How to Print a Missing Number in Array?

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DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
by Jitender Punia
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DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
DSA Problem Solving for Interviews using Java
by Jitender Punia
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You are given with the array of length n-1 and elements ranging from 1 to n, you have to figure out the missing number.


The best meathod to find the missing number is XOR(bit manipulation).

How to print a missing number in array?

Given an array of length, n-1 consists of elements from range 1 to n. One of the elements is missing from the given list. Find the missing number in the given array

Example :

Example Explanation:

Missing number from range 1 to 5 is 3 from the given list of numbers


  • n == nums.length
  • 1 <= n <=10^4
  • 0 <= nums[i] <= n
  • All the numbers of nums are unique.

Approach 1: Using mathematical formula

Approach :

We know that the sum of elements from range 1 to n is: (n(n+1)2\frac{(n(n+1)}{2} . Now find the sum of the elements from the given list, the difference between these two values gives the missing number from the given list.

  • Algorithm :

  1. Calculate the sum of first n natural numbers as sumtotal= n(n+1)2\frac{n*(n+1)}{2}
  2. Create a variable sum to store the sum of array elements.
  3. Traverse the array from start to end.
  4. Update the value of sum as sum = sum + array[i]
  5. Print the missing number as sumtotal – sum

Implementation :




  • Output :
  • Explanation: Number 3 is missing from the given list of elements.Using summation formula missing number is obtained

Complexity analysis:

  • Time Complexity : O(n) Only one traversal needed to find the sum of elements in given array.
  • Space Complexity : O(1) No extra space needed.

Modification for overflow:

  • Approach :

    • The approach remains the same but integer overflows when n is large, to avoid integer overflow, pick one number from known numbers and subtract one number from given numbers.
    • This way there won’t have Integer Overflow ever during implementation.
  • Algorithm :

  1. Create a variable sum1 = 1 which will store the missing number and a counter variable a = 2.
  2. Traverse the array from start to end index .
  3. Update the value of sum as sum1 = sum1 – arr[i] + a and update a as a++.
  4. Print the missing number as a sum1 in the end .

Python :



  • Output :

Explanation the given range [1,5], 4 is missing from the array.

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Only one traversal is required
  • Space Complexity : O(1) No extra space needed

Approach 2: Using Bit manipulation(XOR)

  • Approach:

This property can be better explained using this image (Please create such image) Image 1: Using Bit manipulation to print missing number

  • Example :
  • Explanation: Now a=0,b=0

    • b = 1^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 6 ^ 5 (XORing for given array) a = 1^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 (XORing for elements starting from 1 to n+1, n is length of given array)
    • Now a^b : will give missing number 2 (XORed with same values result is zero and only uncommon number i.e , 2 is returned as the result )
  • Algorithm :

  1. Create a iterator a=0 and a variable b
  2. Run a loop from 1 to n
  3. For every iteration a=a^i
  4. Now run a loop from start to end in given array
  5. For every iteration b=b^arr[i]
  6. Return the missing number as a^b
  • Implementation:

Python :



  • Output:

Explanation the given range [1,6], 3 is missing from the array.

Complexity Analysis :

  • TIme Complexity : O(n+n) = O(n)
    • Only one traversal of the array is required for getting value of a
    • And another seperate traversal is required for getting value of b.
  • Space Complexity : O(1) No extra space is needed for storing any variables.

Approach 3 :

Using Hash (Frequency Counter)

Approach :

Using a dictionary get the frequency of each element in the array and traverse the from 1 to n and return the element whose frequency is found to be 0.

Algorithm :

  1. Firstly initialise an dictionary.
  2. Now populate the dictionary with frequency of each number in array
  3. Now start traversing from range 1 to n and find the missing number which is not present in the dictionary.
  4. Missing number is the number which is not present in dictionary.

Dictionary has a lookup time of O(1) in contrast to list with O(n), this is the main advantage while compared to linear search.



The above code without using inbuilt counter method is as follows: Python:

  • Output:
  • Explanation: 3 is missing from the given list of elements, it can be found by using dict.

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(n+n) = O(n) Two traversels are required, One for populating dictionary and the other one, to get the element which is missing in dictionary.
  • Space Complexity : O(n) Extra space is required for dictionary.

Approach 4:(Used only for Python)

  • Approach:

    Take the sum of all elements in the array and subtract that from the sum of n+1 elements.

    For Example : If arr=[1,2,4,5] then take the sum of all elements in arr and subtract that from the sum of len(arr)+1 elements.

  • Implementation:

  • Output:
  • Explanation : From the given range [1,6], 3 is missing from the array.

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity : O(n) Only one traversal is required for finding the missing number in the array.
  • Space Complexity : O(1) No extra space is needed.


  • There are many approaches available to solve this problem, an approach which is more suitable for the given problem can be applied.
  • All the approaches deal with O(n) time complexity but depend it mainly depends on the space optimization techniques.
  • To conclude, we have learned various optimized techniques on how to get a missing number from the given list of elements.
  • Out of all these methods, XOR (bit manipulation) method is considered to be more efficient in both space and time complexity.