SQL Comments

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DBMS Course - Master the Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
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Comments in SQL play a crucial role in clarifying code sections and preventing certain statements from execution. They come in three formats:

  1. Single-line comments: Brief explanations written on a single line using "--".
  2. Multi-line comments: Detailed comments spanning multiple lines enclosed within "/* */".
  3. In-line comments: Comments placed within SQL statements to clarify specific parts of the code.

Single Line Comments


The SQL allows you to make single-line comments by using the two dashes (--). The SQL server ignores the text that appears after the two dashes on a single line.

The query shown below illustrates how to create comments in SQL on a single line.



  1. Description of Query Purpose:
  2. Temporary Disabling a Query:
  3. Debugging or Clarification:

Multi-Line Comments


The single-line comments in sql work only if the comment is of a single line. If you want to add a large comment that spans across multiple lines then you have to put a double dash on every single line. But there is another way and more efficient way to add multi-line comments in SQL.

You can add the multi-line comments in SQL that starts with the /* and ends with the */. The content or the description written inside these is ignored by the SQL server. The below-given query explains how you can add multi-line comments in SQL.



  1. Description of Query Block:
  2. Temporary Disabling a Block of Code:
  3. Explanation of Complex Logic:

In-line Comments


The third type of comment is Inline comments in sql and which is an extension of the multi-line comment. Inline comments in SQL can be added between the SQL statements and are enclosed within /* and */. The below-given query explains how you can add inline comments in SQL.



  1. Inline comment within a table name in a SELECT statement:
  2. Inline comment within a table name in a JOIN operation:
  3. Inline comment within a table name in a WHERE clause:


  1. Clarity and Documentation: Comments in SQL provide descriptive explanations, making SQL code easier to understand for developers and future maintainers.
  2. Prevention of Execution: By commenting out certain statements, developers can temporarily disable code segments without deleting them, aiding in debugging and testing processes.
  3. Code Structure and Organization: Multi-line comments in SQL allow for the grouping of related SQL statements, enhancing code structure and organization.
  4. Facilitation of Collaboration: Well-commented SQL code promotes collaboration among team members by conveying the purpose and logic behind queries and database operations.
  5. Enhanced Debugging: Comments in SQL serve as valuable aids during the debugging process, providing insights into the intended functionality of specific code sections.
  6. Efficient Query Development: In-line comments in SQL SQL statements offer real-time explanations of table joins, filtering criteria, and other query components, streamlining query development and optimization efforts.

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