Working on List Page in Django

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Working with lists in Django involves creating views to display a list of objects, and templates to render the HTML for the view. To create a list view in Django, you need to create a view function that retrieves the data to be displayed in the list and a corresponding template to render the HTML for the view. The view function can use the Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) to query the database and retrieve the desired objects, which are then passed to the template for rendering.

List views are a powerful way to display data in Django, as they allow you to easily retrieve and display large amounts of data from the database in a flexible and customizable way. Let's deep dive into it.

Create the Django Views

In Django, views are Python functions or classes that handle all the requests and return responses. They are responsible for interacting with models to retrieve or manipulate data, and then rendering templates or returning HTTP responses of the respective view functions. It is a function that takes a Web request and returns a Web response. This response can be the HTML contents of a Web page, a redirect, a 404 error, or an XML document, or an image. The view itself contains whatever arbitrary logic is necessary to return that response. Views are defined in a Django app's file, and they are typically mapped to URLs in the app's file.

Code Your First View

Here is an example of a simple view that returns the string "Hello, world!" for any request that comes in.

In this example, the todo_view function is a Django view that handles both GET and POST requests. The GET request method is used to display the ToDo list, and the POST request method is used to handle form submissions and add new tasks to the list.

Understand Templates

In Django, a template is a text file that contains the markup language (generally HTML) that will be rendered to the user's Web browser. This markup can be HTML, but it can also include special template tags and filters that allow you to dynamically insert data and perform other transformations on the content before it is rendered. Here is an example of a simple Django template that displays a greeting to the user:

This template contains regular HTML code, as well as a special template tag {{ }} that will be replaced with the actual name of the user when the template is rendered. This allows you to insert dynamic data into the template, based on the current context.

To use this template, you will need to pass it the context data that it needs to render the final output. This is typically done in the view function that handles the request:

In this view function, we first define the user object, which contains the data that we want to insert into the template. We then use the loader.get_template() method to load the template file, and pass it the context data (in this case, the user object) using the template.render() method. This method returns the rendered template as a string, which we then wrap up in an instance of HttpResponse and return to the client.

Create a Base Template

A base template is a basic layout that can be used as the foundation for building other templates in a website or application. It typically includes elements such as a header, footer, and navigation menu that are common to multiple pages and can be reused across the site. Using a base template can help to ensure consistency in the design and functionality of the site, as well as make it easier to make updates or changes that need to be applied to multiple pages.

In general, the base template serves as the foundation for the design and structure of a website or application and is an important element in creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience for the site's visitors.

In Django, a base template is a template that defines the overall structure and layout of a Web page and serves as the starting point for other templates that need to extend or inherit from it. This allows you to create a consistent look and feel for your application, and avoid repeating common elements in multiple templates.

Here is an example of a base template for a ToDo app in Django:

This template defines a basic HTML structure with a header, main, and footer section. The main section uses a block tag to define a placeholder for content that will be specific to each web page. This allows child templates to extend the base template and add their content to the main section.

A child template for the ToDo list page could extend the base template and add its content like this:

In this child template, the {% extends %} tag is used to inherit the base template. The {% block %} tag is then used to replace the main block in the base template with the specific content for the ToDo list page. This allows the child template to have a consistent layout and styling while adding its unique content.

Add a Home Page Template

Here is an example of a home.html template for a ToDo app in Django:

This template extends the base.html template and adds the main block with content specific to the home page. The main block replaces the placeholder main block in the base.html template so that the home page will have the same layout and styling as other pages in the app.

To use this template, you would need to define a view that retrieves the necessary data and renders the home.html template.

In this example, the home_view function is a Django view that simply renders the home.html template. This view could be mapped to a URL in the app's file so that it can be accessed by users.

In this file, the home_view is mapped to the root URL ('') of the app. This means that when a user navigates to the root URL of the app, the home_view will be called and the home.html template will be rendered.

Build a Request Handler

The request handler is responsible for interpreting the request, determining what action needs to be taken in response to the request, and generating an appropriate response. This may involve querying a database, rendering a template, or performing some other action based on the specifics of the request and the application.

A request handler in Django is a function that is responsible for processing incoming HTTP requests and generating the appropriate HTTP response. In Django, request handlers are typically defined in the file of an app and are mapped to specific URL paths in the app's file. When a user navigates to a URL mapped to a request handler, Django will call the corresponding request handler function and pass in the incoming request object. The request handler function can then process the request and generate an HTTP response to send back to the user's web browser. This response can include dynamic content generated by the request handler, such as the results of a database query, or it can be a pre-defined template that is rendered with data from the request.

