Deep Learning with PyTorch

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In this article, we'll get an Introduction to deep learning with PyTorch and the most basic multilayer perceptrons. We will discuss essential concepts like Gradient Descent, backward and forward propagation, and activation functions like PyTorch ReLU, PyTorch softmax, etc. We'll also learn about regularization and specific techniques for regularising neural nets like PyTorch dropout and weight decay.

Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch

To begin with, we'll get an Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch - a prominent library for working with deep neural networks.

We'll get familiar with how the API could be used for not only developing the models but also going through the full cycle of preprocessing and getting the data in place, feeding it to a model suitable for the task at hand, and running efficient training loops in order to train the model to produce desired outputs.

Following this, let's walk through the major components involved in building a deep learning model along with looking at how PyTorch supports each component -

1. Data preprocessing and loading - While data could be present in any format or platform, the first steps towards training a deep learning model are to access the data, preprocess it suitably, and finally assemble it in a way that's efficient for feeding it to a model.

So, the pipeline consists of - access, preprocessing, and assembling in batches.

  • PyTorch provides two primitives namely - and to deal with these steps.

  • Dataset class is where we access the data, preprocess it, and use an instance of it to feed to the Dataloader.

  • Dataloader seamlessly ensures that data loading and preprocessing do not become a bottleneck in the model training pipeline. It uses multiple sub-processes to generate batches of data in parallel as the model trains.

2. Defining the model architecture - The field of deep learning is booming with innovations and new research every other day. New architectures keep on getting introduced for specific tasks. In order to be able to define a model architecture for a particular problem at hand, PyTorch offers support in two ways -

  • It offers APIs to access standard pre-trained models for specific tasks. For e.g., ResNet is a popular model used in computer vision, and it is available to use in PyTorch in just one line of code, like so -
  • It offers access to the low-level layers that are the building blocks of neural architectures; using these layers, we can easily define our own custom architectures.

    We'll see a working code example of this shortly. Refer to docs to explore the different layers available.

3. Training the model - In order to train a neural network -

  • We need to define certain criteria based on which the model shall be optimized.

  • Also, we need efficient optimization algorithms that work according to a set of rules and iteratively update our model such that it reaches an optimal state.

PyTorch offers a plethora of these criteria (formally known as loss functions) and optimization algorithms (known as optimizers) for us to be able to define training loops for our model.

Loss functions are available in torch.nn while optimizers are available in torch.optim.

Later in the article, we explore a range of loss functions and optimizers, all implemented in PyTorch.

Introduction to Neural Networks with PyTorch

Now that we have looked at the major components of building a deep learning model, let's focus our attention on the 2nd component discussed above and talk about a certain class of model architecture.

What are MLPs?

MLPs or Multilayer perceptrons, also called feedforward neural networks are the most basic type of deep learning architecture.

As the name "feedforward" suggests, these network architectures feed the input forward through the network to produce the output. There is no such step in these networks where this output is fed back to the network.

Again, as the name multilayer suggests, these networks are composed of multiple layers; layers are of three types - input layer, hidden layers, and the final output layer.

Here's what a one-layered MLP (or a layered-FFNN) looks like -


  • The input layer here is of size p (x1, x2,...,xp), the hidden layer is of size L (h1, h2, ...., hL), and the output layer is of size m (y1, y2, ...., ym).
  • The arrows represent what is called the "weights" of the network.
  • For every layer, these weights are multiplied by the inputs coming from previous layers.
  • These multiplied terms (u1,... uj,... uL) are subjected to non-linearities by means of what is called activation functions (we explore these deeply later in the article) and finally, the output coming out of these activation functions (h1,..., hj,..., hL) acts as input to the next layer.

Note: When we talk about taking our model to an optimized state by training it, these weights are essentially what we need to train and optimize. These weights are called the parameters of the model.

Forward and Backward Propagation

  • Forward propagation refers to the flow of inputs from the input layer all along the network through the hidden layers to produce output from the output layer.

  • This output is then compared with the actual output to calculate the value of what is called a "loss function". As discussed earlier, this loss function is the criterion based on which we iteratively train our model.

  • The iterative process consists of updating the model parameters by making a backward pass to the model based on the loss function - the loss function essentially captures the errors made by the model. This is called the backward propagation of errors.

  • And as previously discussed, Backward propagation is done in accordance with optimization algorithms called optimizers.

Now, we'll code the MLP we just defined along with all the components we discussed earlier using PyTorch. We work with the MNIST dataset that is already present in torchvision.datasets and code our network.

Now, we move on to discuss in detail the meaning of loss functions, optimizers, and activation functions, along with their types implemented in PyTorch.

