Debugging in PHP

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Debug techniques in PHP involve identifying and fixing errors and issues in code to ensure proper functionality. It includes various approaches such as using error reporting, logging, and debugging tools. Error reporting settings help identify syntax errors and runtime issues, providing valuable information for debugging. Logging techniques involve writing messages to log files to track program flow and identify errors. Debugging tools, like Xdebug, provide advanced features like breakpoints, step-through execution, and variable inspection. Effective debugging techniques help developers diagnose and fix issues efficiently, leading to improved code quality and a smoother development process.

What is Debugging?

Debug in PHP refers to the process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving errors, bugs, and unexpected behaviors in PHP code. It is an essential skill for PHP developers to ensure their applications function correctly and deliver the desired results.

During the development cycle, PHP code may encounter various issues such as syntax errors, logical errors, runtime errors, or unexpected behavior. Debugging helps developers locate and rectify these problems to improve the overall functionality and performance of their applications.

The debugging process involves systematically examining the code, tracing its execution, and identifying the root cause of the issue. It requires a combination of techniques, tools, and problem-solving skills.

Basic Errors that Programmers Do While Programming in PHP

While programming in PHP, programmers can make various common errors that can affect the functionality, performance, and security of their applications. Some of these errors include:

  • Syntax Errors: Syntax errors occur when the code violates the rules and structure of the PHP language. These errors often result from missing or mismatched brackets, parentheses, semicolons, or incorrect variable naming. Syntax errors can prevent the code from executing and need to be fixed before the code can run successfully.
  • Undefined Variables: Using variables that have not been declared or initialized can lead to undefined variable errors. This can happen when a programmer misspells a variable name, forgets to declare it, or tries to access it before assigning a value. Undefined variables can cause unexpected behavior or even crashes in the application.
  • Logic Errors: Logic errors occur when the code does not produce the desired output or behaves unexpectedly due to flawed logic or incorrect conditional statements. These errors can be challenging to identify as the code may run without throwing any errors, but the results may not be as expected.
  • SQL Injection Vulnerabilities: Failing to properly sanitize user input before using it in SQL queries can lead to SQL injection vulnerabilities. This allows malicious users to manipulate database queries and potentially access, modify, or delete sensitive data. Proper use of prepared statements or parameterized queries can mitigate this risk.
  • Insecure File Uploads: Allowing users to upload files without proper validation and security measures can expose the application to security risks. Programmers need to validate file types, restrict file sizes, and store uploaded files in secure locations to prevent unauthorized access or execution of malicious code.

Debugging Tools

Here are details about some popular debugging tools in PHP which is stated below:


Xdebug is one of the most widely used and powerful debuging tools for PHP. It provides a range of features to assist developers in identifying and resolving issues in their code. Some key features include:

  • Stack Traces: Xdebug generates detailed stack traces, allowing developers to trace the execution flow of their code, identify the sequence of function calls, and pinpoint the exact location of errors or unexpected behaviors.
  • Profiling: Xdebug helps measure the performance of PHP applications by profiling their execution. It provides insights into the time taken by each function and allows developers to identify bottlenecks and optimize their code accordingly.
  • Remote Debugging: Xdebug allows remote debugging, enabling developers to debug PHP applications running on a remote server. This feature is particularly useful in development environments where applications are hosted on separate servers or virtual machines.
  • Code Coverage Analysis: Xdebug offers code coverage analysis, which helps determine which parts of the code are executed during testing. This aids in identifying untested or insufficiently covered code areas, ensuring better test coverage.


