Searching, Sorting and Pagination in Django

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This article on Searching, Sorting, and Pagination in Django Rest Framework (DRF) would likely discuss how to implement these features in a RESTful API built using the Django web framework and the DRF library. The article might cover topics such as how to enable searching by specific fields, how to sort results by different criteria, and how to paginate long lists of results to make them more manageable for clients. It could also discuss how to customize the pagination settings.


Searching is a fundamental feature in most web applications, and Django provides several ways to perform searches in your application. The most common way to perform searches is by using the built-in filter() method of a Django model's manager. You can use the filter() method of a manager to retrieve a QuerySet of all instances of a model that match a specified set of conditions.

The conditions can be specified as keyword arguments, with each argument representing a field of the model and its desired value. For example, to search for all books in a model Book with the title containing the word "Django", you can use the following code:

In the example above, title__contains is a lookup expression that tells Django to search for all instances of the Book model where the value of the title field contains the word "Django".

Django also provides the Q object, which allows you to chain multiple conditions together using the & (and) and | (or) operators. For example, to search for all books in a model Book with the title containing the word "Django" or the author containing the word "Smith", you can use the following code:

For more advanced search functionality, you may want to consider using a third-party library such as Django Haystack, which provides a comprehensive search framework for Django that supports multiple backends. Haystack allows you to perform more complex searches, including full-text searches, faceted searches, and more.

Standard Textual Queries

Standard textual queries in Django refer to basic text-based searches that match a specific pattern or keyword in a field of a model. These queries are used to retrieve instances of a model that have a field value that matches the desired pattern or keyword.

A lookup expression is a syntax that is used to specify the desired pattern or keyword to match a field. Lookup expressions are added to the field name separated by a double underscore (__) when calling the filter() method.

For example, you may want to retrieve all books in a model Book with the title containing the word "Django". To perform this search, you can use the filter() method of the model's manager and specify the desired pattern or keyword using a lookup expression. In this example, the lookup expression used is contains, which tells Django to search for all instances of the Book model where the value of the title field contains the word "Django". The code for this search would look like the following:

Django provides several lookup expressions for standard textual queries, including:

exactMatches the exact value of a field.title__exact='Django'
iexactMatches the exact value of a field, case-insensitive.title__iexact='django'
startswithMatches values that start with the specified string. title__startswith='Django'
istartswithMatches values that start with the specified string, case-insensitive.title__istartswith='django'
endswithMatches values that end with the specified string.title__endswith='Django'
iendswithMatches values that end with the specified string, case-insensitivetitle__iendswith='django'
containsMatches values that contain the specified string.title__contains='Django'
icontainsMatches values that contain the specified string, case-insensitivetitle__icontains='django'

A Database’s More Advanced Comparison Functions

A database's more advanced comparison functions are used to perform complex comparisons between values in a field. In Django, you can use these comparison functions in your queries to retrieve instances of a model that match specific criteria.

Here are some of the more advanced comparison functions that Django supports:

gt (greater than)Matches values that are greater than the specified valueprice__gt=100
gte (greater than or equal to)Matches values that are greater than or equal to the specified valueprice__gte=100
lt (less than)Matches values that are less than the specified valueprice__lt=100
lte (less than or equal to)Matches values that are less than or equal to the specified valueprice__lte=100
rangeMatches values that are within a specified rangeprice__range=(100, 200)
dateMatches values based on a, 1, 1)
yearMatches values based on the yearpub_date__year=2020
monthMatches values based on the monthpub_datemonth=1
dayMatches values based on the daypub_dateday=1

These advanced comparison functions can be combined with other lookups and conditions to create more complex queries. Advanced comparison functions in Django are used to perform complex comparisons between values in a field and retrieve instances of a model that match specific criteria. These functions provide a more flexible and powerful way to perform queries in a Django database.

In Django or DRF, document-based search can be implemented using a third-party search engine such as Elasticsearch, Solr or Whoosh. These engines can index the contents of a Django model and provide a search interface to search through the indexed documents. To use a search engine in Django, you need to install a Python library that implements a client for the search engine and uses it to interact with the engine from within Django.

