map() in React

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Maps are one of the most popular and widely used features when using React. There are two prominent use cases for this. This is very similar to how filter() works. One is the change the state of the application and the other is to efficiently render the list of items. Let's start with the previous one first. The map() in React function allows us to manipulate the elements in an array by iterating and accessing each element.

Introduction to the Map() Function

The map() in React function is used to iterate through arrays and manipulates or modify data elements. The map() in React function is most commonly used to render lists of data into the DOM.

The map() in React method iterates through and displays a list of similar objects for a component. The map is not a feature of React. Instead, it's a standard JS function that applies to an array. The map() in React method creates a new array by calling the provided function on each element of the calling array.

Example - 1

Here each element of the array is multiplied by 5 and stored in a new array.

The map() in React function does not modify the original array.

Instead, a new array is created with the modified elements from the original array.

Example - 2


In the given example, Here is an array of numbers is passed to the map. Then a value of 50 is added to each number and logged.

Uses in React(In React, the map() Method Used for)

traverse the list elements:

Run the Project with the command npm start and check the result.



traverse the list element with keys:

Run the Project with the command npm start and check the result.




  • The map() in React function allows us to do almost any kind of manipulation without changing the original array. The non-mutation part is essential because it has no side effects by default and makes the code easier to debug.
  • Map() in React methods plays a very important role in iterating over an array of elements. You can also use this method to manipulate data in arrays.
  • The map() in React method is most commonly used to render a list of data into the DOM. It is very popular because it is easy to use.
  • The Map() in React method is used to iterate through and display a list of similar objects for a component. Maps are not a feature of React. Instead, it's a standard JavaScript function that may be called on an array.
  • The map() in React method creates a new array by calling the provided function on each element of the calling array.