PHP Objects and Classes

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PHP is a widely adopted programming language that is highly popular for web development purposes. One of its key strengths is its built-in support for object-oriented programming (OOP). In OOP, classes and objects play a crucial role in organizing and structuring code to enhance its reusability and maintainability. This article will provide an overview of classes and objects in PHP, their definitions, and how they can be utilized to create robust and flexible code for web development.


Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on organizing code into objects, which are instances of classes. This approach allows developers to encapsulate data and behavior into reusable modules, enhancing code readability, reusability, and maintainability. PHP fully supports OOP concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, making it a powerful tool for building complex web applications.

What is a Class?

A class is a fundamental concept in PHP programming that serves as a blueprint or template that outlines the structure and behavior of objects. A class acts as a foundation for creating objects of a specific type by providing a set of predefined properties and methods. Properties refer to the variables within a class that stores data, while methods are the functions that define the behavior and attributes of the objects generated from the class.

By encapsulating related variables and functions within a class, PHP enables efficient and modular code organization. This approach promotes code reusability and enhances maintainability. Through the use of classes, developers can easily create and manipulate objects, utilizing the predefined structure and behavior defined within the class blueprint.

Define a Class

Creating a class in PHP involves using the class keyword followed by the desired class name. A class can also have a constructor. The constructor of a class is a special method that is automatically executed when an object is created from that class. It is used to initialize the properties of the object with specific values. In PHP, the constructor method is defined with the __construct() function, and it can take parameters that allow the external values to be passed and assigned to the object's properties. This helps ensure that the object is properly initialized upon creation and ready to be used with the desired initial state.

Let's create a simple class called Rectangle as an example:


In this example, we have a class called Rectangle that serves as a blueprint for creating rectangle objects. It has private properties, $length and $width, which hold the measurements of the rectangle. During object creation, the constructor method sets these attributes. The class also offers two public methods, calculatePerimeter() and calculateArea(), which utilize the length and width properties to efficiently compute the rectangle's perimeter and area, respectively.

What is an Object?

In object-oriented programming, an object is an instance of a class. It represents a specific entity or concept in our code. Objects have their own set of properties (also known as attributes or variables) and can execute the methods (also known as functions or behaviors) defined in their class.

Define Objects:

To create an object from a class, you use the new keyword followed by the class name and parentheses. In the case of the Rectangle class, you can create an instance of it as follows:


In the given code snippet, an instance of the Rectangle class is created, represented by the object $rectangle. By using the new keyword, a new object is instantiated according to the defined blueprint of the class. The length and width values (5 and 3, respectively) are provided as arguments to the constructor of the Rectangle class. This enables the initialization of the object's properties with specific values.

Accessing Object Properties and Methods

After creating an object, its properties and methods can be accessed using the object operator (->). To calculate the perimeter and area of the rectangle object, the defined methods can be utilized as shown below:


In the given code snippet, the calculatePerimeter() and calculateArea() methods are invoked on the $rectangle object using the object operator (->). These methods carry out calculations based on the length and width properties of the object and yield the respective results.


Let's dive deeper into classes and objects in PHP by exploring some examples.

  • Add properties to a class:
    Let's consider the Rectangle class as an example. We introduce the properties $length and $width to store the dimensions of the rectangle. These properties are designated with the private visibility modifier, restricting their access solely within the class.

  • Add methods to a class:
    In the same example of the Rectangle class, two methods, namely calculatePerimeter() and calculateArea(), is used. These methods execute computations utilizing the length and width attributes of the rectangle object.

  • Declare a class with properties and methods with arguments:
    In the Rectangle class, a constructor method is declared, which accepts arguments for length and width. During object creation, these arguments are utilized to initialize the respective properties of the class.

  • Initialize the class properties outside the class:
    When creating a Rectangle instance, we may pass the needed length and width values as arguments to the constructor to initialize the class properties outside of the class. As an illustration:

In this example, a new object named $rectangle is created by using the Rectangle class, and the values 5 and 3 are supplied as constructor options. As a result, the constructor assigns these values to the length and width fields of the object.


  • Classes in PHP act as blueprints or templates that define the structure and behavior of objects.
  • A class consists of properties (variables) and methods (functions) that define the characteristics and actions of the objects. They enhance code organization, reusability, and maintainability.
  • Objects are instances of classes, created using the new keyword followed by the class name. They have their own set of properties and can execute the methods defined in their class.
  • Properties store data related to objects, while methods define the actions that objects can perform.
  • Properties and methods can be accessed using the object operator (->).
  • Properties can be added to a class to store specific data for each object instance.
  • Methods can be added to a class to define behavior and perform actions on object properties. They can accept arguments to perform operations based on provided values.
  • Properties of an object can be initialized outside the class using the object operator (->). Understanding classes and objects is crucial for effective object-oriented programming in PHP.