Integrating Kotlin with Java

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Kotlin is an open-source, statically typed programming language that was developed by JetBrains in 2016. It’s fully compatible with Java, allowing Java code and libraries to be utilized in Kotlin programs. While Kotlin is predominantly used for Android app development, it’s also suitable for creating web applications, server-side apps, and data science applications. Integrating Kotlin with Java facilitates smoother transitions, enables code reusability, and empowers developers to leverage the strengths of both languages within a single project.

Setting Up the Environment

The first thing you need to do before integrating Kotlin with Java is to set up the development environment. You can easily integrate Kotlin with popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, or Eclipse. Additionally, integrating Kotlin in a Gradle or Maven-based project requires adding the Kotlin plugin to the build system.

IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio.

  2. Creating a New Kotlin Project:

    • Click on File.
    • Select New -> Project.
    • On the left panel, choose Kotlin.
    • On the right, select JVM | IDEA for IntelliJ IDEA or Android for Android Studio.
    • Proceed by clicking Next.
    • Name your project and set the location.
    • Click Finish to create your Kotlin project.


  1. Launch Eclipse.

  2. Installing the Kotlin Plugin:

    • Click on Help -> Eclipse Marketplace.
    • In the Marketplace dialog, search for Kotlin.
    • Locate Kotlin Plugin for Eclipse by JetBrains.
    • Click Go and follow the installation instructions to install the plugin.

Gradle (build.gradle)

  1. Open your project's build.gradle file.

  2. Add the Kotlin plugin:

(This will integrate Kotlin into your Gradle-based project.)

Maven (pom.xml)

  1. Open your project's pom.xml file.

  2. Add the Kotlin plugin configuration:

Remember to replace '1.5.0' with the latest Kotlin version.

Basic Syntax Differences

Java and Kotlin share many similarities, but they also differ in terms of syntax. Kotlin offers concise syntax, null safety, and functional programming constructs that Java does not support. Let's take a look at some of the basic syntax differences between Java and Kotlin:

Class Definition and Properties:

  • In Java, you need to define a class, its fields, and its getters and setters separately. For example:
  • In Kotlin, creating a class and its field is an easy task as you can do it in a single line. Also, getters and setters are replaced with property accessors. For example:

Type Inference:

  • In Java, it is necessary to specify the data type of the variable. For example:
  • In Kotlin, it is not necessary to specify the data type of a variable explicitly. For example:

Main Function:

  • In Java, the main function is defined within a class. For example:
  • In Kotlin, the main function can be defined outside a class. For example:

Null Safety:

  • In Java, any object can be null, and there’s no built-in null safety. For example:
  • Kotlin has built-in null safety to eliminate the risk of null reference errors. For example:

Functional Programming:

  • Java has limited support for functional programming. It introduced lambda expressions and functional interfaces in Java 8, but it doesn’t have as many built-in functional programming features as Kotlin. For example:
  • Kotlin supports functional programming constructs like lambda expressions, higher-order functions, and collection operators. For example:

Extension Functions:

  • Java does not support extension functions.

  • Kotlin allows you to define new functions for existing classes without modifying their source code. These are called extension functions. For example:

Calling Kotlin Classes from Java

One of the most important aspects of integrating Kotlin with Java is the smooth interoperability that allows Java to call Kotlin code and vice versa. Here's how to access and use Kotlin classes from Java:

Kotlin Properties

In Kotlin, properties combine fields and accessor methods (getters and setters in Java) into a single construct. When you declare a property in Kotlin, it automatically generates getter and setter methods. This is why you can access Kotlin properties as methods in Java. The var keyword is used for mutable properties, which means the value can be changed. The val keyword is used for read-only or immutable properties, which means the value cannot be changed once assigned. For example, a Kotlin property var firstName: String would be accessed in Java as follows:

Package-level Functions:

