Difference between Java and Core Java

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"Java, an influential programming language succeeding C++ and C, is deeply rooted in the principles of object-oriented programming. Developed by Sun Microsystems, it distinguishes itself from Core Java, which specifically denotes the Java Standard Edition (J2SE). Core Java serves as the bedrock for all other Java editions, playing a pivotal role across diverse systems, including its extensive application in Android development. Noteworthy for its security and rapid scripting execution, Java operates seamlessly on multiple platforms without necessitating compilation. Functioning as a versatile, class-dependent language, Java undergoes compilation by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to accommodate various classes.

In essence, Core Java is the foundational, standard version of the language, integral for creating different Java editions. In layman's terms, Core Java is a vital segment primarily utilized in developing server-based and desktop applications. This exploration will further elucidate the key distinctions between Java and Core Java in a tabular format, providing valuable insights for readers seeking a comprehensive understanding."

What is Java ?

  • Java is a popular object-oriented programming language and software platform that supports billions of devices such as notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical equipment , etc. Java's principles and syntax are based on the C and C++ programming languages.
  • One significant benefit of developing software with Java is its portability. Once you've written code for a Java program on a notebook computer, you may easily transfer it to a mobile device. The ultimate goal was to be able to write once, run anywhere.
  • New and improved software development tools are rapidly entering the market, displacing incumbent previously deemed vital solutions. In light of this constant turnover, Java's longevity is remarkable; more than two decades after its inception, Java is still the most popular language for application software development—developers prefer it over languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, Swift, C++, and others. As a result, Java continues to be a necessary skill for competing in the employment market.

Features of Java

features of java

SimpleJava is intended to be simple to learn. It is simple to master if you grasp the fundamental concepts of OOP Java.
Object-orientedJava is an object-oriented programming language. Everything in Java is an object. Object-oriented means that we organize our software as a collection of various types of objects that have both data and behavior.
Platform independentCompared to many other programming languages (C and C++), Java is compiled into platform-independent byte code rather than platform-specific machine code. This byte code is distributed over the internet and processed by the Virtual Machine (JVM) on the platform on which it is run.
SecuredJava's secure feature enables the development of virus-free, tamper-proof systems. Authentication methods rely on public-key encryption.
RobustJava seeks to minimize error-prone situations by mainly focusing on compile-time error checking and runtime error checking.
Architecture-neutralJava architecture is neutral because there are no implementation-dependent features, such as the fixed size of primitive types. In C programming, the int data type takes up 2 bytes of memory for 32-bit architecture and 4 bytes for 64-bit architecture. However, it takes up 4 bytes of RAM in Java for both 32 and 64-bit architectures.
PortableJava is portable because it allows you to move Java bytecode from one platform to another. It does not necessitate any implementation.
High PerformanceJava bytecode is close to native code; that's why it is faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages.
DistributedJava is distributed because it allows users to develop distributed Java applications. For developing distributed applications, RMI and EJB are employed. This Java capability allows us to access files by calling methods from any system on the internet.
Multi-ThreadedA thread is a separate program that runs concurrently. By defining many threads, we can construct Java applications that handle multiple tasks at once. The main advantage of multi-threading is that each thread does not take up memory. It has a shared memory space. Threads are essential for multi-media, Web applications, etc.
DynamicJava is a dynamic programming language. It allows for the dynamic loading of classes. It signifies that classes are loaded as needed. It also supports functions written in its native languages, C and C++. Java allows for dynamic compilation as well as automatic memory management (garbage collection).

What is Core Java ?

  • Core Java is the most fundamental version of Java, laying the groundwork for all future versions of Java as well as a collection of related technologies such as CORBA, Java VM, and so on. Java is a programming language, while Core Java is a computer platform.
  • Core Java refers to a set of libraries rather than the programming language itself. It is the purest variant of Java, and it is typically used for the development of ordinary desktop applications. It refers to the subset of Java SE technology that includes both general-purpose and specific-purpose APIs. It combines essential Java capabilities with an in-depth understanding of the Java language.
  • Core Java is a subset of Java that stands for J2SE and contains all of the fundamentals of Java, including certain principles and package information. It is a self-contained Java application covering everything from OOP principles to special operators, data types to wrapper classes, Linked list to Array list, and queue to exception handling.
  • The Java programming language is used to power three computing platforms, including the Java SE. It is still the most widely used platform based on the OOP concept, and it is frequently used to develop portable desktop programs. In addition to the general-purpose APIs, it also offers development tools, a virtual machine, and other class libraries.

Difference Between Java And Core Java

ParametersJavaCore Java
MeaningJava is a class-based programming language that employs object-oriented ideas.It is the most fundamental and standard version of the Java language that serves as the foundation for all other iterations/editions of Java.
Constituent EditionsIt is made up of J2SE (Java Standard Edition), J2EE (Java Enterprise Edition), and J2ME (Java Micro Edition).It only contains J2SE (Java Standard Edition).
UsesIt is utilized to create applets and applications like mobile phones, tablets, Blu-ray players, televisions, and web browsers. Developers can create Java-based apps for any of these platforms.It is exclusively used to create desktop and server-based applications like J2EE, WebLogic, Glassfish, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, and Apache.
CorrelationJava is a superset of Core Java.This is a Java subset.
Usage in Embedded SystemsIt can be utilized on embedded systems for mapping purposes.It cannot be used to create apps for embedded systems or mobile devices.
Communities InvolvedIt is constantly updated by industry experts, Java developers, and other open-source organizations.It is not driven by any community.
Network UsageIt has the potential to cut network usage, making it more cost-effective.It is unable to reduce network usage because of a poorly designed RESTful API that transfers too many calls to other services.


  • When we compare Java with Core Java, we observe no change because Core Java is a component of Java. The distinction is that core java includes in-depth java documentation and an amalgamation of a few additional programs.
  • Java is also used to create servlets, which are utilized in web development. In java and other editions, one class of java can be extended to another class, which is referred to as the inheritance of Java. Java meets all of the requirements for safe, secure, and resilient use.