Here is an example of how you could implement document-based search using Elasticsearch in Django or DRF:

  1. Install the necessary libraries:


  1. If you're implementing it in DRF, then you have to add rest_framework and django.contrib.postgres to your INSTALLED_APPS list in the Django file:
  1. Create a Django model to store your documents:
  1. Create an Elasticsearch index for the Document model:
  1. Update the Document model to add an Elasticsearch document for each instance:
  1. Search the documents using the Elasticsearch client:

This is a basic example of how you can implement document-based search in Django using Elasticsearch.

Now to use it in DRF, you have to create serializers and a DRF view search function.

  1. Create a Django serializer for the Document model:
  1. Create a DRF view to search the documents:
  1. Create a URL pattern for the search view:

Full-text search is a technique for searching and matching text-based data against a search query. In Django and Django Rest Framework (DRF), the full-text search can be achieved through different methods, including using third-party packages such as Elasticsearch or using database-level full-text search features such as PostgreSQL's built-in full-text search.


  • Using third-party packages: Django doesn't have built-in support for full-text search, but there are several packages available that provide full-text search functionality.
    • For example, Suppose you have a Django model called Book that contains information about books. You want to implement a full-text search for the title and description fields.
    • Next, you need to set up your Elasticsearch index. You can create a Django management command to set up the index, or you can use the Elasticsearch API directly.
  • With the index set up, you can perform a full-text search using the Elasticsearch API.
    • For example, you can perform a search for books with the word "python" in the title or description fields like this:
  • Database-level full-text search: If your database supports full-text search, you can use the database's full-text search capabilities to perform a full-text search in Django.
    • Here is an example of using the module to perform a full-text search in Django:

Django Rest Framework (DRF):

  • Using Django: To implement full-text search in DRF, you can use the same methods mentioned for Django.
    • Here is an example of returning the search results in a DRF serialized format:
  • Custom search endpoint: You can create a custom search endpoint in DRF, where you can perform a full-text search and return the search results in a DRF serialized format, such as JSON.
    • Here is an example of implementing a custom search endpoint in Django Rest Framework (DRF):
  • In this example, the BookSearchView is a DRF view that implements a custom search endpoint. The view's get_queryset method retrieves the search query from the query parameters (e.g. ?q=python) and returns a queryset of Book objects that match the search query. If the query is not provided, it returns all Book objects. The view is registered in the file, and you can access the search endpoint by visiting /search/?q=python.


Sorting in Django refers to the process of arranging data in a queryset in a specific order based on one or more fields. The order_by method is used to sort a queryset in Django. It takes one or more fields as arguments and orders the queryset based on the values of those fields.

For example:

DRF provides sorting functionality in the form of the ordering attribute on a viewset or view. By default, DRF does not allow sorting, but it can be enabled by specifying the ordering attribute in the viewset.

For example:

With the ordering set, the user can sort the results of the API by passing an ordering parameter in the query string.

Sort by Ascending Orders

To sort by ascending order in Django, use the order_by method on a queryset and specify the field(s) to sort by. The default sorting order is ascending, so you don't need to specify it explicitly as we saw in the above example of sorting.

Similarly, In DRF, you can specify the fields to sort by in the ordering attribute of a viewset or view. If you want to sort by ascending order, simply list the field name(s) in the ordering attribute(see the above example of DRF sorting). For example: /api/books/?ordering=title would sort the books by title in ascending order.

Sort by Descending Orders

To sort by descending order in Django, use the order_by method on a queryset and prefix the field name with a hyphen (-).

For example:

In DRF, you can specify the fields to sort by in the ordering attribute of a viewset or view. To sort by descending order, prefix the field name with a hyphen (-).

For example:

With the ordering set, you can sort the results of the API by passing an ordering parameter in the query string with the field name(s) to sort by. For example: /api/books/?ordering=-title would sort the books by title in descending order.

Sort by Multiple Fields

To sort by multiple fields in Django, use the order_by method on a queryset and specify the field names as arguments. The order of the field names determines the sort priority.

For example:

In DRF, you can specify the fields to sort by in the ordering attribute of a viewset or view. To sort by multiple fields, list the field names in the desired sort order in the ordering attribute.

