With over nine years in the tech arena, he's a beacon for engineering leadership, adept in guiding both people and products. Mayank's expertise spans developing scalable microservices, machine learning platforms, and spearheading cost-efficiency and stability enhancements. A mentor at heart, he excels in recruitment, mentorship, and navigating the complexities of stakeholder management.
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