Return and Jump in Kotlin

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In Kotlin programming, we have tools that help us control how our code runs. Two important tools are "return" and "jump" statements. Return is like a quick exit button for functions, and it can also give a result back. Jump statements are like special arrows that can make the program skip parts of a loop or code block. Understanding how to use these tools is like knowing when to press a button or follow a special arrow to make your code work just the way you want it to. In this topic, we'll take a closer look at "return" and "jump" in Kotlin, see how they work in functions, loops, and blocks, and learn why they're important for making our code run smoothly.


The "return" and "jump" in Kotlin are vital tools for managing code flow. The return statement quickly exits functions, possibly with a value. It's crucial for giving results back to the caller.

Meanwhile, "jump" in Kotlin commands like break, continue, and labeled "return" in Kotlin offer advanced control in loops and code blocks. break exits the closest loop, or with a label, targets a specific loop. continue to skip the current loop step. Labeled "return" exits nested parts swiftly, simplifying complex situations for better code understanding.

Using "return" in Kotlin

The return in the Kotlin statement is used to exit a function early and, optionally, provide a value as the result of the function. It's quite handy when you want to stop the execution of a function before it completes naturally. Let's dive into some examples to understand how it works:


In the above example, we have a function called calculateSum that takes two integer parameters a and b. Inside the function, we calculate the sum of these two numbers and then use the "return" statement to exit the function and send back the calculated sum. The main function calls calculateSum with arguments 5 and 7, and then prints the returned result.

Using "return" in loops is also quite common:


In this example, the findFirstEvenNumber function searches through a list of numbers and returns the first even number it finds. If no even number is found, it returns null. The main function demonstrates how we can use the returned result to print the first even number or a message if no even number is present.

Using "break" in Kotlin

The break in Kotlin is used to immediately exit a loop when a certain condition is met. It's a way to stop the loop from continuing to iterate once a particular condition holds true. Let's explore some examples to understand how break works:


In this example:

  • The main function is the entry point of the program.
  • The numbers list contains the integers from 1 to 10.
  • The for loop iterates over each number in the numbers list.
  • Inside the loop, there's a check to see if the current number is greater than 5.
  • When a number greater than 5 is encountered (in this case, 6), the code prints Breaking at number: 6 and uses the "break" statement to exit the loop.
  • Before breaking out of the loop, the sum of numbers up to that point is calculated.
  • After the loop, the program prints the sum of the numbers processed before the break.

Here's another example that demonstrates the use of "break" in a nested loop:

And if you use a labeled "break", it allows you to exit outer loops as well.

Using “continue” in Kotlin

The continue statement in Kotlin is used within loops to skip the current iteration and move on to the next one. It's a way to bypass certain parts of the loop's body when a specific condition is met. Let's explore some examples to understand how "continue" works:


In this example, the function printEvenNumbers takes a list of numbers as a parameter. It iterates through each number in the list and checks if the number is odd using the condition number % 2 != 0. If the condition is true, the "continue" statement is encountered, causing the current iteration to be skipped, and the loop moves to the next number. This ensures that only even numbers are printed.

Here's another example that demonstrates the use of "continue" in a loop:

Using Labeled "break" in Kotlin

In Kotlin, you can use labeled break statements to exit from nested loops by specifying the label of the loop you want to break out of. This is particularly useful when you have multiple nested loops and you want to control which loop the break statement should affect. Let's take a look at some examples to understand how labeled breaks work:

In this example, we have an outer loop and an inner loop. The outerLoop label is applied to the outer loop, and the innerLoop label is applied to the inner loop. When the condition (i == 2 && j == 2) is met, the break@outerLoop statement is encountered, causing both loops to be exited immediately. This demonstrates how labeled breaks can be used to control the flow of nested loops.

You can also use labeled breaks with different labels for more complex scenarios:


  • Kotlin, a versatile programming language, incorporates powerful control flow mechanisms known as "return" and "jump" statements.
  • The "return" statement allows for the early termination of functions and methods, with the option to provide a return value.
  • By using "return", developers can efficiently handle specific cases and control data flow within functions.
  • On the other hand, "jump" statements, including "break" and "continue," provide control within loops and code blocks.
  • "Break" immediately exits loops when certain conditions are met, preventing further unnecessary iterations.
  • "Continue" skips the current iteration in a loop, optimizing code execution based on conditions.
  • Labeled "break" and "continue" statements facilitate precise control in nested loop scenarios.