PHPStorm is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specifically designed for PHP development. It comes with built-in debugging capabilities that streamline the debugging process. Key features of PHPStorm include:

  • Debugging Toolbar: PHPStorm provides a debugging toolbar with essential debugging controls such as breakpoints, step into, step over, and step out. Developers can easily navigate through their code while debugging and inspecting variables and expressions.
  • Code Analysis: PHPStorm includes code analysis tools that highlight syntax errors, unused variables, and other coding issues. This helps catch potential bugs and improve code quality during the development process.
  • Remote Debugging: PHPStorm supports remote debugging, allowing developers to debug PHP applications running on remote servers or virtual machines. This feature is beneficial when working with distributed or cloud-based development environments.
  • PHPUnit Integration: PHPStorm integrates with PHPUnit, a popular unit testing framework for PHP. This allows developers to run tests and debug them directly from the IDE, making it easier to identify and resolve issues in their test cases.


DBGp is a protocol used for remote debugging of PHP applications. It is supported by various debugging tools and IDEs. Some notable features of DBGp include:

  • Breakpoints and Step Debugging: DBGp supports setting breakpoints in the code, allowing developers to pause the execution at specific points to inspect variables, evaluate expressions, and step through the code line by line.
  • Remote Debugging: DBGp enables remote debugging, allowing developers to debug PHP applications running on remote servers or different environments. This is particularly useful when the development and production environments are separate.
  • Multiple Language Support: DBGp is not limited to PHP and can be used for debugging other languages such as Python, Perl, and Tcl. This makes it a versatile tool for developers working with multiple programming languages.


Blackfire is a performance profiling and debugging tool for PHP applications. It helps developers optimize their code and improve application performance. Key features of Blackfire include:

  • Profiling: Blackfire allows developers to profile their PHP applications to identify performance bottlenecks. It captures detailed information about the execution of functions, database queries, and external HTTP requests, providing insights into performance optimization opportunities.
  • Flame Graphs: Blackfire generates flame graphs, visual representations of the application's execution flow. These graphs make it easier to understand the relationships between functions and identify areas that consume significant resources or cause performance issues.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) Integration: Blackfire integrates with CI tools, allowing developers to incorporate performance testing and profiling into their CI/CD pipelines. This ensures that performance issues are detected early in the development process.
  • Code Recommendations: Based on the profiling results, Blackfire provides code recommendations to help developers optimize their code. These recommendations include suggestions for improving database queries, reducing unnecessary function calls, and optimizing resource usage.


Codeception is a testing framework that includes built-in support for PHP debugging. It is primarily focused on functional and acceptance testing but also offers debugging features. Key features of Codeception include:

  • Debugging Helpers: Codeception provides various debugging helpers that can be used during test execution. These helpers include methods for logging messages, printing debug information, and asserting specific conditions. Developers can use these helpers to track the flow of test execution and troubleshoot issues.
  • Interactive Debugging: Codeception allows interactive debugging by pausing the test execution at specific points and providing an interactive console. Developers can then interact with the test environment, execute custom commands, and inspect variables in real time.
  • Test Failure Analysis: When a test fails, Codeception provides a detailed failure analysis, including the exact line of code where the failure occurred and the values of relevant variables. This information helps developers quickly identify and fix issues in their tests.

Tracy Debugger:

Tracy Debugger is a lightweight and user-friendly debugging tool for PHP. It offers a range of features for debugging and profiling PHP applications. Key features of Tracy Debugger include:

  • Error Logging and Diagnostics: Tracy Debugger logs errors and exceptions, providing detailed information about the error, including the stack trace, variables, and the context in which the error occurred. It also captures and logs AJAX requests, SQL queries, and other relevant information.
  • Debug Bar: Tracy Debugger includes a debug bar that displays various information about the current request, such as memory usage, execution time, database queries, and HTTP headers. This allows developers to quickly assess the performance and behavior of their application.
  • Debugger Console: Tracy Debugger provides a console panel that allows developers to execute PHP code and inspect variables in real time during runtime. This interactive console helps in debugging complex issues and experimenting with code.
  • Profiling: Tracy Debugger offers profiling capabilities, allowing developers to measure and analyze the performance of their code. It provides detailed timing information about function calls, database queries, and other code execution aspects, helping identify performance bottlenecks.

