Applications of DBMS

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DBMS Course - Master the Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
DBMS Course - Master the Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
by Srikanth Varma
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DBMS Course - Master the Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
DBMS Course - Master the Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
by Srikanth Varma
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Database Management Systems (DBMS) is used mostly everywhere there is a mention of data. The data to store is increasing day by day, and a Database Management System is required to store them in a way that makes them easy to retrieve, modify or delete.
There are many applications of DBMS and is needed wherever data is needed to be stored and managed.

What is DBMS?

A DBMS, short for Database Management System is a computerized system to store data efficiently. It allows its users to easily retrieve and manipulate data without any hassle.
To learn more about DBMS, click here.

Why Do We Need DBMS?

A Database Management System is a system software used for efficient and hassle-free data management.

We need DBMS for the following reasons:

  • Ease of access: Data is easily accessible.
  • Hassle-free file management: The objects are indexed based on the attribute of the data resulting in faster retrieval of data.
  • Storage and management of databases: IN DBMS, data can be stored in the form of objects.
  • Avoiding redundancy: Data normalization in DBMS avoids duplicate data.

Applications Of DBMS

There are many applications of DBMS (Database Management System). A DBMS is required wherever data is needed to be stored and managed efficiently.


1. Railway And Airline Reservation System

The database keeps a record of ticket booking, arrival time, departure time, delays, and even seat numbers of airplanes or trains.

2. Library Management System

There can be tens of thousands of books in a library, so it becomes very important to keep a record of the details of each book. Handwritten records can prove to be a real hassle when managing literally thousands of books. DBMS comes into play here, all the details of each book - name, author, number of pages, availability, quantity, etc., can be managed using a Database Management System.

3. Banking

An uncountable number of bank transactions and deposits are made, thousands of new bank accounts are created daily, and many such things. This is all possible because of a Database Management System that makes keeping track of the record much easier.

4. Education Sector (Schools and Colleges)

The details of each student, teacher, and even janitor are stored in a database to manage the information easily.

5. Social Media Sites (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)

Social media websites like Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc., are able to keep track of each and every detail of their users (name, phone number, photos, email address, password, etc.) with the help of Database Management Systems.

6. Online Shopping (E-commerce Platforms Like Amazon)

With time, more and more people have started shopping online, no one wants to go to a shop and waste their time when they can do the same thing while at home and save time. With the increase in online shopping customers, there's a need to store their details efficiently.
That is why, all the details of the customers, products as well as order and tracking details are stored and managed using a Database Management System.

7. Human Resource Management

Big companies have many employees, and their details and whereabouts are managed by the Human Resource Management Department using DBMS.

8. Manufacturing

The products manufactured by companies have their details (quantity, amount, discount, weight, etc.) stored using a Database Management System.

9. Telecommunication Sector

A Database Management System is a must for every telecommunication company to store the details of their customers, calls, bills, different plans, different services, etc.

10. Ride-sharing Concept

Ride-sharing, also known as carpooling uses DBMS to store the details of their customers, drivers, and cars. The reviews of different drivers and the maps used by GPS are also stored in databases using DBMS.

11. Healthcare System

A real-time Database Management System is used to store and manage the details of the patients, doctors, appointments, etc.

12. Scientific Database

Research areas like AI, cancer treatment, molecular biology, and DNA sequencing are some good examples of scientific research. All the research done to date has to be stored in such a way that the database is secured and accessible to every researcher, this is only possible because of a Database Management System.

13. Military Purpose

There's a lot of data to store in militaries ranging from their confidential files to public details of the soldiers, all this data is stored using a DBMS.

14. Agricultural field

We can use DBMS to store the details of different crops, livestock, fertilizers, pesticides, and machinery used in agriculture.

15. Finance Sector

Different types of data like share prices, sales, burnt coins, etc. are stored with the help of a DBMS.


  • A DBMS is used to store data efficiently for an organization or an individual.
  • The use of DBMS makes retrieval and management of data hassle-free.
  • DBMS is needed in nearly every sector, be it banking, ticket reservation, hotel booking, or even online shopping.
  • In this modern world where everything is digital, and the data required to be stored is increasing day by day, there are a lot of applications of DBMS.

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