For example:

With the ordering set, you can sort the results of the API by passing an ordering parameter in the query string with the field names to sort by, separated by a comma. For example: /api/books/?ordering=author__name,-publish_date would sort the books by author name in ascending order, and then by publishing date in descending order.


Pagination in Django Rest Framework (DRF) refers to the process of breaking down a large dataset into smaller chunks, or pages, for easier handling and faster retrieval. DRF provides built-in support for pagination through the use of pagination classes, which can be easily added to a view or viewset to enable pagination for a particular endpoint.

Simple pagination in Django Rest Framework (DRF) can be achieved by using the built-in PageNumberPagination class. This class allows you to paginate a queryset using page numbers.

Here's an example of how to use the PageNumberPagination class in a view:

In this example, the pagination_class attribute is set to PageNumberPagination, which means that the built-in PageNumberPagination class will be used for pagination.

By default, the PageNumberPagination class uses the query parameter page to specify the current page, and the query parameter page_size to specify the number of items to be returned in a single page.

Setting the Pagination Style

You can set the pagination style in Django Rest Framework (DRF) by creating your own pagination class and setting the PAGINATION_CLASS attribute on your views or view sets.

For example, if you have created a custom pagination class called MyPagination:

You can use this pagination class in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute to MyPagination.

You can also set the pagination_class attribute at the viewset level, instead of the view level.

You can also set the pagination_class attribute at the level so that it will be applied to all the views and viewsets.

This way, you can set the pagination style globally for your application.

Modifying the Pagination Style

You can modify the pagination style in Django Rest Framework (DRF) by creating a custom pagination class and overriding the methods or attributes of the built-in pagination classes.

For example, if you want to modify the default PageNumberPagination class to change the default page size and the name of the query parameter used to specify the page size, you can create a custom pagination class like this:

You can then use this custom pagination class in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute to MyPagination.

You can also override the built-in methods to customize the pagination style further. For example, you can override the get_paginated_response method to include additional information in the response or override the paginate_queryset method to change the way the queryset is paginated.

It's also possible to use the level configuration to set the pagination class, so it will be applied globally.

API Reference

The Django Rest Framework (DRF) documentation provides a comprehensive API reference for the different classes and methods available for building and customizing RESTful APIs.


PageNumberPagination is a built-in pagination class in Django Rest Framework (DRF) that allows for pagination using page numbers. This class is based on the PageNumberPagination class and allows using the page number-based pagination.

The PageNumberPagination class accepts several arguments, such as:

  • page_size: The number of items to be returned in a single page. Defaults to None, which means no pagination will be applied.
  • page_size_query_param: The name of the query parameter used to specify the page size. Defaults to 'page_size'.
  • max_page_size: The maximum number of items to be returned in a single page. Defaults to None, which means no maximum limit.

You can use this class in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute to PageNumberPagination

It's also possible to use the level configuration to set the pagination class, so it will be applied globally.


LimitOffsetPagination is a built-in pagination class in Django Rest Framework (DRF) that allows for pagination using limit and offset values. Instead of page numbers, the client can specify the maximum number of items to be returned (the limit) and the number of items to skip before starting to return items (the offset).

The LimitOffsetPagination class accepts several arguments, such as:

  • default_limit: The default number of items to be returned on a single page. Defaults to None, which means no pagination will be applied.
  • max_limit: The maximum number of items to be returned in a single page. Defaults to None, which means no maximum limit.
  • limit_query_param: The name of the query parameter used to specify the limit. Defaults to 'limit'.
  • offset_query_param: The name of the query parameter used to specify the offset. Defaults to 'offset'.

You can use this class in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute to LimitOffsetPagination


CursorPagination is a built-in pagination class in Django Rest Framework (DRF) that allows for pagination using a cursor-based approach. It's based on a unique sorting field, the client sends a cursor of the last item of the previous page, and the server will return the next items.

The CursorPagination class accepts several arguments, such as:

  • ordering: The field to order the queryset
  • page_size: The number of items to be returned on a single page. Defaults to None, which means no pagination will be applied.
  • cursor_query_param: The name of the query parameter used to specify the cursor. Defaults to 'cursor'.
  • offset_cutoff : the maximum number of items to be returned in a single page. Defaults to None, which means no maximum limit.