Basic technique in PHP Debugging

Debugging is an essential part of PHP development, and there are several basic techniques that developers can utilize to identify and resolve issues. In this case, we'll explore four fundamental techniques: outputting values, dumping variables to stdout, switching error reporting level`, and monitoring error logs.

Outputting values

One of the simplest debugging techniques is to output values directly to the browser or console. Developers can use the echo or print statements to display the values of variables, function returns, or other relevant information at specific points in the code. For example:

This technique helps in quickly verifying the values and flow of the program, allowing developers to ensure that variables contain the expected data.

  • Dumping Variables to STDOUT: Dumping variables to the standard output (STDOUT) is another effective debugging technique. The var_dump() or print_r() functions can be used to display detailed information about variables, including their data type, size, and content. For example:


The output will provide a structured representation of the variable, making it easier to identify any inconsistencies or unexpected values.

  • Switching Error Reporting Level: By modifying the error reporting level, developers can control the types of errors and warnings displayed. The error_reporting() function is used to set the error reporting level. For example, to display all errors and warnings, including notices, developers can use:

On the other hand, to suppress error reporting, the value can be set to 0:

Adjusting the error reporting level allows developers to focus on specific types of errors and warnings based on the needs of their debugging process.

  • Monitoring Error Logs: PHP generates error logs that contain detailed information about errors and warnings encountered during execution. Developers can configure PHP to write these logs to a specific file or view them in real-time using tools like tail command on Unix/Linux systems. By monitoring the error logs, developers can identify and investigate issues that may not be immediately visible during execution. The location of the error log file can be set in the PHP configuration file (php.ini):

Regularly checking the error logs is crucial, especially in production environments, as it helps identify and address potential issues that could impact the application's functionality and performance.

Stepping Through Code

Stepping through code allows developers to execute their PHP code line by line, inspecting variables and tracking the flow of execution. This technique is particularly useful for understanding how the code behaves and identifying errors or unexpected behavior. Common steps include:

  • Breakpoints: Placing breakpoints at specific lines in the code allows developers to pause the execution at those points. They can then examine the state of variables, step into functions or methods, step over lines of code, and resume execution.
  • Step Into: This action enables developers to enter into the execution of functions or methods called within the current line of code. It helps track the flow of execution and understand how functions affect the program.
  • Step Over: With this action, developers can execute the current line of code without stepping into any function or method calls. It is useful when the focus is on the current block of code, and the developer does not want to delve into function details.
  • Step Out: This action allows developers to quickly exit the current function or method and continue execution at the calling point. It is beneficial when developers want to skip the execution of internal function details.
  • By stepping through the code, developers can closely examine variables, evaluate expressions, and detect issues in the logic or behavior of their PHP applications.

Php debugging tools

Several debugging tools specifically designed for PHP make the debugging process more efficient and effective. These tools offer a range of features to assist developers in identifying and resolving issues. Some popular PHP debugging tools include:

  • Xdebug: Xdebug is a widely used and powerful debugging tool for PHP. It provides features like stack traces, profiling, remote debugging, and code coverage analysis.
  • PHPStorm: PHPStorm is an IDE that offers built-in debugging capabilities for PHP. It provides a debugging toolbar, code analysis, remote debugging, and integration with PHPUnit.
  • Codeception: Codeception is a testing framework that includes debugging features. It offers interactive debugging, debugging helpers, and test failure analysis.
  • DBGp: DBGp is a protocol used for remote debugging of PHP applications. It is supported by various debugging tools and IDEs and provides features like breakpoints, step debugging, and multiple language support.
  • These tools integrate with popular IDEs, provide user-friendly interfaces, and offer advanced features to streamline the debugging process and enhance developers' productivity.

Configuring your IDE

Configuring your IDE for PHP debugging is crucial to leverage its debugging capabilities effectively. Here are some common configuration steps: Setting Up Debugger: Configure the IDE to connect and communicate with the debugger. This typically involves specifying the debugger's host and port or attaching it to the PHP executable.

