Best Practices for Image Building

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Image building is the process of creating a container image that can be used to deploy applications or services in a containerized environment. A container image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable package that includes everything needed to run an application or service, including the code, libraries, and runtime.


Building container images is an important task that requires careful planning and attention to detail. Properly designed and built images can improve the performance, security, and reliability of your containerized applications and services. However, poorly designed and built images can lead to problems such as slow builds, large image sizes, security vulnerabilities, and maintenance issues.

To ensure the best possible results, it is important to follow best practices for writing Dockerfiles and building container images. This article will provide a set of guidelines and recommendations that you can follow to optimize your image-building process and create high-quality container images.

Best Practices for Writing Dockerfiles

A Dockerfile is a text file that defines the steps needed to build a container image. It is used by the Docker engine to build an image from scratch or to update an existing image.

To write an effective Dockerfile, you should follow these best practices:

Start with a minimal base image

Choose a base image that is lightweight and has the minimum number of layers needed to support your application or service. This will reduce the size of your final image and improve its performance.

Use the smallest possible base image

When choosing a base image, look for one that is optimized for your application or service. For example, if you are building a web server, choose an image that includes only the components needed to run a web server, rather than a full-featured operating system.

Use multi-stage builds

Multi-stage builds allow you to divide your Dockerfile into logical sections and reuse the output of one stage as the input for another stage. This can reduce the size of your final image and improve its performance.

Use the COPY command sparingly

The COPY command adds a new layer to your image for each file or directory you copy. To reduce the number of layers in your image, use the COPY command sparingly and avoid copying unnecessary files.

Use the .dockerignore file

The .dockerignore file is used to exclude certain files and directories from the build process. This can reduce the size of your image and improve build times by ignoring files that are not needed.

Keep your Dockerfile simple

A simple Dockerfile is easier to read, understand, and maintain. Avoid using complex commands or using multiple RUN statements in your Dockerfile, and try to use the least number of layers possible.

General Guidelines and Recommendations

There are a few general guidelines and recommendations that you should follow when building container images:

Keep your images small

Smaller images are faster to download and take up less space on your host. To keep your images small, consider using lightweight base images and only installing the necessary dependencies.

Use multistage builds

Multistage builds allow you to separate the build process from the final image, reducing the size and complexity of your final image.

Use version control

Use version control to track changes to your Docker files and images. This will make it easier to roll back changes if something goes wrong and to collaborate with other developers.

Use labels

Labels are metadata that you can attach to your images to provide information about the image. Use labels to provide information such as the image's version, the date it was built, and the maintainer.

Test your images

Test your images to ensure they are working as intended. This can help you catch issues early on and improve the reliability of your containers.

Image-Building Best Practices

In addition to the general guidelines and recommendations above, there are several best practices you should follow when building container images:

Use a .dockerignore file

A .dockerignore file allows you to specify files and directories that should be excluded from your image. This can help reduce the size of your image and speed up the build process.

Use the COPY command instead of ADD

The COPY command is more efficient and less error-prone than the ADD command. It only copies files from the local file system and does not support remote file URLs or automatic extraction of archives.

Use the LABEL command

The LABEL command allows you to add metadata to your images. Use it to provide information such as the image's version, the date it was built, and the maintainer.

Use the ENTRYPOINT command

The ENTRYPOINT command allows you to specify the default command that will be run when the container is started. This can make it easier to run your containers with different arguments.

Use the HEALTHCHECK command

The HEALTHCHECK command allows you to specify how the container should be checked for health. This can help ensure that your containers are running properly and can be restarted if necessary.


Building container images is an important step in the process of creating and deploying Docker containers. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can create efficient, reliable, and easy-to-maintain container images.