Loss Functions in PyTorch

What is a Loss Function?

  • A loss function is mathematically calculated as some function of the difference between the expected model outputs from the produced model outputs.

  • It defines how worse or how well our deep learning model is performing. The loss function thus defines a criterion that we aim to optimize as we train our deep neural models.

  • Clearly, the expected model outputs are the constant values, and so the output produced by the model is a function of the weights used in the architectures in different layers along with the added bias terms.

  • So, essentially, the loss function is a function of these weights and biases that are collectively called the model parameters, and so optimizing the value of loss function eventually amounts to optimizing the value of these model parameters such that the loss reaches at least a local minimum.

  • One interesting and important point to note about loss functions when dealing with deep neural networks is that the loss function curves are never smooth convex-shaped.

  • The loss landscape being a function of a vast number of parameters is a very uneven surface, and this is also the reason we expect to reach a local minima rather than a global minima.

  • Also, when we aim to reach an optimal value for the loss function, it isn't all about getting the least value of loss. An optimal value for loss is a value that is attained such that the model is trained enough to fit (and not underfit) the training data and at the same time not overfit it so as to generalize well on unseen real-world data.

There is a wide range of loss functions available for us to use to define a criterion for training our neural networks. Their primary differences arise from subtleties in how they are defined and, in turn, because of some specific properties they exhibit.

For e.g., some loss functions are not much affected by outliers while some are heavily affected, some loss functions penalize a wrong prediction more than others, and some loss functions are designed in a way to focus more on the minority class in a classification problem and so on.

While we cannot discuss the whole list of loss functions used in deep learning with PyTorch, we will take a look at the most common PyTorch loss functions next.

Note: The loss functions used for classification tasks differ from those used for regression tasks.

Examples of Most Commonly used Loss Functions in PyTorch

BCE - Binary cross entropy loss

  • Binary cross entropy loss is the loss function primarily used for binary classification problems, i.e., where the true labels belong to either of the two classes 0 or 1.

  • To be able to use BCE loss, the neural network should produce only a single output node (or a tensor of size (1,1)), and this output value should be subjected to sigmoid activation function before calculating the BCE loss.

  • BCE loss compares each of the predicted outputs from sigmoid (output range of which is 0-1) to actual class output which is either 0 or 1.

  • Thus, while aiming to minimize this loss, the network learns to produce outputs closer to 1 for inputs belonging to class 1 and similarly for class 0.


LBCE=1ni=1n(YilogY^i+(1Yi)log(1Y^i))L_{B C E}=-\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n\left(Y_i \cdot \log \hat{Y}_i+\left(1-Y_i\right) \cdot \log \left(1-\hat{Y}_i\right)\right)

Y denotes the ground-truth label, and Ŷ denotes the predicted probability by the classifier - i.e., the final output after the sigmoid activation.*

In PyTorch -

  • weight (Tensor, optional) – a manual rescaling weight is given to the loss of each batch element. If given, it has to be a Tensor of size nbatch.
  • size_average and reduce both are deprecated as of this writing and specifying either of those two args will override reduction.
  • reduction (string, optional) – Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. 'none': no reduction will be applied, 'mean': the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, 'sum': the output will be summed. Default: 'mean'

However, the cross-entropy loss can also be used in classification settings with more than 2 classes as well; we will look into this shortly.

BCE with Logits

This is very similar to BCE loss with a subtle difference that while BCE loss expects the outputs of a sigmoid layer as inputs to it, BCE with logits requires just the logits as inputs with no sigmoid applied to them.

So, to sum up

logits -> nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss logits -> sigmoid -> nn.BCELoss

In PyTorch -

  • weight (Tensor, optional) – a manual rescaling weight given to the loss of each batch element. If given, has to be a Tensor of size nbatch.

  • pos_weight (Tensor, optional) – a weight of positive examples. Must be a vector with length equal to the number of classes.

For more info on the parameters, refer this

Cross entropy "The entropy of a random variable is the average level of “uncertainty” inherent in the variable’s possible outcomes."

Cross-entropy builds upon this idea and mathematically measures the difference between two probability distributions for a random variable. This is the loss function to use when there are more than two classes, and the data points belong to any one of them.

Mathematically, it is defined as follows -

CELoss=yclog(Pc)CELoss =-\sum y c \log (P c) yc=y c= ground truth label Pc=P c= predicted probability corresponding to the true label; (the summation is done over all examples)

Note -

  • BCE loss is a special case of loss when the two classes are 0 and 1.
  • We do not need to include a final softmax layer in our network as CrossEntropyLoss() in PyTorch internally computes softmax for us.

