React Infinite Scroll

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React Infinite Scroll is a React component that allows for infinite scrolling on a website or application. It uses a technique called lazy loading to load only the content that is currently visible to the user, and as the user scrolls down, it loads more content automatically. This can help improve the performance of a website or application by reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded at once and can also provide a better user experience by allowing the user to easily view more content without having to manually navigate to different pages.

What is Infinite Scroll?

Infinite scroll, also known as endless scrolling or infinite scrolling, is a technique used in web design and development where new content is automatically loaded and appended to the end of a web page as the user scrolls down, eliminating the need for pagination. This allows for a seamless browsing experience as the user can continue to scroll through an endless amount of content without having to manually navigate to the next page. React Infinite scroll component is often used in social media platforms, online marketplaces, and other types of websites where there is a large amount of content to be displayed.

To prevent serious performance problems, react infinite scroll is a technique that displays data based on an endless scroll event and loads data just as needed. In general, the react infinite scroll method is much more convenient than pagination, which requires a user to click the page number each time they wish to load the data for the subsequent page.

Only when we wish to continuously load data that is on the same level of the hierarchy is the endless scrolling approach recommended. If not, we can choose another course of action. Pagination can be elegantly replaced by the limitless scrolling capability.

It is not, however, the solution for every website. If site visitors want to accomplish particular types of goal-oriented actions, such as when they need to go back or rapidly access specific information without exerting themselves, infinite scrolling is generally not for you.

React Infinite Scroll is a technique used in web development where new content is automatically loaded and appended to a web page as the user scrolls down, similar to the infinite scroll technique. However, in this case, it is specifically implemented using the React JavaScript library.

React Infinite Scroll works by using the Intersection Observer API to detect when an element (typically a load more button or a specific div) comes into view. Once this element is in view, a function is triggered to load more data and append it to the bottom of the page. This process is repeated each time the user scrolls down, and the load more element comes into view, creating an infinite scroll experience for the user.

React Infinite Scroll component is commonly used in large-scale applications, such as social media platforms, online marketplaces, and other types of websites where there is a large amount of content to be displayed. It allows developers to create a seamless browsing experience for users and improve the overall performance of the application by only loading the necessary data at a given time.

It can also be implemented as a third-party package that can be easily integrated with a React application. These packages typically provide an API that allows developers to customize the behavior of the react infinite scrolls, such as the number of items to load per scroll, the loading indicator, and the loading error handling.

How to Add Infinite Scroll in React.js?

Any application, whether it be a desktop, mobile, or web application, has a vast amount of data records. For a variety of reasons linked to goods, items, flights, trains, residences, and other things, a user would want to access this data in one location.

We require a substitute because, for this capability, it is challenging to load all records at once due to general performance difficulties. An infinite scroll is one substitute. Infinite scrolling is becoming a popular way to load data based on a scroll event that loads data continuously whenever the user reaches the bottom of the page.

There are two ways to add an endless scroll with React.

  • utilizing an external library
  • Making use of a custom infinite scroll mechanism

Here, we'll create a straightforward, bespoke infinite scrolling solution that enables us to load data in response to a scroll event.

We will use a dummy/mock API platform that supplies us with the fake data utilizing their official API because we need data to load continually before we can begin. The URL we'll be using is listed below.

We need Axios loaded in our app to send an HTTP request to fetch or store the data from our application, which is what we call the API. Since it is a third-party library, we can install it with the npm command listed below.

Let's construct a state object like this and add it to a new child component we'll call ScrollComponent.jsx.


We've added a few state values in our scroll component to store the images from the API response, as well as additional state values to control page attributes and loading behavior.

Now, using the Axios package, we must develop a single function that contains the source code used to retrieve API data from the fictitious API. Let's build a reusable function similar to this one.

Example - 1:

The loading status variable in this function has been set to true, indicating that the data is now being loaded from the API. Axios has been used in conjunction with the API URL to retrieve the data from the server.

After receiving the answer by the request, we must store the information in a different array named images that we earlier in this component constructed.

You'll note that the previous and present data have been mixed since this method will be constantly called based on the scroll event and append the result to the photographs array.