  • Mapping Project Files: Map the project files in your IDE to the corresponding files on the server or local environment. This ensures that breakpoints, variable inspection, and other debugging features work accurately.
  • Configuring Debugging Options: Customize the debugging options based on your preferences. This may include setting breakpoints, enabling specific debugging actions (step into, step over, etc.), and defining error reporting levels.
  • Remote Debugging Configuration: If you're debugging a PHP application running on a remote server, configure the necessary settings to establish a connection between the IDE and the remote environment.
  • IDE-Specific Configurations: Different IDEs have their debugging configurations and options. Refer to the documentation or specific instructions provided by your IDE to configure it for PHP debugging.

Attaching and Stepping into Debugging

Attaching and stepping into debugging in PHP involves establishing a connection between the debugger and the PHP application, and then navigating through the code line by line to inspect variables and track the flow of execution. Here's a detailed explanation of the process:

  1. Setting Up the Debugger: To attach and step into debugging, you need to configure the debugger appropriately. The most common debugger used in PHP is Xdebug. Follow these steps to set up Xdebug:
  • Install Xdebug: Ensure that Xdebug is installed and enabled on your PHP server or development environment. Refer to the Xdebug documentation for installation instructions specific to your environment.
  • Configure Xdebug: Adjust the configuration settings of Xdebug in the php.ini file or a separate Xdebug-specific configuration file. Common settings include specifying the remote host and port for the debugger to connect to.
  • Restart PHP: After making any changes to the Xdebug configuration, restart your PHP server or development environment to apply the settings.
  1. Attaching the Debugger: Once the debugger is properly configured, you need to attach it to your PHP application. This can be done in different ways depending on your development setup:
  • Local Environment: If you are debugging a PHP application running on your local machine, you can enable debugging directly from your integrated development environment (IDE). IDEs like PHPStorm, Visual Studio Code, and NetBeans have built-in support for attaching the debugger to a local PHP process.
  • Remote Environment: For debugging PHP applications running on a remote server or virtual machine, you need to configure remote debugging. This involves specifying the remote host and port in the debugger configuration and establishing a connection between your IDE and the remote environment.
  1. Stepping Into Debugging: Once the debugger is attached, you can start stepping into the code to examine its execution. Here's how you can do it:
  • Set Breakpoints: Place breakpoints at specific lines in your PHP code where you want the debugger to pause execution. This can be done by clicking on the line number in your IDE or by using the appropriate debugging commands.
  • Start Debugging: Initiate the debugging session by triggering the PHP script that you want to debug. This can be done by accessing the PHP application through a web browser or by running the script from the command line.
  • Step Into As the code execution reaches a breakpoint, the debugger will pause. At this point, you can step into the next line of code to delve deeper into function or method calls. This action allows you to navigate through the code, line by line, and inspect the values of variables and expressions.

Switching error reporting level

Switching the error reporting level in PHP debugging refers to modifying the level of errors and warnings displayed during the execution of a PHP application. By adjusting the error reporting level, developers can control the verbosity and types of errors that are reported. For example, setting the error reporting level to E_ALL displays all errors, warnings, and notices, while setting it to 0 suppresses all error reporting. This technique helps developers focus on specific types of errors or warnings, allowing them to identify and address issues more effectively during the debugging process.


  • Debugging is an essential part of PHP development, allowing developers to identify and fix issues in their code.
  • Effective debugging techniques help in understanding the behavior of the code, identifying errors, and optimizing performance
  • Outputting values, dumping variables, and monitoring error logs are basic debugging techniques that provide quick insights into the code execution and help in error identification.
  • Stepping through code and utilizing PHP debugging tools offer more advanced debugging capabilities, allowing developers to track the flow of execution, inspect variables, and troubleshoot complex issues.
  • Configuring the IDE for debugging and attaching the debugger to the PHP application are crucial steps in the debugging process.