What is Bipartite Graph?

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DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
by Jitender Punia
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DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
by Jitender Punia
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A bipartite graph (also referred to as a bigraph), is a graph whose vertices can be segregated into two disjoint sets such that no two vertices in the same set have an edge between them. They are equivalent to two-colorable graphs (a graph that can be colored with two colors such that no two adjacent vertices are of the same color).


Bipartite graphs have many applications. They are often used to represent binary relations between two types of objects.

What is a Bipartite Graph?

A bipartite graph has vertices which can be divided into two independent sets (say PP and QQ) such that every edge uvu\rightarrow v connects a vertex from the set PP to a vertex in set QQ or vice-versa. In other words, set PP and QQ are disjoint sets i.e.i.e. PU=ϕP\cap U=\phi. Due to this property, there must not exist any edge uvu\rightarrow v such that uu and vv belong to the same set.

bi-partite graph

If a graph is bipartite then it is possible to color all of its vertices using two colors, such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color.

For example:

color example in bi-partite graph

Characteristics of Bipartite Graph

The characteristics of a bipartite graph are as follows:

  • Vertices in a bipartite graph can be divided into two disjoint sets.
  • No edges exist between vertices within each set.
  • Every edge in a bipartite graph connects vertices from different sets.
  • Bipartite graphs cannot contain odd-length cycles.
  • The maximum degree of a vertex is equal to the size of the smaller set.
  • Bipartite graphs can be colored using two colors.

Bipartite Graph Example

example of complete Bipartite Graph It can be seen that the set of all the vertices on the left-hand side has no edge between them and the set of all the vertices on the right-hand side has no edge between them. Hence, this graph fulfills all the conditions of the Bipartite graph.

Bipartite Graph example with two colors

It can be seen that all the vertices of the graph are colored using two colors i.e.i.e. red and green such that no two adjacent vertices are of the same color. Hence this qualifies for the bipartite graph.

Bipartite Graph example with two colors-1

Similarly, this graph can also be colored using two colors, hence this is also a bipartite graph.

Algorithm to Check if a Graph is Bipartite or Not?

It is possible to check whether a graph is bipartite or not either by using the DFS or the BFS. Here, we will see the BFS approach. Let's say we have a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E), where VV is the number of vertices, and EE is the number of edges. The idea is to make an array (say color) of character type, which will be used to store the color assigned to ithi^{th} vertex, and then start traversing the graph starting from any of the vertex in the range [0,V1][0, V-1].

The algorithm is as follows -

  • Define the character array color, and initialize all its values by U. Here U denotes that the vertices are uncolored.

  • Now define a Queue (say q) which is used to perform a breadth first search traversal.

  • Push vertex 0 in the q, and assign a color to it (say R). Here, R denotes red color.

  • Now, iterate while the q is not empty and do the following -

    • Deque the vertex from q and store the value in an integer (say u).
    • Iterate for all the adjacent vertices (say v) of u and to the following -
      • If v has already been colored with color[u], it means the graph can't be colored with two colors and hence it is not bipartite.
      • Otherwise assign the complementary color of the color[u] to v i.e.i.e. If u is colored with Red, assign the green color to v or vice-versa.
  • If we have not encountered any two vertices colored with the same color it means the graph is bipartite.

Dry Run

Let's dry run this approach on the given graph -

Dry Run approach for bipartite graph

  • As the first step, we will create an array (say color) of size VV which is 4, and assign U to all of them to denote that all of them are uncolored. Note that we will be following 1-based indexing for this whole dry run. So, we have color[] = {U, U, U, U}
  • Now we will define q and push the first vertex (here 1) in the q and color it with Red color. Therefore after this step, we will have
    • color[] = {R, U, U, U}
    • q = [1]
  • Now as per the algorithm we will iterate till q is not empty and do the following -
    • Iteration 1 -
      • Dequeue vertex from q and store in u i.e.i.e. u=1
      • Iterate for all the uncolored adjacents of u, push them in the queue and color them with green color (since u is colored red). After this iteration, we will have
      • color[] = {R, G, U, G}
      • q = [2, 4]
    • Iteration 2 -
      • Dequeue vertex from q and store in u i.e.i.e. u=2
      • Iterate for all the uncolored adjacents of u, push them in the queue and color them with red color (since u is colored green). After this iteration, we will have
      • color[] = {R, G, R, G}
      • q = [4]
    • Iteration 3 -
      • Dequeue vertex from q and store in u i.e.i.e. u=3

      • Iterate for all the uncolored adjacents of u, push them in the queue and color them with red color (since u is colored green). But as it can be noticed, now there are no uncolored adjacent vertices of 3. After this iteration, we will have

      • color[] = {R, G, R, G}

      • q = []

    • The Queue is empty now, and we have not seen any violation of the bipartite graph property therefore we can conclude that the graph is a bipartite graph.

Java Implementation

Output -

C++ Implementation

Output -

Python Implementation

Output -

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity - Since we are performing a BFS traversal, we visit each vertex once. Hence, the time complexity is O(V+E) if the graph is represented using an adjacency list, and O(V*V) if the graph is represented using an adjacency matrix.
  • Space Complexity - No matter how the graph is represented, the space complexity is the same as that of the BFS algorithm i.e. O(V), which is due to the auxiliary array of size V.

Applications of Bipartite Graph

Bipartite graphs find diverse applications across various domains, including:

  1. Matching Problems: Bipartite graphs offer an effective modeling tool for addressing matching problems, such as pairing job seekers with job vacancies or assigning students to project supervisors.

  2. Social Networks: Bipartite graphs can represent user interactions, with one set of nodes denoting users and the other set representing interests, groups, or communities.

  3. Web Search Engine: The query and click-through data of a web search engine can be aptly characterized using a bipartite graph, where one set of vertices represents queries and the other set corresponds to web pages.

Practice Problems

Problem 1 -

Question - Let's say you have nn vertices and you want to construct a bipartite graph from them, what is the maximum number of edges you can have in the graph.

Answer - n24\lfloor{\frac{n^2}{4}}\rfloor

Explanation -

The optimal way to achieve the most number of edges is to keep n2\frac{n}{2} edges in the left set (say PP) and remaining in the right set (say QQ).

For example -

1. n=5n=5 P=52=2|P| = \frac{5}{2}=2 Q=5P=3|Q| = 5 - |P| = 3 Now for each vertex in PP we can have Q|Q| edges. Therefore edges are 23=62*3 = 6 which is equal to 524\lfloor{\frac{5^2}{4}}\rfloor.

2. n=6n=6 P=62=3|P| = \frac{6}{2}=3 Q=6P=3|Q| = 6 - |P| = 3 Now for each vertex in PP we can have Q|Q| edges. Therefore edges are 33=93*3 = 9 which is equal to 624\lfloor{\frac{6^2}{4}}\rfloor.

Problem 2 -

Question - Check if the graph given in the image below is bipartite or not and if it is partite find the vertices present in two different sets.

bipartite graph problem 2

Answer - YES it is bipartite, Vertices in set P=v1,v3,v6,v8P = {v_1, v_3, v_6, v_8} and in the set Q=v2,v4,v5,v7Q = {v_2, v_4, v_5, v_7}

Explanation - The graph can be colored in the following manner, and as you can see the vertices which are green in color are in set PP, while those colored red are in set QQ.

bipartite graph problem 2 solution


  • Bipartite graphs can be colored using two colors, such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color.
  • If the graph contains a cycle of odd length it means the graph is not a bipartite graph.
  • Either DFS or BFS can be used to simulate the process of coloring to check whether the graph is bipartite or not.