To build a request handler in Django, you will need to do the following:

  1. In the app directory, create a new file called This is where you will define your request handler functions.
  2. In, import the HttpResponse class from the django.http module. This class will be used to create an HTTP response object that you can return from your request handler function.
  3. Define a new function in that will serve as your request handler. This function should take in a request object as its argument and return an HTTP response object. The request object contains information about the incoming request, such as the HTTP method, the URL, the query string parameters, and the request body.
  4. In the file located in the app directory, map the URL path to the request handler function you defined in step 5. This will allow Django to route incoming requests to the correct request handler.
  5. In the file, use the render() function from the django.shortcuts module to generate an HTTP response with the desired content. This function takes in a request object, the name of a template, and a dictionary of context variables to the template and then pass the template to the designated URL.

Here is an example of how you might build a request handler in Django for a to-do app:

  • Define a new request handler function called show_tasks in that will display the current list of to-do tasks.
  • In the todo_app directory, create a new file called and define a new urlpatterns list that maps the show_tasks request handler to the /tasks URL path.

In the todo_app directory, create a new template file called tasks.html that will be used to display the list of tasks. This file should use the {{ tasks }} variable to loop through the list of tasks and display each one.

This is just a simple example of how you might build a request handler in Django for a to-do app. Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to define additional request handler functions and templates to implement the desired functionality.

Reuse Class-Based Generic Views

In Django, class-based generic views are a way to create common views (or said to be common views that can be reused) for your web application using class-based inheritance instead of defining separate view functions for each URL pattern. These generic views provide a simple, reusable interface for common view patterns, such as displaying a list of objects or creating, updating, and deleting objects.

Class-based generic views are defined in the django.views.generic module and are typically used in the file to map a URL pattern to a specific view.

Here is an example of how you might use the ListView generic view to display a list of tasks in a to-do app:

This view defines a TaskListView class that inherits from the ListView generic view and specifies the Task model and the tasks.html template that should be used to display the list of tasks.

In the file, you can map the TaskListView view to the /tasks URL pattern:

This will route incoming requests to the /tasks URL to the TaskListView view, which will use the Task model to query the database for a list of tasks and render the tasks.html template with the list of tasks.

Subclass ListView to Display a List of To-Do Items

Here is an example of how you might subclass the ListView generic view to display a list of to-do items in a to-do app:

This TaskListView class inherits from the ListView generic view and specifies the Task model and the tasks.html template that should be used to display the list of tasks. It also defines a get_queryset() method that overrides the default queryset used by the ListView to only return tasks that have not yet been completed.

In the file, you can map the TaskListView view to the /tasks URL pattern:

This will route incoming requests to the /tasks URL to the TaskListView view, which will use the Task model and the get_queryset() method to query the database for a list of incomplete tasks and render the tasks.html template with the list of tasks. Subclassing the ListView generic view allows you to customize the behavior of the view to fit the specific needs of your to-do app.

Show the Items of the List

To show the items in a list in a Django to-do app, you would need to create a view that queries the database for the list items and then renders a template with the results.


This view first queries the database for all ListItem objects that belong to the current user's list. It then passes the list of items to a template called list_template.html, which is responsible for displaying the items in the list.

In the template, you could loop through the items and display them in an HTML list. Here is an example of how you might do this:

This template loops through each ListItem in the items list and displays the name of the item in a list. Remember that this is just one possible way to implement this functionality, and the exact details will depend on the specifics of your to-do app.

Create and Update Model Objects in Django


Creating model objects in Django allows you to store and retrieve data from the database. When you create a model object, you are creating a record in the database that represents a particular data entity. For example, if you have a model for a "Person" that has fields for a person's name, email address, and phone number, you can create model objects for individual people and store them in the database.

Model objects are created using the model's objects attribute, which is a manager that provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting model objects. Creating model objects in Django refers to the process of creating new instances of a model and saving them to the database. This is typically done using the Model.objects.create() method, which takes the values for the fields of the model as keyword arguments and creates a new object in the database with those values.


In Django, the update() method of a model's objects manager is used to update one or more rows in the database table that corresponds to the model. It allows you to change the values of certain fields for a selection of model objects, and then save the changes to the database.

Updating model objects in Django refers to the process of modifying the values of an existing model instance and saving the changes to the database. This is typically done using the Model.objects.update() method, which takes the updated values for the fields of the model as keyword arguments and updates the corresponding fields in the database. It can also help to ensure that the data remains consistent, as it allows you to update multiple objects at once and avoids the need to write multiple lines of code to update each object separately.

