What is Abstraction in OOPS?

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Abstraction is a fundamental concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that allows us to model complex systems in a simplified and organized manner. It involves focusing on the essential features of an object or system while hiding irrelevant details. We can create more manageable and reusable code by abstracting unnecessary complexity.

This article will provide an in-depth understanding of abstraction in OOP, exploring its various types, real-life examples, and its relationship with encapsulation. We will also delve into the concept of abstraction levels within a class, address frequently asked questions, and summarize key points.

Introduction to Abstraction in OOP

Abstraction is one of the four major principles of OOP, alongside encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. It enables us to represent real-world objects or systems as classes, defining their properties (attributes) and behaviors (methods) while hiding the internal implementation details.

In OOP, abstraction involves creating abstract classes or interfaces that define a blueprint for other classes to inherit from. These abstract entities cannot be instantiated directly but serve as a foundation for creating concrete classes that implement their methods and properties.

The main goal of abstraction is to provide a simplified and well-defined interface for interacting with objects, shielding the user from unnecessary complexity. It allows programmers to focus on high-level concepts and modularize code, enhancing maintainability, reusability, and overall code quality.

Abstraction in Real Life

Before diving deeper into abstraction in the context of OOP, let's briefly explore its presence in real-life scenarios. Abstraction is a cognitive process that humans naturally employ to understand and interact with the world around them.

For example, consider a car. When driving a car, we interact with its high-level features, such as the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes, without worrying about the intricate details of the engine, transmission, or electrical systems. The complex internal workings of the car are abstracted away, allowing us to focus on using the car for transportation.

Similarly, when using a smartphone, we interact with its user interface, applications, and functionalities, abstracting away the complexities of the hardware, operating system, and network protocols. Abstraction in real life enables us to deal with complex systems efficiently by providing a simplified and intuitive interface.

Different Types of Abstraction

Abstraction in OOP can be categorized into two main types: data abstraction and process abstraction.

Data Abstraction

Data abstraction focuses on hiding the internal representation of data objects and only exposing the necessary information. It allows us to define classes that encapsulate data along with the operations or methods that can be performed on that data.

In data abstraction, we define abstract data types (ADTs) that provide a clear and well-defined interface for manipulating data. The internal implementation details are hidden from the user, ensuring that data objects can only be accessed through the defined methods.

For example, consider a banking system. The concept of a bank account can be represented as an abstract data type. The user can interact with the account through methods like deposit, withdraw, and checkBalance, while the internal details, such as the storage mechanism or transaction processing, remain abstracted.

Data abstraction promotes modularity and information hiding, allowing us to separate the interface (public methods) from the implementation (private details). This separation enhances code maintainability, as changes to the internal implementation do not affect the external usage of the abstract data type.

Process Abstraction

Process abstraction focuses on hiding the implementation details of a process or algorithm and providing a simplified interface for executing it. It allows us to encapsulate a set of operations or steps into a single entity, abstracting away the complexities involved.

In OOP, process abstraction is achieved through the use of abstract classes and interfaces. Abstract classes define the common properties and behaviors shared by a group of related classes, while interfaces specify a contract that concrete classes must adhere to.

For example, imagine a software application that needs to process various types of files, such as text, image, and audio files. By using process abstraction, we can define an abstract class called "FileProcessor" that provides a common interface for processing files. Concrete classes, such as "TextFileProcessor" and "ImageFileProcessor," can then inherit from the abstract class and implement their specific processing logic.

Process abstraction promotes code reusability and flexibility. It allows us to define generic behavior in abstract classes or interfaces, which can be extended or implemented by multiple concrete classes. This way, we can create modular code that can adapt to different scenarios while maintaining a consistent interface.

Coffee Machine Abstraction Example

Let's consider a real-world example of a coffee machine to better understand abstraction in action. The coffee machine can be represented as an abstraction in an OOP context.