Kotlin allows you to define functions at the package level, which means you can define them outside any class. These functions are compiled into static methods in Java. The name of the Java class is the name of the Kotlin file with ‘Kt’ appended. For example, a function fun getTime() in a file Util.kt inside a package org.example would be accessed in Java as follows:

Static fields:

Kotlin doesn’t have static members like Java. Instead, it has companion objects. A companion object is an object that is common to all instances of a class. You can think of it as an object that belongs to a class rather than an instances of the class. To make a member of a companion object look like a static member from Java, you can use the @JvmField annotation. For example:

Static Methods:

Just like static fields, Kotlin doesn’t have static methods. But you can achieve similar functionality using companion objects and the @JvmStatic annotation. When you annotate a method inside a companion object with @JvmStatic, it can be called a static method from Java. For example:

Instance Fields:

In Kotlin, instance fields are typically represented as properties. When you declare a property in a Kotlin class, it automatically generates getter and setter methods. This is why you can access Kotlin properties as methods in Java. However, you can annotate a property with @JvmField if you need to expose it as a field in Java. For example:

Checked Exceptions:

Kotlin handles exceptions differently than Java. In Java, you have checked and unchecked exceptions. Checked exceptions must be declared in the method signature or caught inside the method body. Unchecked exceptions don’t have this requirement. In contrast, Kotlin doesn’t have checked exceptions, which means you don’t need to catch or declare any exceptions. However, when you’re calling Kotlin code from Java, you might want to know which exceptions could be thrown. For this, you can use the @Throws annotation in Kotlin. This makes the Kotlin function declare the exception in its signature, so it’s visible from Java.

Advanced Functions and Methods

1. Coroutines: Coroutines are a design pattern in Kotlin that you can use to simplify code that executes asynchronously. They provide support at the language level and delegate most of the functionality to libraries. Coroutines open the doors to asynchronous programming and also provide other possibilities such as concurrency and actors. They can be used in Java through interoperability features provided by Kotlin.

2. Functional Constructs: Kotlin supports both Object Oriented (OO) and Functional (FP) styles. It has first-class support for higher-order functions and lambda literals. Higher-order functions in Kotlin are functions that can accept functions as parameters and/or return a function. Lambda expressions are widely used for this purpose at higher-order function call sites. Leveraging these functional programming capabilities within Java requires understanding interoperability patterns.

3. Data Classes and Sealed Classes:

  • Data Classes: Data classes in Kotlin are classes whose main purpose is to hold data. They come automatically with additional member functions that allow you to print an instance to readable output, compare instances, copy instances, and more.

  • Sealed Classes: Sealed classes represent restricted class hierarchies that provide more control over the inheritance. All direct subclasses of a sealed class are known at compile time. No other subclasses may appear outside the module and package within which the sealed class is defined. Sealed classes are similar to enum classes but provide more flexibility. They can be utilized in Java by understanding their representation and usage patterns.


  • Kotlin is a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains. It was designed to interoperate fully with Java, allowing Java code and libraries to be used in Kotlin programs.
  • To start using Kotlin, you must first install the Kotlin plugin in your IDE (such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse). You can add a new Kotlin file/class to your Java project after installing it. The IDE will automatically recognize the Kotlin code and compile it along with your Java code.
  • Kotlin and Java have many similarities, but they also differ in terms of syntax. Kotlin offers concise syntax, null safety, and functional programming constructs that Java does not support.
  • The compatibility of Kotlin with Java enables the easy integration of Kotlin classes and methods within a Java environment. Kotlin properties are accessed in Java via getter and setter methods. Moreover, annotations like @JvmField and @JvmName in Kotlin provide smooth control over how Kotlin elements are represented and accessed in Java.
  • Kotlin provides several advanced features, such as coroutines, functional constructs, and operator functions that are not available in Java. These features can improve the readability, expressiveness, and flexibility of your code. Even when these advanced functions are called from Java code, they behave just like normal Java methods, ensuring a smooth integration between the two languages.