Python Frameworks

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Python Course for Beginners With Certification: Mastering the Essentials
Python Course for Beginners With Certification: Mastering the Essentials
by Rahul Janghu
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Python frameworks aid in reducing development time by providing pre-built implementations of redundant tasks, allowing the developer to focus on application logic rather than worrying about common details like protocols, sockets, etc. Developers use frameworks extensively to reuse the same code for similar types of HTTP operations and to define the structure and functionality of an application. As one of the most popular programming languages, there is no shortage of Python frameworks. Each framework has its advantages and disadvantages. As a result, the selection should be made based on project requirements and developer preferences.

What are Frameworks in Python?

Using tools to assist them, such as Frameworks, developers do not need to start from scratch. By using frameworks, developers can create specific platform-specific applications. The framework contains reusable code that performs common tasks and uses code provided by the developer to provide custom functionality. Developers can build applications with reusable objects and functions in the framework. Using this approach we can add existing code around the structure, to add significant functionality to the system.

A framework combines resources such as image files and reference documents. The package can therefore be customized to suit specific project needs. The documentation for frameworks usually includes various styles of documents, such as overviews, examples, recipes, cookbooks, and patterns. In the absence of appropriate documentation, frameworks are particularly difficult for first-time users to understand, which results in lengthy learning curves and negates the benefits associated with reuse. Developers can extend the functionality of an application using frameworks.

Advantages Of Frameworks.

1. Because the application contains code for common tasks and uses the code provided by the developer for custom functionality, it requires significantly less time to develop.
2. Promotes good programming practices and appropriate use of design patterns.
3. Duplicates and redundant code are avoided, resulting in fewer bugs and better consistency of development.
4. In the framework, numerous pieces of code and functionalities have been incorporated and tested in advance, resulting in more reliable applications.
5. Application development takes less time because it provides code for common tasks and uses developer-provided code for custom functionality.

Library vs Framework

A library is a collection of classes and functions that developers can use to boost their productivity.In contrast, frameworks are the building blocks upon which applications for specific platforms are built.
A library can easily be replaced with another library. For example, use another date picker if you dislike the jQuery library, such as bootstrap's date picker or pick date.Changing frameworks can be challenging. For example, simply switching from AngularJS to another framework once your product is built is impossible You'll have to rewrite everything.
Library modules are typically collections of objects, classes, functions, message templates, and prewritten codeA framework includes toolsets compilers, support programs, and APIs, compilers.
Building libraries requires less code, which leads to faster loading and improved performance.In order to build a framework, a lot of code is required, which increases loading times and negatively impacts performance.
Libraries are used to accomplish a defined and specific task. Eg: Image manipulation, network protocols, math operations, etc.Frameworks are useful for performing many tasks. Among them are Web application systems, plug-in managers, GUI systems, and so forth.
A Library helps you to link and bind applicationsA framework helps you in developing and deploying applications
Ex: React JS, JQueryEx: NodeJS, Spring, AngularJS, Vue JS

Types of Python Frameworks

Generally, Python frameworks fall into three categories:

1. Full-Stack Framework

Full-stack Frameworks are essentially a collection of libraries that are configured to work together seamlessly. The tool allows users to write backend services, frontend interfaces, and databases. Full-stack frameworks provide everything a developer needs to build an application. They come with built-in libraries that integrate seamlessly. Python has more than one full-stack framework available. The Unique feature of this framework is that it supports the development of databases, frontend interfaces, and backend services without any trouble


  • TurboGears
  • CubicWeb
  • Web2Py
  • Pylons Framework
  • Django
  • Giotto

2. Microframework

A microframework, or minimalistic framework for web applications, lacks many of the features of a full-fledged framework, such as web templates, an authentication engine, accounts, authorization, input validation, and input sanitation. A microframework is only concerned with providing the components needed to build an application. A unique feature of this microframework is that it focuses on providing functionality specific to one particular area.


  • Hug
  • Flask
  • Pycnic
  • Falcon
  • CherryPy
  • Bottle
  • MorePath
  • Dash

3. Asynchronous Framework

The Python asynchronous framework is the newest addition to the Python framework family. Using this microframework, developers can manage large quantities of concurrent connections. The uniques feature of this framework is that it allows developers can manage a large number of simultaneous connections with this microframework. These frameworks use Python's asyncio library and non-blocking sockets.


  • Sanic
  • Growler
  • Tornado

Top Python Frameworks


For developing Python applications, Django is one of the most popular web development frameworks. When compared to other frameworks, this framework comes with a large number of built-in capabilities rather than giving them as separate libraries. Django maps objects to database tables by using its ORM. Although Django has inbuilt support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle Database, some third-party drivers can be used to connect to other databases. The principle of Don't Repeat Yourself(DRY) is followed in this framework. In addition to its built-in libraries, Django offers tools for migrating between databases.


