C Standard Library Functions

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This article provides an overview of the Standard Library functions in C. The article also lists the different header files and the types of functions they contain.

In a nutshell, the C Standard Library is a collection of pre-defined functions that can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as I/O, string manipulation, mathematical operations, and memory management. Using library functions has several advantages, including reduced workload, improved efficiency, and increased readability.

C Standard Library Functions

The C Standard Library is a collection of functions and macros that are provided with every C compiler. It provides a wide range of functionality, including:

  • Input/output (I/O) functions for reading and writing data from files and the console.
  • String manipulation functions for creating, modifying, and comparing strings.
  • Mathematical functions for performing common mathematical operations, such as arithmetic, trigonometry, and statistics.
  • Memory management functions for allocating and freeing memory.
  • Other functions for performing a variety of tasks, such as sorting, searching, and printing.

To use a function from the C Standard Library, you must first include the appropriate header file. For example, to use the printf() function, you must include the stdio.h header file.

Advantages of Using C library functions

  • We need our program to perform some operations. To perform that operation, we need to create various datatypes, macros and functions. The advantage of using inbuilt library functions in C are that we already have many of the functions we need pre-defined. This reduces the work of the programmer.
  • It also makes code more efficient as the implementation of the pre-defined function may be more efficient than many of us can write.
  • It makes the code more readable by separating the definition of functions from the actual code.

Example: Square root using sqrt() function

The sqrt() function is a C library function that calculates the square root of a number. It is defined in the math.h header file.

Here is an example of how to use the sqrt() function:

Library Functions in Different Header Files

C Header FilesDescription
<stdio.h>Standard Input/Output functions
<stdlib.h>Standard Utility functions
<string.h>String handling functions
<stdarg.h>Variable arguments handling functions
<setjmp.h>Jump functions
<locale.h>Localization functions
<assert.h>Program assertion functions
<ctype.h>Character type functions
<locale.h>Localization functions
<signal.h>Signal handling functions
<time.h>Date time functions


  1. The Library functions in C is a collection of pre-defined functions that can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as I/O, string manipulation, mathematical operations, and memory management.
  2. Using library functions has several advantages, including reduced workload, improved efficiency, and increased readability.
  3. In conclusion, the Standard Library functions in C is a valuable resource for C programmers.
  4. It provides a wide range of functionality that can be used to write efficient and readable code.