In PyTorch -

For more info on the parameters, refer this.

MAE - Mean absolute error

  • Mean absolute error is used for regression tasks. Mathematically, it is defined as the absolute differences between observed and expected outputs averaged over the training set.

  • Since differences here are averaged and not squared, unlike MSE loss, MAE is more robust to outliers.

  • However, it suffers from a drawback that the magnitude of the gradient isn't dependent on the error but only depends on the sign of the difference yyy-y'; this leads to convergence problems.

In PyTorch -

For more info on parameters, refer to the official documentation.

MSE - Mean square error

  • Mean square error is the most common type of loss used in regression problems.
  • Mathematically, it is defined as the squared differences between observed and expected outputs averaged over the training set.
  • Due to the differences getting squared, MSE leads to inflated errors in case the dataset contains outliers. In that sense, MSE isn't very robust to outliers.

In PyTorch -

For more info on parameters, refer to the official documentation.

Activation Functions in PyTorch

What is an Activation Function?

Activation functions are like the heart and soul of deep learning.

  • An activation function induces non-linearities in our modeling equations and thus helps the deep neural networks learn complex relationships from the data.
  • But for these activation functions, most deep neural architectures shall reduce to a basic linear model. As is obvious, linearity assumption is almost never in the real world, and so linear models aren't useful for complex modeling tasks like image captioning, classifying cars from airplanes, object detection, etc.
  • Mathematically, an activation function is like any function taking in input to produce an output in a non-linear fashion.

Like loss functions, the differences in types of activation functions stem from specific properties that make some activation functions better suited for a certain type of problem than others. Now, we look at the most common activation functions used for training neural networks and their implementations in PyTorch.

Examples of Most Commonly Used Activation Functions in PyTorch

PyTorch ReLU ReLU, or rectified linear Activation function, is a non-linear function that maps negative values to 0, while for positive values, it is an identity function.


Pros - Due to its steeper nature, on the positive side, the gradients are large, and hence learning takes place at a faster rate.

Cons - If many inputs are negative, the derivative becomes zero which causes what is called ‘dying’ of neurons and hinders learning from taking place.

In PyTorch -

PyTorch softmax

  • Softmax activation function is applied to a vector of numbers to essentially convert it into a vector of probabilities. i.e., *the elements of the resulting vector have their sum = 1. *

  • It is primarily used in multiclass classification problems where it converts the output vector into output probabilities that can be interpreted as the probabilities of occurrence of corresponding classes.


Softmax(xi)=exi/exj\operatorname{Softmax}(x i)=e^{x i} / \sum e^{x j} Summation is over all the elements xjx j in the vector

Pytorch Sigmoid

  • Sigmoid is an s-shaped non-linear function that squashes any number between 0 and 1.

  • Its most common application is in binary classification problems, where it is used to map the output in the range 0-1.

  • Because of its nature, sigmoid can lead to the problem of vanishing gradients where the updates to the parameters become negligible due to the diminishing nature of gradient values; this could cause the network to stop learning.

In PyTorch -

Pytorch Tanh tanh is very similar to sigmoid with a difference that the output range here is -1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1. And like sigmoid, it also suffers from the problem of vanishing gradients.

In PyTorch -

Optimizers in PyTorch

What are Optimizers?

Optimization of the neural network essentially amounts to finding optimal values for the parameters of the model - the values at which the loss reaches at least a local minima in the loss landscape (although we aim for global minima, it is not always guaranteed due to non-convex nature of the loss function).

In order to update the parameter values based on the loss during training iterations, we have different algorithms available called optimizers.

Gradient Descent

  • The most common optimizer used to update the parameter values is called gradient descent, and it involves moving in a direction negative to the direction of the steepest gradient.
  • As gradient descent is based on the loss value evaluated as an average of the losses from all training examples, it is costly in terms of time and resources consumed.
  • To this end, we have more sophisticated optimizers that are practically used to train models in almost every deep learning setting. We discuss these below, along with looking at their implementations in PyTorch.

Note: torch.optim is the PyTorch package containing various optimization algorithms.

Examples of Most Commonly used Optimizers in PyTorch

SGD - Stochastic gradient descent Stochastic gradient descent works exactly like gradient descent with a minor change - the loss here is estimated using just one training sample rather than using the complete training data.

Because of this, SGD is much faster than GD, despite the fact that it leads to noisy updates to the parameter values.

In PyTorch -

  • params - an iterable containing the parameters to be optimized.
  • lr - learning rate.
  • momentum (float, optional) – momentum factor (default value is 0).
  • weight_decay (float, optional) – weight decay (L2 penalty) (default value is 0).
  • dampening (float, optional) – dampening for momentum (default value is 0).