We can use the componentDidMount() function to make this call as we need to call the function after it has been created and before the component has loaded.

Example - 2:

The fundamental API function, from which we will call the API, has been configured. The componentDidMount() lifecycle hook is also called the getPhotos() function, but that will be sufficient to create the infinite scroll react.

To update the page number and retrieve the updated data from the API, we must now pay attention to each scroll event action. The intersection observer, which does two tasks, will be used.

It covers the API used to extract the target element's location from the DOM. It obtains the element's pre-loading and delayed state from the DOM content. Let's make this tweak to the componentDidMount() hooks.

Example - 3:

We have created the following options in this hook function:

  • Root:
    The intersection should use this root.
  • Root margin:
    Similar to a margin attribute, rootMargin is used to give the root the margin value in pixels or percent (%).
  • Threshold:
    The amount that, when the intersection's area changes to be larger than or equal to the value we have given in this example, causes the callback to be made.

In addition to these three choices, we also have an actual intersection observer function with two more parameters:

  • The observer callback function name
  • The additional options, such as root and threshold

The callback function will be activated if there are any changes to the target element as a result of utilizing the intersection observer.

Let's now put the callback trigger function, which appears as follows, into action.

Example - 4:

The page number will be set in this function dependent on the target element being scrolled. We will keep track of the most recently scrolled page, and based on the current page, the fetch API enters the picture and retrieves the most recent information from the server.

When we scroll through the data, the previous page number and the current page are updated in the state.

This is what this guide's goals were up to this point, but it's not the conclusion. To render the photographs into the DOM and display them, we neglected to complete a necessary step.

With the source code provided, replace the render() function.

Example - 5:

A separate configuration is present in the render function; it is described in more detail below. For the icon that appears while the content is loaded, provide some additional styles.

Example - 6:

Another CSS style called loadingTextCSS is used to modify the class attribute for the loading icon.

Example - 7:

Finally, we have inserted our images state array—which holds the collection of photos from the API response—into the return method.

Example - 8:

We have set up the loading symbol based on the loading reference along with the photographs list so that it appears as soon as the target element is scrolled down. The loading icon will vanish after the loading procedure is finished.

Example - 9:

Our HTML material is complete. Now that we have configured the extra parameters with the API in this manner if we run this example, we will obtain the original 10 entries per page.${page}&_limit=10

The page number will, therefore, regularly change as the user scrolls down the page, but the page limit will remain the same. As a result, ten records will be added to the array and rendered into the DOM at a time.

This is how an intersecting observer is used to obtain the target element's position and return the movement to the DOM.

Methods of Implementing Infinite Scroll in React.js

In React.js, infinite scroll can be implemented in a few different ways. Utilizing a library like react-infinite-scroll-component is one option. When a user scrolls to the bottom of the page, the component in this library will launch an event. Then, you may load additional material using this event.

Using React's built-in methods is another technique to build an endless scroll. ComponentDidMount is one such function that React calls when a component is first mounted.

The first batch of data can be loaded using this function, and when the user scrolls down, additional data can be loaded using the componentDidUpdate function. React hooks can be used to offer an infinite scrolling feature as well.

Using the React-infinite-scroll-component

You must first use npm to install react-infinite-scroll-component before using it:

Once imported, you can use it in your React component.


The react-infinite-scroll-component library is imported first, followed by React and the InfiniteScroll component. After that, it constructs a stateful component and initializes the state with a hasMore flag that is set to true and an empty items array.

With a page parameter of 1, you call the fetchData method in the componentDidMount lifecycle method. To retrieve some data, the fetchData function calls an API. Simply some fake data is generated in this example. Then it produces a 100-item array.

Set the hasMore flag to false if the page parameter is 100 because there are no further items. The InfiniteScroll component won't make any more API calls after this. Lastly, change the state with the new information.

The InfiniteScroll component is used by the render method, which also accepts various props. The length of the items array is the value for the dataLength prop. The fetchData function is set as the next prop. The hasMore flag is the value for the hasMore prop. The component's contents are rendered as a loading indicator thanks to the loader prop. When all the data has loaded, it will also render the endMessage prop as a message.

