Deploying an app with docker-compose

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Docker-compose is a versatile tool that enables developers to efficiently handle multiple containers and services within their applications. Utilizing docker-compose, deploying an app in a production setting can be accomplished with minimal effort. This guide will take you through the steps of deploying an application with the use of docker-compose.


Before deploying an app utilizing docker-compose, it is crucial to ensure that the application is fit for production. This entails thoroughly testing the application and implementing any necessary modifications to guarantee stability and optimal performance.

Modify Your Compose File for Production

When the application is prepared for production, it is important to adjust the compose file to reflect any changes made. This can include updating the version of the images utilized or altering environment variables and ports used by the application. A composed file configured for production is shown below as an example:

Here is an example of a compose file that is configured for production:

In the example provided, we are utilizing the latest version of the "myapp" image and making port 80 accessible on the host machine. Additionally, the environment variable NODE_ENV is set to "production" and a volume for logs is created. The database service utilizes the latest version of the Postgres image and also creates a volume for data storage.

Deploying Changes

Once your compose file is configured for production, you can deploy your application by running the following command:

This command will start all of the services defined in the compose file and run them in detached mode. To update your application, you can simply run the same command again with the updated compose file.

Running Compose on a Single Server

When deploying an app with docker-compose, it is possible to run all of the services on a single server. This is a good option for small to medium-sized applications that do not require a lot of resources.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Deploying an application in a production environment with docker-compose has several benefits. It enables simple management of multiple containers and services, as well as easy updating of the application. However, running a significant number of services on a single server can be challenging, and scaling the application to accommodate a growing user base may be difficult.


Docker-compose is a robust tool that facilitates easy deployment of an application in a production setting. By following the instructions outlined in this guide, you should now possess a foundational understanding of deploying an app with docker-compose. The tool makes it effortless to run and scale an application.