You can use this class in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute to CursorPagination.

Custom Pagination Styles

A custom pagination class allows you to define your logic for paginating querysets and formatting the paginated response to be returned to the client. Creating a custom pagination class involves subclassing the BasePagination class and implementing the paginate_queryset and get_paginated_response methods. The paginate_queryset method is responsible for implementing the logic to paginate the queryset, while the get_paginated_response method is responsible for formatting the paginated response to be returned to the client.

By using a custom pagination class, you can support different pagination styles such as pagination using query parameters, header or even cookies, you could also add custom metadata to your pagination response, or support pagination using different keys such as a timestamp. Once you have created your custom pagination class, you can use it in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute to your custom class.


In addition to the built-in pagination classes in Django Rest Framework (DRF), you can also create your custom pagination class.

Here's an example of how to create a custom pagination class:

To use your custom pagination class in a view, you can set the pagination_class attribute to your custom class:

You can also specify the custom pagination class at the viewset level so that all the viewsets in your app use the same custom pagination class.

When creating a custom pagination class, you must implement the paginate_queryset and get_paginated_response methods. In the paginate_queryset method you will implement the logic to paginate the queryset, and in the get_paginated_response method you will format the paginated response to be returned to the client.

Using Your Custom Pagination Class

Once you have created your custom pagination class, you can use it in your views or view sets by setting the pagination_class attribute.

For example, in an APIView-based view, you can use your custom pagination class by setting the pagination_class attribute in the view class:

In a ModelViewSet-based view set, you can set the pagination_class attribute in the view set class:

You can also specify the custom pagination class at the global level so that all the viewsets in your app use the same custom pagination class by settings the REST_FRAMEWORK configuration in your

By doing this, all viewsets in your app will use MyPagination as the default pagination class. You can also use your custom pagination class in your viewsets by specifying it in the pagination_class attribute on your viewsets, thus overriding the default global pagination class.

Pagination & Schemas

Django Rest Framework (DRF) provides support for generating OpenAPI schemas for your views and view sets. When generating a schema for a view or view set that uses pagination, DRF will include information about the pagination in the schema. If you are using a custom pagination class, the generated schema will include information about any query parameters or headers that your custom class uses to specify pagination.

You can also customize the schema generation for your pagination class by implementing the get_schema_fields() method in your pagination class. This method should return a list of fields that will be included in the schema for the pagination class.

For example, if you have a custom pagination class MyPagination and you want to include an additional per_page query parameter in the schema, you can implement the get_schema_fields() method as follows:

This way, when the schema is generated for views or view sets that use MyPagination, the per_page query parameter will be included in the schema, along with the other fields defined by MyPagination.

HTML Pagination Controls

Django REST framework (DRF) provides built-in pagination support for both the browsable API and for client code that wants to work with paginated data. By default, pagination controls are rendered in HTML using the pagination template, which can be overridden to customize the look and feel of the controls. To enable pagination for a view, you need to use the PageNumberPagination class and set the pagination_class attribute on the view. You can then access the pagination controls in the HTML template by using the paginator and page_obj context variables.

For example, if you have a viewset MyViewSet and you want to use PageNumberPagination, you can set the pagination_class attribute like this:

You can also customize the pagination behaviour by subclassing PageNumberPagination and overriding its attributes such as page_size or page_size_query_param.

In the HTML template, you can use the pagination controls provided by the Django-rest-framework package to create pagination links. The links will include the appropriate query parameters for the current page, page size, etc.

You can also use third-party libraries like Django-pure-pagination for pagination and its HTML controls.

Customizing the Controls

To customize the HTML pagination controls in Django Rest Framework (DRF), you can create a custom template for the pagination controls and use the template_name attribute on the PageNumberPagination class to specify the path to the template. For example, if you have a template called my_pagination.html in your templates directory, you can use it in your file like this:

You can also use the PAGE_SIZE attribute to set the number of items per page and page_query_param attribute to set the query parameter name for pagination.