Lists and Items

To create and update model objects in a Django to-do app, you can use the Model.objects.create() and Model.objects.update() methods, respectively. Here is an example of how you might use these methods in a to-do app:

In this example, we define a List model that has a name field, and an Item model that has a name, description, completed, and list (foreign key) field. Then, in the create_list view, we create a new List object by calling the Model.objects.create() method and passing in the value for the name field, which is obtained from the user's request.

New Views

After creating the List object, we create a new Item object for the list by calling the Model.objects.create() method and passing in the values for the name, description, and list fields. The list field is set to the List object that was just created so that the Item is associated with the correct list.

In the update_item view, we update the completed field of the Item object by first querying the database for the object using the id parameter, then setting the completed field to True, and finally calling the save() method to persist the changes to the database.

Delete To-Do Lists and Items

In Django, delete() is a method that can be used to delete an object from the database. This method is called on a model instance, and it will remove the object from the database and free up the associated resources.

For example, if you have a ToDoItem model with an instance called item, you can delete it from the database by calling the delete() method on it:

Once an object is deleted, it cannot be recovered, so use this method carefully. You can also use the QuerySet.delete() method to delete multiple objects at once.

Make DeleteView Subclasses

Delete views are typically implemented as part of a web application's user interface, and are used to provide a way for users to delete data from the application. A delete view is usually associated with a URL pattern and a corresponding template and is called when a user initiates a delete action through the web interface. For example, a delete view might be called when a user clicks a "delete" button on a page that displays a list of model objects.

To implement a delete view in Django, you will typically define a view function that takes a request object as its argument and performs the necessary actions to delete the relevant model object(s).

To create a DeleteView subclass in a Django to-do app, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the DeleteView class from the django.views.the generic module which defines that delete views can be a useful tool in building a Django application, as it provides a convenient and consistent way to delete model objects and handle delete requests :
  1. Create a new class that subclasses DeleteView and specify the model and template that it should use:
  1. Add a success_url attribute to the DeleteView subclass to specify where the user should be redirected after the object is deleted:
  1. In your app's file, add a URL pattern for the DeleteView subclass that you just created:

Now, when a user navigates to the URL for the DeleteView, they will be shown a confirmation page to delete the to-do list item. If they confirm the deletion, the item will be removed from the database and they will be redirected to the specified success_url.

Define Deletion Confirmations and URLs

Deletion confirmations and URLs are typically implemented as part of a delete view, which is a view function that is responsible for deleting a specific model object or set of objects from the database. To implement a deletion confirmation in a delete view, you will typically render a template that displays a message or form asking the user to confirm the delete action. The template may include a form with a submit button or a link that initiates the delete action when clicked. To implement URLs for a delete view, you will typically use Django's URL dispatcher to associate the delete view with a specific URL pattern. This allows users to access the delete view by navigating to the corresponding URL in their web browser.

This is a common practice in web applications to prevent accidental deletions. These URLs are typically generated using the {% url %} template tag and are used to access the delete views for the various objects that can be deleted on the website.

In Django, deletion confirmations are typically implemented using a combination of the Django template system and the {% url %} template tag. The {% url %} tag is used to generate the URL for the delete view, and the confirmation message is displayed to the user using a Django template.

For example, a Django website might have a delete view for deleting blog posts. The URL for this delete view could be generated using the {% url %} tag and passed to the template for the confirmation message. When the user confirms the deletion, the corresponding view is called, which carries out the deletion of the object.

Enable Deletions

To enable deletions in Django, you will need to implement the following steps:

  • Define a delete view for the objects that you want to enable deletions. This view should handle the deletion of the object and should be mapped to a URL using a URL pattern.
  • Create a template for the delete confirmation message. This template should include a form with a submit button that will be used to confirm the deletion. The form's action attribute should be set to the URL of the delete view using the {% url %} template tag.
  • In the list view for the objects that you want to enable deletions for, add a link or button that will take the user to the delete confirmation page. The URL for this link should be the URL of the delete confirmation page, which can be generated using the {% url %} template tag.
  • When the user confirms the deletion on the delete confirmation page, the delete view will be called and the object will be deleted.

Overall, the process of enabling deletions in Django involves defining a delete view, creating a delete confirmation template, and adding links or buttons to the relevant list views that will take the user to the delete confirmation page.


This tutorial concludes working with lists in Django as:

  • The ListView class in Django provides a convenient and powerful way to manage and display large lists of data.
  • By using the features of the ListView class, such as pagination, sorting, and filtering, you can make it easier for users to interact with and browse large datasets in your web application.
  • Working with lists in Django can help you to organize and structure your data in a way that is easy to manage and understand, and can make it easier to perform tasks such as searching, sorting, and filtering.
  • Overall, working with lists in Django can provide many benefits, such as improved usability, better organization of data, and easier maintenance of your web application.