Signals in Django

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We can link events and actions thanks to the signals. Django Signals is a technique that enables detached applications to get notifications when specific events take place. Let's imagine you want to invalidate a cached page each time a specific model instance is updated, but this model can be modified in several different places throughout your code base.

Using signals, you can hook various pieces of code to run each time the save method for this particular model is called.

We will talk about Django Signals in this article and how we can use them in our Django project.


In Django, signals allow certain actions to be taken when certain events occur in the application. For example, you might want to send a notification email to the user when their account is activated, or you might want to update a cache when an object is saved to the database.

Signals are a way to allow certain parts of your code to be notified when certain events occur elsewhere in the application. They are used to allow decoupled applications to get notified when certain actions occur elsewhere in the application.

How we can Use Signals?

To use signals in Django, you will need to do the following:

  • Define a signal function that specifies the action to be taken when the signal is received.
  • Connect the signal to the event you want to trigger it using the @receiver decorator.
  • Import the signal function into your app's file.

Some Examples of Actions that Django Signals can Perform

  • Sending an email when a new user registers:
    A signal can be set up to be sent whenever a new user is created in the application. A receiver function can then be registered to handle the signal, and this function could send a welcome email to the new user.
  • Updating a cache when an object is saved:
    A signal could be set up to be sent whenever an object is saved to the database. A receiver function could then be registered to handle the signal and update a cache with the latest version of the object. This could be used to improve the performance of the application by avoiding the need to constantly hit the database for frequently-accessed data.
  • Creating a new object or modifying an existing object when a certain action is taken:
    For example, a signal could be set up to be sent whenever an order is placed in an e-commerce application. A receiver function could then be registered to handle the signal and create a new "Order" object in the database, or update an existing "Order" object if one already exists for the given user.

The scope of Django signals is limited to the Django application in which they are used. They are useful for allowing certain parts of the application to respond to events that occur in other parts of the application, without those parts having to know about each other directly. This helps to promote loose coupling and separation of concerns within the application.

Listening to Signals

Listening to signals in Django refers to the process of setting up a function to be called in response to a specific signal being sent. In Django, signals allow certain actions to be taken when certain events occur in the application.

For example, you might want to send a notification email to the user when their account is activated, or you might want to update a cache when an object is saved to the database.

To listen to a signal, you will need to define a function and use the @receiver decorator to register the function as a receiver for the signal. The function will be called every time the signal is sent, and it can take arguments that contain information about the event that triggered the signal.

Receiver Functions

In Django, a receiver function is a function that is registered to receive a signal. When the signal is sent, the receiver function is called with any arguments that were provided with the signal.

Receiver functions are used to allow certain parts of your code to be notified when certain events occur elsewhere in the application. They are used to allow decoupled applications to get notified when certain actions occur elsewhere in the application.

Receiver functions are defined using the @receiver decorator, which is provided by the django.dispatch module. The decorator takes the signal that the function should receive as its argument.

Here is an example of a receiver function in Django:

In this example, the my_handler function is registered as a receiver for the post_save signal. It will be called every time an instance of MyModel is saved, the sender argument will be the model class, and the kwargs dictionary will contain information about the instance that was saved.

Connecting Receiver Functions

To connect a receiver function to a signal in Django, you will need to use the @receiver decorator provided by the django.dispatch module. The @receiver decorator takes the signal that the function should receive as its argument.

Here is an example of how you might connect a receiver function to a signal in Django:

In this example, the my_handler function is registered as a receiver for the post_save signal. It will be called every time an instance of MyModel is saved, the sender argument will be the model class, and the kwargs dictionary will contain information about the instance that was saved.

You can register multiple receiver functions for the same signal by decorating each function with the @receiver decorator. When the signal is sent, all of the registered receiver functions will be called in the order that they were registered.

Connecting to Signals Sent by Specific Senders

In Django, you can connect a signal to a specific sender by using the providing_args argument to specify which signal you want to connect to

For example:

This will only execute the my_handler function when the post_save signal is sent by an instance of MyModel and includes the instance argument.

Preventing Duplicate Signals

There are a few different ways that you can prevent duplicate signals from being sent in a Django application:

  • Use the providing_args attribute:
    When you define a signal, you can use the providing_args attribute to specify the arguments that the signal will pass to its receivers. By carefully selecting the arguments that you include in the providing_args attribute, you can ensure that receivers are only called when the signal is sent with a unique set of arguments.

    • Suppose you have a signal called order_placed that is sent whenever a new order is placed in an e-commerce application. You might define the signal as follows:
      By including the order_id argument in the providing_args attribute, you can ensure that receivers are only called when the signal is sent with a unique order_id. This can help to prevent duplicate signals from being sent if the same order is placed multiple times.
  • Use unique constraints in your models:
    If you are using Django signals to create or update objects in the database, you can use unique constraints to ensure that duplicate objects are not created. For example, you might add a unique constraint on the email field of a User model to prevent multiple users from being created with the same email address.

    • Suppose you have a User model with an email field and you want to prevent multiple users from being created with the same email address. You could use a unique constraint on the email field as follows:
      If a signal is set up to create a new User object whenever a new user registers, the unique constraint will prevent a second User object from being created with the same email address, even if the signal is sent multiple times.
  • Use the dispatch_uid attribute:
    When you connect a receiver function to a signal using the @receiver decorator, you can use the dispatch_uid attribute to specify a unique identifier for the receiver. This can be used to prevent the same receiver from being registered multiple times for the same signal.