  • Developers can avoid common security mistakes using Django.
  • Web applications can be developed from concept to launch in hours using this framework.
  • The Django architecture is based on Model View Controller and Model View Template. The developer simply needs to give the user a model, view, and template and the user will map it to the URL, after which other tasks will be handled by Django.
  • It has a lot of support for authentication
  • There are options for refactoring database schemas using Django.
  • It comes in with web server support


This is a Python-based microframework for developing analytical web applications and is popular with data scientists. For data scientists who do not possess any experience in web development, this is the best solution for them. Dash applications use Flask to run web servers and communicate with JSON data through HTTP requests. The underlying Flask instance is accessible by Dash developers, along with all of its configurable properties. With dash, applications can also run web servers like flask and exchange JSON packets using HTTP requests for communication. Dash applications are cross-platform and mobile-ready due to their ability to run in the browser and deploy to the server.


  • It helps you in getting started with Dash apps which requires very little boilerplate code
  • It allows you to perform high customization
  • It has in-built LDAP integration
  • It has the support for plugins


The Microframework provides a single source of files for every application it is used for. This is mainly used for API development and is one of the best Python web frameworks available. A major advantage of using Bottle is that developers can work closer to the hardware. In addition to building simple personal-use applications, Bottle can also be used for learning how to work with web frameworks. The framework is primarily used for constructing APIs and is ideal for small applications. It is considered a micro-framework since it requires only one source file.


  • Its adapter supports WSGI/HTTP servers and third-party template engines
  • It Ensures we have an easy way access to cookie data, file uploads, and other HTTP-related metadata
  • It Integrates well with HTTP
  • It has plug-ins that support different databases
  • This framework grants access to form data, cookie information, file uploads, and other HTTP metadata.


The Flask Python framework is another popular framework for Python which allows developers to create a solid base from which extensions can be added to create a web application with any type of functionality needed. This framework is inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework and requires the Jinja2 template and Werkzeug WSGI toolkit. Flask is adaptable thanks to its lightweight design and modular architecture. Google App Engine is compatible with this micro-framework. The framework is used by developers to create solid web applications, and such applications can be easily extended.


  • It has a Fast debugger built-in
  • It provides the option of plugging in any ORM
  • It supports HTTP requests
  • It has an integrated development server
  • It supports RESTful requests
  • Flask provides support for cookies so that client-side sessions can be established


A scalable Python framework that lets users create web applications quickly and smoothly, Web2Py is an open-source framework designed for building web applications. The tool is platform-independent, supporting all popular operating systems. In addition, this framework facilitates the development of web applications by providing a web-based interface, a web server, and a SQL database. Web2Py comes with a web-based IDE that includes a debugger, a code editor, and single-click deployment. Python 3 is not supported.


  • It can be installed and configured without any problems.
  • It supports internationalization.
  • It is compatible with previous versions.
  • It provides support for multiple protocols


With MorePath, you can execute more numbers-related use cases using Python's WSGI framework. In addition to the common Python data structures being induced into RESTful Web Services, it is designed specifically for getting most typical use cases up and running quickly. Python's framework has the unique feature of automatically turning paths into links when creating apps with the best URLs.


  • It contains everything you need to build RESTful web services
  • It provides a generic user interface as simple as subclassing
  • The mechanism for extension and override is straightforward, coherent, and universal
  • Its permissions are versatile, straightforward, and powerful.


A Python framework for building data-driven, full-stack web applications, TurboGears is open-source and free. Developers can use it to quickly develop data-driven websites. TurboGears comes with an intuitive templating system in addition to its powerful and flexible ORM functionality. Using the full-stack framework, developers can easily and quickly develop apps requiring database connectivity using components such as Genshi, Repoze, SQLAlchemy, and WebOb.


  • In this framework each feature is implemented as a function decorator
  • It provides support for Command-line tools
  • It provides MochiKit JavaScript library integration
  • It provides support for multiple databases

Pylons Framework

The Pylons framework is an open-source, full-stack framework for the rapid development of applications. Frameworks like this combine the best aspects of Perl, Python, and Ruby. Though it is currently in maintenance mode, the Pylons framework is still used by some developers because it offers a highly flexible structure for web development. WSGI is heavily used in the full-stack framework to promote reusability


  • It supports validating and generating HTML forms
  • It provides support for Routes
  • It has support Text-based templating
  • It provides dispatch of URLs


The Pyramid framework is a free and open-source full-stack web development tool that aims to make development as simple as possible. Among Pyramid's key advantages is that it can be used in small as well as large-scale applications. Additionally, it is equipped with a multitude of resources that can be tapped into as situations warrant. Pyramid can be used for both small and large-scale applications, which makes it extremely flexible.