Although the InfiniteScroll component accepts additional props, these are the ones you'll use the most frequently.


Using Built-In Functions

Additionally, you may leverage several built-in React functions to implement endless scroll.

ComponentDidUpdate is the initial technique. After updating a component, React uses this function. This technique can be used to determine whether the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page and, if so, load additional information.

React calls the second method, scroll, when the user scrolls. This technique can be used to track the scroll position. Then you can load more info if the visitor has scrolled down to the bottom of the page.

The following is an illustration of how you could use these techniques to implement an infinite scroll react:


To manage state and side effects, this code makes use of the useState and useEffect hooks.

The fetchData method is called with the current page in the useEffect hook. To retrieve some data, the fetchData function calls an API. You are merely producing fictitious data in this example to illustrate the approach.

The for loop inserts 100 integers into the newItems array. Set the hasMore flag to false if the page parameter is 100. The InfiniteScroll component won't make any more API calls after this. Set the state with the new data to finish. The scroll position is tracked by the onScroll function. You can load more info if the user has scrolled down to the bottom of the page.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Infinite Scroll React


Infinite scroll react is a feature commonly used in web and mobile apps that allows users to continuously scroll through content without reaching an endpoint. The main advantage of infinite scroll is that it provides a seamless and uninterrupted user experience, allowing users to quickly and easily access a large amount of content without having to manually navigate through multiple pages.

Infinite scroll enhances user experience:

  • The user experience of your React.js website or app can be enhanced by adding infinite scroll.
  • Users can view more stuff without clicking, thanks to limitless scrolling. Performance can be enhanced by using Infinite Scroll in your React.js application by lowering the number of page loads whenever the UI of our pages gets updated.


  • However, there are also some disadvantages to using infinite scroll react. One drawback is that it can make it difficult for users to find specific content or navigate to a specific point in the content.
  • Infinite scroll also increases the amount of data that needs to be loaded and can slow down the performance of the app or website, particularly on slower internet connections or older devices. Additionally, it can also increase the risk of user fatigue and make it more challenging to track user engagement and engagement metrics.
  • Another disadvantage is that it can be problematic for users related to accessibility needs, for example, for users who rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies, infinite scrolling can make it difficult for them to locate and navigate through specific content.

In summary, infinite scroll react can provide a seamless and uninterrupted user experience, but in return it can present some difficulties related to navigation, slowing down performance, increasing user fatigue, and making it challenging to track engagement and metrics. It's also not accessible for users with accessibility needs. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of infinite scroll react and determine whether it is the best choice for a given application or website.

The use of unlimited scroll has advantages and disadvantages. It may contribute to enhancing the user interface and facilitating a smoother experience, particularly on mobile devices. Users might not scroll down to see the content as a result, which can result in content being missed. Before applying the infinite scroll strategy on your website or app, it's crucial to carefully consider its benefits and drawbacks.

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  • React Infinite Scroll Component is a React component that allows for infinite scrolling on a website or application. It uses a technique called "lazy loading" to load only the content that is currently visible to the user.
  • Nowadays, this technique is so popular in many applications which consume massive amounts of data, especially social media apps like Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • Infinite scrolling is becoming a popular way to load data based on a scroll event that loads data continuously whenever the user reaches the bottom of the page. There are two ways to add an endless scroll with React.
    • utilizing an external library
    • Making use of a custom infinite scroll mechanism
  • In addition to these three choices, we also have an actual intersection observer function with two more parameters:
    • The observer callback function name
    • The additional options, such as root and threshold
  • In React.js, infinite scroll can be implemented in a few different ways. Utilizing a library like react-infinite-scroll-component is one option. When a user scrolls to the bottom of the page, the component in this library will launch an event. Two main techniques are:
    • Using the react-infinite-scroll-component
    • Using Built-In Functions
  • The main advantage of infinite scroll is that it provides a seamless and uninterrupted user experience, allowing users to quickly and easily access a large amount of content without having to manually navigate through multiple pages.
  • One drawback is that it can make it difficult for users to find specific content or navigate to a specific point in the content. Another disadvantage is that it can be problematic for users with accessibility needs.