A coffee machine has several attributes, such as the type of coffee, water level, and power status. It also has various behaviors, including making coffee, adding water, and turning on/off. To abstract this concept, we can create a class called "CoffeeMachine."

In this example, the "CoffeeMachine" class encapsulates the attributes and behaviors of a coffee machine. The internal implementation details, such as the coffee-making logic, are abstracted away, allowing users to interact with the machine through its public methods.

Creating an instance of the "CoffeeMachine" class can represent a physical coffee machine in our code. We can turn it on, add water, and make coffee by invoking the respective methods. The user does not need to know how the machine works internally; they can simply use the defined interface.

This abstraction allows us to create multiple instances of the "CoffeeMachine" class, each representing a different coffee machine with its own specific attributes. The abstraction ensures that the essential features of a coffee machine are captured while hiding the unnecessary details.

Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces

Abstract classes and interfaces are both mechanisms for achieving abstraction in OOP, but they have some key differences. The following table provides a comparison between abstract classes and interfaces:

Abstract ClassesInterfaces
MethodsCan have both abstract and concrete methodsCan only have abstract methods
VariablesCan have member variablesCannot have member variables
ConstructorsCan have constructorsCannot have constructors
Non-abstract methodsCan have non-abstract methodsCannot have non-abstract methods
InheritanceCan inherit from only one abstract classCan implement multiple interfaces
RelationshipRepresents an is-a relationshipRepresents a can-do relationship
Design PurposeDefines common behavior and characteristicsDefines contracts and ensures consistent behavior
Code ReusabilityUseful for code reuse and providing base implementationEffective for defining contracts and enforcing behavior
Relationship between classesUsually used for related classes in an inheritance hierarchyCan be used by unrelated classes

The choice between abstract classes and interfaces depends on the specific design requirements. Abstract classes are useful when there is a need for code reuse and a common base implementation. They are suitable for situations where a group of related classes share common characteristics and behaviors but also have their specific implementations.

On the other hand, interfaces are effective for defining contracts and enforcing consistent behavior across unrelated classes. They are ideal for scenarios where multiple unrelated classes need to adhere to a specific set of methods, allowing for a can-do relationship.

It's important to consider the design goals and the nature of the relationship between classes when deciding whether to use abstract classes or interfaces in a particular scenario.

Abstraction Levels Within the Same Class

Abstraction can also exist at different levels within the same class. In OOP, classes can have multiple methods, each contributing to a different level of abstraction.

Consider a class called Shape that represents different geometric shapes. This class can have methods like calculateArea and calculatePerimeter, which provide high-level abstractions for computing the area and perimeter of a shape, respectively.

These methods define the behavior or functionality that the Shape class should have, but they do not provide a specific implementation. Instead, concrete subclasses such as Rectangle or Circle inherit from the Shape class and provide their own implementations for these methods.

By having the Shape class as a higher level of abstraction, we establish a common interface or contract that all shapes should adhere to. This higher level of abstraction allows us to work with shapes in a generalized manner without worrying about the specific details of individual shapes.

On the other hand, concrete subclasses like Rectangle or Circle represent lower levels of abstraction. They specialize the behavior inherited from the Shape class by providing the specific implementation details required for their respective shapes. For example, a Rectangle subclass would define how to calculate the area and perimeter specifically for rectangles.

This hierarchical structure within the same class allows us to define a common interface at the higher level and customize it at the lower level based on the specific requirements of each shape. It promotes code reusability, as the shared behavior can be implemented in the higher-level class, and it provides flexibility by allowing subclasses to specialize the behavior for their particular shapes.