  • It provides Authorization and authentication that are flexible
  • It provides support for Function decorators
  • Has Predicates inbuilt
  • Provides support for renderers

Cherry Py

CherryPy is an open-source, object-oriented microframework. The approach is minimalistic. Introduced in 2002, It is one of the oldest Python frameworks. CherryPy-based web applications are standalone Python applications that run on any operating system supporting Python. CherryPy apps do not require an Apache server. These frameworks allow users to create stand-alone python applications with embedded multithreaded servers.


  • It can cover, profile, and test your code
  • It enables the simultaneous execution of multiple HTTP servers
  • It has a Configuration system with powerful features
  • It is Compatible with Android


Built upon synchronous asyncio, it is an asynchronous framework. It incorporates NodeJS and the Express/Connect frameworks. It is not the framework itself that handles the request, but rather, middleware technology that handles the request. The original purpose of GROWLER was to teach beginners how to use asynchronous libraries.` Using this framework, complex applications can be implemented more straightforwardly.


  • Due to the lack of mandatory callbacks and the use of proper try/except blocks, the program flow is readily apparent
  • It has Support for a large number of open-source packages
  • It provides code that can be written cleanly and reused by using decorators
  • We can use Ziapp, to compress an entire application into a single executable file


It is a microframework for building web APIs, and it is also a widely used Python framework. It facilitates the building of HTTP and REST-enabled architectures with a cleaner design. More requests can be handled with the same hardware than all of its competitors. Several big companies use Falcon, including LinkedIn, OpenStack, and RackSpace.


  • It provides code that is extensible and highly optimized
  • It has in-built support for cython for a speed boost
  • It has an automatic HTTP error handling feature
  • It handles the error at the front end


The CubicWeb framework is an open-source, free-to-use, Python-based semantic web framework. To develop a functional application, CubicWeb requires the data model to be defined. CubicWeb uses cubes instead of separate views and models. An instance is then assembled from multiple cubes using a database, a web server, and configuration files.


  • It has components that can be reused
  • It contains a lot of security workflows
  • It Implements RQL (Relational Query Language) embedding to simplify data queries
  • It has the support for multiple databases


Model View Controller (MVC) is the core of this framework. Giotto includes controller modules that allow users to create apps on top of the web, IRC (Internet Relay Chat)`, and command line. Its Model, View, and Controller elements are arranged to allow web designers, web developers, and system administrators to work independently.


  • It has automated URL routing built-in
  • It implements SQLAlchemy Database persistence
  • It provides extremely concise code
  • It provides common models and views


Python developers can use Hug to develop an API once and deploy it everywhere they wish. By incorporating multiple interfaces, the Python framework simplifies API development. This framework consumes resources as needed and uses Cython for compilation. It allows application developers to be completed very easily and quickly.


  • It has automated annotation validation
  • It Follows the principle of writing once, uses anywhere
  • It has built-in version control
  • It includes automatic documentation support built-in


A web framework based on the up loop is called Sanic. Fast HTTP responses are provided by asynchronous request handling, which is one of its best features. Using Sanic, you can handle asynchronous requests making it compatible with Python 3.5's asynchronous/await functions. This enhances speed and provides non-blocking capabilities.


  • It provides cookies that can be read and written
  • It provides different types of logging, including error and access logs
  • It has Class-based views
  • It provides support for easy decorator application

UV loop

In a nutshell, it is meant to be among the fastest Python web frameworks, and it cannot be ignored. This is generally used to replace the asyncio event loop and can be used either with a current asyncio application or to replace a current asyncio application. The Uvloop asynchronous framework is way faster than NodeJS, events, or Python asynchronous frameworks.


  • It's has a lightning-fast speed
  • It has replaced asyncio event loop.


Despite being the server web framework, this framework can also be used as a client framework. It uses Python 3.5 and above features such as async and await. A key component of the framework is Python's asyncio library. The redirection of queries is accomplished using request objects and routers in AIOHHTP.


  • It provides an effective way to build views
  • It Has middleware compatibility
  • It supports Plugin-based routing
  • It Provides support for both client and server web sockets without callback hell


A JSON-based API can be developed with this object-oriented micro-framework. Because it creates the fastest web APIs, this framework can hold the position among the top Python frameworks.


  • It provides support for Cookies
  • It has support for routing
  • It comes in with error handling built-in
  • Using this JSON requests can be handled.


  • Frameworks offer benefits such as removing the headache of dependency trees, what to use and what not to use, and how to design your application, but with limitations, such as not giving you complete control over your application.
  • Even though libraries can be used, people prefer using frameworks because they are more idiomatic, more reliable, and easier to extend functionality with the tools provided by the framework.
  • Frameworks are great if you have to create something fast for a customer.
  • It is completely up to the developer to decide what framework is best suited to their project.

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