RMSProp RMSProp optimization is like gradient descent but with a momentum that restricts the oscillations of GD in the vertical direction.

What this means is that we can use comparatively larger learning rates with RMSProp leading to faster convergence without skipping the minima.

In PyTorch -

  • params (iterable) – iterable of parameters to optimize or dictionaries defining parameter groups.

  • lr (float, optional) – learning rate (default: 1e-2).

  • momentum (float, optional) – momentum factor (default: 0).

  • alpha (float, optional) – smoothing constant (default: 0.99).

  • eps (float, optional) – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability - prevent dividing by zero (default: 1e-8).

  • centered (bool, optional) – if True, compute the centered RMSProp; the gradient is normalized by an estimation of its variance.

  • weight_decay (float, optional) – weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0).

Adam Adaptive Moment Estimation or Adam optimizer accelerates the gradient descent algorithm by working with ‘exponentially weighted average’ of the gradients while deciding its next step size.

The optimizer, as the name suggests, works with adaptive step sizes and hence is guided in its steps leading to even faster convergence.

In PyTorch -

  • params (iterable) – iterable of parameters to optimize or dicts defining parameter groups.

  • lr (float, optional) – learning rate (default: 1e-3).

  • betas – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999)).

  • eps (float, optional) – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability - prevention of division by 0(default: 1e-8).

  • weight_decay (float, optional) – weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0).

  • maximize (bool, optional) – maximize the params based on the objective, instead of minimizing (default: False).


  • AdamW optimizer is a variation of the Adam optimizer that deals with the optimization of weight decay along with the learning rate.

  • The decay in weight is performed only after the parameter-wise step size is controlled. The weight decay (or the regularisation term) does not appear in the moving averages.

  • The authors of AdamW show that practically it yields better training loss, implying much better model generalization than the models trained with Adam.

  • This variant hence competes with stochastic gradient descent with momentum.

In PyTorch -

  • params (iterable) – iterable of parameters to optimize or dictionaries defining parameter groups.
  • lr (float, optional) – learning rate (default: 1e-3).
  • betas – coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999)).
  • eps (float, optional) – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8).
  • weight_decay (float, optional) – weight decay coefficient (default: 1e-2)
  • maximize (bool, optional) – maximize the params based on the objective instead of minimizing (default: False).


  • As the size of neural networks in terms of the number of layers and hence the number of parameters grows, the training loss decreases or at least does not increase.
  • This is also true of the time or the number of epochs our model is trained for - i.e., as the no. of epochs over which the model is trained for increases, the training loss keeps decreasing and maybe stagnates after a certain value.
  • While we'd also want the training loss to be as low as possible, we do not want to overfit, which is said to occur when the model performs fairly well on the training data but fails to perform similarly well on unseen data.
  • Regularization involves a certain set of techniques used to prevent the model from overfitting the training data leading to better generalization.

We'll now discuss the two most frequently used ways of regularizing neural networks along with looking at their implementations in PyTorch:

PyTorch Dropout

  • Dropout randomly selects some nodes at every iteration and removes them from the network along with all of the corresponding incoming and outgoing connections.
  • Conceptually, dropout imitates training several neural networks with different architectures in parallel and then using an ensemble of them.
  • This also suggests that dropout's effectiveness stems from it breaking up situations where network layers co-adapt to correct each others' mistakes. Overall, dropout has an effect of making the trained models more robust by making the training process noisy.

In PyTorch, torch.nn.Dropout class allows us to apply dropout after any non-output layer; it takes as a parameter the dropout rate – the probability of a neuron being deactivated. Like so -

In PyTorch -

Weight Decay in PyTorch

  • Also known as L2 regularisation, weight decay is a technique that imposes a mathematical constraint on the parameters of a neural network by means of adding a penalty term to the loss function.
  • The penalty term restricts the parameter terms from growing too much (or adapting themselves too much according to the training data), thus curbing overfitting.
  • L2 norm also prevents gradient explosion by disallowing the parameter values from increasing too much.

Like we saw in an earlier section of the article, almost all optimizers also have parameter settings to turn weight decay on or off via the weight_decay parameter.


  • This article served as an introduction to deep learning and the defining concepts therein, all implemented in PyTorch - one of the most popular libraries for deep learning.
  • We walked through modern optimization algorithms, along with various loss functions that could be used as the quantities to be optimized.
  • We also understood the cruciality of activation functions as the backbone for modeling non-linear real-world relationships.
  • We learned about regularisation and looked at how generalizability could be ensured when dealing with large neural models using two techniques - dropout and weight decay.