    • Suppose you have a signal called user_registeredsent whenever a new user registers in an application. You might have a receiver function that sends a welcome email to the new user, and you want to prevent this function from being registered multiple times for the same signal. You could use the dispatch_uid attribute as follows:
      By specifying a unique dispatch_uid, you can ensure that the send_welcome_email function is only registered once for the user_registered signal, even if it is decorated multiple times.

By using these strategies, you can help to prevent duplicate signals from being sent in your Django application.

Defining and Sending Signals

Defining Signals

In Django, a signal is a way to allow certain actions to be taken when certain events occur in the application. For example, you might want to send an email whenever a new user registers for your site, or update a timestamp every time a user logs in.

To define a signal in Django, you'll need to do the following:

  • Import the signals module from django.dispatch:
  • Define the signal you want to use. This is done using the @receiver decorator, which takes the signal you want to use as an argument. For example:
  • Write the code that you want to run when the signal is triggered. This is done in the function that you decorated with @receiver. In the example above, the function is my_signal_handler.
  • Connect your signal to the event that should trigger it. This is usually done in the ready function of your Django app's module. For example:

Sending Signals

To send a signal in Django, you'll need to import the signal and call the send method, passing in the sender and any arguments that the signal handler function expects.

Here's an example of sending a post_save signal after saving an object:

You can also specify a specific signal handler function to run when sending a signal.

For example:

Keep in mind that when you send a signal, all connected signal handlers will be run, not just the one you specify.

Ways to Test Django Signals

There are a few different ways that you can test Django signals in an application:

  • Use Django's built-in testing framework:
    Django provides a testing framework that allows you to write test cases for your application. You can use this framework to create test cases that exercise your signal handling code and verify that it is working correctly.
  • Use the send_now function:
    Django's send_now function allows you to manually send a signal and execute the receivers synchronously, rather than waiting for the signal to be sent asynchronously. This can be useful for testing purposes, as it allows you to more easily verify that your signal receivers are being called and that they are performing the expected actions.
  • Use a mock object to verify that the signal was sent:
    You can use a mock object to verify that a signal was sent by setting up the mock object as a receiver for the signal and then checking that the mock object was called when the signal was sent.
  • Use a third-party library such as Pytest:
    Pytest is a popular testing library that can be used to write test cases for Django applications. Pytest has several features that make it well-suited for testing Django signals, such as the ability to use decorators to mark test functions as signal receivers and the ability to use mock objects to verify that signals were sent.

By using one or more of these approaches, you can create effective test cases for your Django signals and ensure that they are working correctly in your application.

Disconnecting Signals

In Django, disconnecting a signal means breaking the connection between a signal and a signal handler. When a signal is disconnected, the signal handler will no longer be called when the signal is sent. Disconnecting a signal is useful if you want to temporarily disable a signal handler, or if you want to change the behavior of your application without modifying the signal handler itself.

To disconnect a signal in Django, you'll need to use the disconnect method of the signal. This method takes a signal handler function as its argument and removes the connection between that signal and the handler.

Here are the steps to disconnect a signal in Django:

  • Import the Signal class from the django.dispatch module:

  • Define the signal handler function that you want to disconnect from the signal. This function will be passed as an argument to the disconnect method:

  • Get a reference to the signal object that you want to disconnect. You can do this by creating a new Signal object, or by using an existing signal that's been defined in your Django app.

  • Call the disconnect method on the signal object, passing in the signal handler function as an argument: py! signal.disconnect(my_signal_handler) Here's an example of how to disconnect a signal:

Connect the Signal

signal = Signal(providing_args=["arg1", "arg2"]) signal.connect(my_signal_handler)

Disconnect the Signal


Note: you'll need to have a reference to the signal object to disconnect it. In the example above, the signal is created using the Signal constructor.

Strategies for Handling Signal Failures or Errors

There are a few strategies that you can use to handle failures or errors when working with Django signals:

  • Use a try-except block to catch any exceptions that are raised during signal processing:
    This will allow you to gracefully handle any errors that occur and take appropriate action, such as logging the error or displaying a message to the user.
  • Use a signal processor to handle errors:
    Django allows you to define custom signal processors that can be used to handle errors that occur during signal processing. This can be useful if you want to implement a more complex error-handling strategy that involves retrying signal processing or taking different actions depending on the type of error that occurred.
  • Use a robust messaging system:
    If you are using signals to send messages or perform other types of asynchronous tasks, you may want to consider using a messaging system that is designed to handle failures and ensure that messages are delivered reliably. Examples of such systems include RabbitMQ or Celery.
  • Test your signal handling code:
    It's important to thoroughly test your signal handling code to ensure that it is robust and can handle failures and errors gracefully. You can use Django's built-in testing framework or a third-party library such as Pytest to create automated tests that exercise your signal handling code and verify that it is working correctly.


Here we'll see what we learned in the above tutorial:

  • Django signals allow you to specify certain actions to be taken when certain events occur in your application.
  • Signals are defined using the @receiver decorator and are connected to events using the sender argument.
  • A signal handler function is defined to specify the action(s) to be taken when the signal is triggered.
  • Signals are registered with Django by importing and registering the signals module in the ready method of the app's AppConfig.
  • It's important to handle errors and failures gracefully when working with Django signals. You can use a try-except block to catch exceptions raised during signal processing or use a custom signal processor or messaging system to handle failures more robustly.
  • To ensure that your signal handling code is working correctly, it's important to write test cases that exercise the code and verify that it is behaving as expected.
  • You can use Django's built-in testing framework, the send_now function, mock objects, or a third-party library such as Pytest to test your signal handling code.
  • Signals can be tested by triggering the events that should cause them to be emitted.