You can use this pagination class in your views by setting the pagination_class attribute on the ViewSet or APIView.

Then customize the template my_pagination.html to use the context variables provided by the pagination class to create the HTML controls.

Third-Party Packages


Django Rest Framework (DRF) Extensions is a third-party package that provides additional functionality for DRF. It includes several features such as pagination, caching, throttling, and authentication that are not included in the core DRF package.

Some of the key features of DRF extensions include:

  • Pagination: DRF-extensions provide additional pagination classes such as LimitOffsetPagination and CursorPagination which allow you to paginate your API views in different ways.
  • Caching: DRF extensions include a caching framework that allows you to cache your API views.
  • Throttling: DRF extensions provide a throttling framework that allows you to limit the number of requests that a user can make to your API. This can help to prevent abuse of your API.
  • Authentication: DRF-extensions provide additional authentication classes such as TokenAuthentication and JWT Authentication which allow you to authenticate your API views in different ways.
  • Serializers: DRF extensions also provide additional serializer classes such as PolymorphicSerializer that allow you to handle polymorphic-related fields.
  • Viewsets: DRF-extensions provides additional viewsets such as ModelViewSet, ReadOnlyModelViewSet, and ViewSet that provide additional functionality.
  • Other features: DRF extensions also include other features such as filtering, ordering, versioning of your APIs, and many more.

To use DRF-extensions, you will need to install it using pip and then add it to your Django project's installed apps.

  1. Installation: You can install DRF-extensions by running the following command: pip install drf-extensions
  2. Add to installed apps: Add rest_framework_extensions to your INSTALLED_APPS in your file.
  1. Configuration: Some of the features provided by DRF extensions require additional configuration.
  2. Use of features: Once DRF extensions are installed and configured, you can start using its features in your views and serializers.


DRF-proxy-pagination is a package that provides a way to paginate a proxy view in Django Rest Framework (DRF). A proxy view is a view that forwards a request to another server and returns the response from that server. This package allows you to paginate the response from the proxied server so that you can display the data in a paginated format in your client-side application.

To use DRF-proxy-pagination, you will need to install it using pip and then add it to your Django project's installed apps.

  1. Installation: You can install DRF-proxy-pagination by running the following command:
  1. Add to installed apps: Add drf_proxy_pagination to your INSTALLED_APPS in your file.
  1. Configuration: To use this package, you will need to configure the proxy view and the pagination settings in your
  2. Use of features: Once DRF-proxy-pagination is installed and configured, you can start using its features in your views to paginate proxy views.

Here is an example of how to use this package:

Link-header-pagination is a method of pagination in which the pagination information (such as the current page, next page, previous page, etc.) is included in the headers of the API response, rather than in the body of the response. This method is often used in APIs that return a large amount of data, as it allows the client to easily navigate through the data without having to parse through the entire response.

Django Rest Framework (DRF) provides built-in support for link-header pagination. To use link-header pagination in DRF, you can set the PAGINATION_CLASS setting in your file to rest_framework.pagination.LinkHeaderPagination.

Here is an example of how to use LinkHeaderPagination in your views:

With this configuration, the pagination information will be included in the headers of the API response in the format of a "link" header, which can be easily parsed by the client.

The LinkHeaderPagination class also allows you to customize the format of the links in the headers.


  • To search in Django, you can use the filter method on a queryset to narrow down the results based on specified conditions.
  • To sort in Django, you can use the order_by method on a queryset to sort the results by specified fields. By default, the sorting is done in ascending order, but you can sort in descending order by prefixing the field name with a hyphen (-).
  • Django Rest Framework (DRF) provides built-in support for pagination, which allows you to divide large amounts of data into smaller chunks for easy handling by client applications.
  • There are several built-in pagination classes provided by DRF, such as PageNumberPagination, LimitOffsetPagination and CursorPagination.
  • You can also create your custom pagination class by extending the BasePagination class provided by DRF.
  • DRF-proxy-pagination is a package that provides a way to paginate a proxy view in Django Rest Framework (DRF).
  • Link-header-pagination is a method of pagination in which the pagination information is included in the headers of the API response, rather than in the body of the response.