Abstraction vs Encapsulation

Abstraction and encapsulation are closely related concepts in OOP, often used together, but they have distinct meanings. The following table provides a comparison between abstraction and encapsulation:

FocusHiding unnecessary details and providing simplificationBundling data and methods together within a class
Main ConceptCreating abstract classes, interfaces, or methodsHiding object's internal state and implementation details
Level of OperationHigher-level conceptLower-level concept
PurposeDefining a high-level blueprintBuilding self-contained units
Data ExposureAbstracts away specific implementation detailsHides internal state and implementation details
InteractionDefines interfaces for interactionExposes necessary interfaces for interaction
BenefitsPromotes code reusability and simplicityEnhances modularity and data protection
RelationshipOften used together with encapsulationPart of encapsulation's overall goals

Both abstraction and encapsulation contribute to the overall goal of building modular, reusable, and maintainable code in OOP. While abstraction focuses on providing a simplified representation and defining high-level blueprints, encapsulation emphasizes bundling data and methods together within a class, hiding implementation details, and exposing only necessary interfaces for interaction.

For a more detailed comparison between abstraction and encapsulation, you can refer to the article Difference Between Encapsulation and Abstraction.

Abstraction and Polymorphism

Abstraction and polymorphism are closely related concepts in OOP. Abstraction enables polymorphism by providing a common interface that multiple classes can implement. Polymorphism allows objects of different concrete classes to be treated as instances of a shared abstract class or interface. This promotes code flexibility and extensibility.

For example, consider the abstract class that we discussed named Shape with an abstract method calculateArea(). Multiple concrete classes such as Rectangle and Circle can inherit from Shape and implement their own calculateArea() methods. This abstraction allows us to write code that operates on objects of the abstract Shape class without knowing the specific shape at runtime. We can call calculateArea() on any shape object, and the appropriate implementation will be invoked based on the actual type of the object.

In the above code example, the Shape class defines the abstract method calculateArea(), which is intended to be implemented by its subclasses. The Rectangle and Circle classes inherit from Shape and provide their own implementations of the calculateArea() method.

By utilizing abstraction and polymorphism, we can write code that treats objects of different concrete classes (Rectangle and Circle) as instances of the shared abstract class (Shape). For instance:

In the printArea() function, we pass objects of Rectangle and Circle to the shape parameter, which is of type Shape. The calculateArea() method is called on each object, and the appropriate implementation is invoked based on the actual type of the object.

This demonstrates how abstraction and polymorphism work together to provide code flexibility and extensibility, allowing us to write generic code that can operate on objects of different concrete classes through a shared abstract interface.


Q: Can we directly instantiate an abstract class or an interface?

A: No, abstract classes and interfaces cannot be instantiated directly. They serve as blueprints for creating concrete classes that implement their methods and properties.

Q: What is the benefit of using abstraction in OOP?

A: Abstraction helps in simplifying complex systems by hiding unnecessary details and providing a well-defined interface for interacting with objects. It promotes code reusability, maintainability and enhances overall code quality.

Q: How does abstraction enhance code reusability?

A: Abstraction allows us to define generic behavior in abstract classes or interfaces, which can be extended or implemented by multiple concrete classes. This promotes code reusability as common functionality can be shared among different classes.

Q: Can we achieve abstraction without using abstract classes or interfaces?

A: Abstract classes and interfaces are the primary mechanisms for achieving abstraction in OOP. While it is possible to use other design patterns or techniques to achieve a certain level of abstraction, abstract classes, and interfaces provide a standardized and widely-accepted approach.


  • In conclusion, abstraction is a fundamental concept in OOP that allows us to model complex systems by focusing on essential features and hiding unnecessary details.
  • It plays a vital role in code organization, reusability, and maintainability. By creating abstract classes, interfaces, and methods, we can provide a simplified and well-defined interface for interacting with objects.
  • Abstraction in OOP can be categorized into two main types: data abstraction and process abstraction.
  • Abstract classes and interfaces are both mechanisms for achieving abstraction in OOP, but they have some key differences.
  • Abstraction can also exist at different levels within the same class. In OOP, classes can have multiple methods, each contributing to a different level of abstraction.
  • Encapsulation refers to bundling data and methods together within a class.
  • To gain a deeper understanding of the difference between abstraction and encapsulation, you can refer to the article Difference Between Encapsulation and Abstraction.