React vs Vue

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Front-end development is one of the most dynamic subfields of software development. Because it has developed so quickly, it can be difficult to keep up with all of its new trends and features. Vue and React are nowadays the two most popular frontend tools, and it's clear why: they both provide a beautiful developer experience, performance, and a significant ecosystem to support your development efforts.

Introduction to Vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It was created by Evan You in 2013 and has since gained a strong following among developers. Vue.js focuses on the view layer of an application and can be easily integrated with other libraries or existing projects.

One of the key features of Vue.js is its reactivity system, which makes it easy to keep the view and the model in sync. It also uses a virtual DOM, which improves performance by limiting the amount of DOM manipulation required.

Vue.js also comes with a set of tools that make it easy to create reusable components, manage the state of an application, and handle events. It also provides a powerful template system that allows developers to express the structure of a view declaratively.

Vue3, the most recent version, is lighter and quicker than previous iterations. Numerous improvements, such as adjustments to the composition API and the global mounting/configuration API, as well as improved TypeScript support, are also included.


  • Simple to learn - Vue.js has a relatively simple structure and API, making it easy for developers to learn and use.
  • Small size - Vue.js has a small size, which makes it lightweight and fast to load and run.
  • Reactive data binding - Vue.js uses a two-way data binding system, which makes it easy to keep the view and the model in sync.
  • Flexibility - Vue.js allows developers to use it as a full-featured framework or as a library for building user interfaces.
  • Strong community - Vue.js has a strong and active community, which means that there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting.
  • Complementary to other libraries - Vue.js can be easily integrated with other libraries or existing projects, making it flexible in terms of development.
  • Good performance - Vue.js is known for its good performance, as it uses a virtual DOM, which improves performance by limiting the amount of DOM manipulation required.


  • Comparatively fewer resources - Vue.js is a relatively new framework compared to others like React and Angular, which means it may have fewer features and resources available.
  • Lack of corporate backing - Vue.js is mostly developed and maintained by an individual developer and a small team, which may make it less stable and less likely to be adopted by large companies.
  • Smaller ecosystem - Vue.js has a smaller ecosystem compared to other frameworks, which means that there may be fewer available tools and libraries.
  • Language barrier - Vue.js uses templates written in HTML, which can be a barrier for developers who are more comfortable with JavaScript.

Introduction to React.js

React is a free JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is a frontend component library that just handles the application's view layer, or the "V" in MVC.

A single, condensed piece of reusable HTML is rendered by each component in a React application. It is possible to nest components inside of one another to create complex applications from simple ones. Additionally, a component may keep track of its internal state; for instance, a BlogPostList component may keep track of a variable for the current blog post in use.

Reasoning about your application is made simpler by React's declarative approach, which tries to be both efficient and adaptable. Simple views serve as a representation of each state of your application, and anytime your data changes, React instantly updates and renders the appropriate component. The declarative approach improves the predictability and debuggability of your code.

Among the many crucial functions offered by React are routing and state management techniques (with Redux) and additional libraries/frameworks like React Native. Another React-based tool widely used to manage component behavior and logic is React Hooks. React has several extensions for supporting the overall application architecture in addition to UI, including Flux and React Native. Angular and Vue.js are its primary rivals; however npm trends indicate that it has been the most widely used library of the three in recent years.


  • Virtual DOM - React uses a virtual DOM, which improves performance by limiting the amount of DOM manipulation required.
  • Reusable components - React allows developers to create reusable components that can be easily shared across different parts of a web application.
  • Unidirectional data flow - React follows a unidirectional data flow, which makes it easier to understand and manage the state of a web application.
  • Strong community - React has a large and active community, which means that there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting.
  • SEO friendly - React applications can be rendered on the server side, which can improve SEO and make the application more accessible to users with slow internet connections.
  • Popularity - React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, which means it is well-supported and has a large number of developers working on it.
  • Flexibility - React allows you to use other libraries and frameworks along with it, making it more flexible in terms of development.


  • Learning curve - React has a steeper learning curve than some other JavaScript libraries and frameworks, so it can take longer for developers to become proficient in it.
  • JSX - React uses JSX, which is a syntax extension for JavaScript, that may be unfamiliar to some developers.
  • Complexity - React applications can become complex, especially as the size of the application grows, making it harder to manage and maintain.
  • Constant updates - React library and its ecosystem are constantly changing and updating, which may cause issues for developers who are not keeping up with the latest changes.
  • Bundle size - React applications can have a larger bundle size, which can make them slower to load and run.

React aids in providing reliable search results on websites processing vast amounts of data, such as social media. Developers assure good startup speed and runtime performance when creating complicated websites with React. The library also enables programmers to create websites more quickly and with native user interfaces.

When building websites, Vue provides benefits as well. The framework can be used to create responsive administration boards, content management systems, and automatic tagging and discovery of images. These are just a few examples of how the adaptable Vue framework may be used.

Below given is the list of websites that uses React and Vue to build their interfaces-

Most popular web apps created with React and Vue

What’s New in React?

The React 18 release appears to be fantastic. This release is generally feature-rich, and user-friendly, and provides the community with more control over the development process. Let's dive in and thoroughly examine all the new features!


React 18 introduced this choice. Two jobs can be active at once in React and prioritized according to urgency thanks to concurrency.

Previously, React could only handle one task at a time. The task could not be stopped once it had begun. That prevented rendering. To address this issue and enable work interruption and restart, the concurrent mode was developed.

Concurrent features have taken the role of concurrent mode in the most recent release of React 18. Concurrent rendering is built upon them. To maintain the better performance of your app, you can use these capabilities to set states as non-urgent. As a result, the app runs faster and your browser remains responsive.

Automatic Batching

Batching was formerly limited to event handlers. Promises, timeouts, and native event handlers may now all be batch processed automatically.

State updates are automatically grouped into a single re-render. Therefore, automatic batching speeds up the process of updating an app with fresh data and enhances app functionality.


This novel idea establishes the possible behaviors of objects in the application. They might be urgent or not. It denotes whether or not a user anticipates a quick change.

For instance, a user anticipates a quick reaction from the UI when they click a button. The new page layout permits a delay in action in the meantime. Transitions are anticipated at this point.

You can instruct the program where to start updating, how to change it, and what results to display using transitions.

New APIs: Suspense, client-side, and server-side

Concurrent states are made possible by numerous new capabilities introduced in React 18. For shaky connections and weak devices, it is helpful.

The Suspense API alerts users that material is coming as they wait for it to load. The Suspense API enables programmers to make apps with more responsive user interfaces and smaller memory footprints. Transitions function best with suspense in the most recent version.

The updated client methods display error recovery in React. New APIs on the server side streamline the Suspense server processes. Although the renderToString method still functions, it is not advised to use it.

New Strict Mode Behaviors

A development-only check is a strict mode. Components are helped to be destructured, restructured, and then secondarily restored to their original conditions. The advantages of the strict mode include:

  • Removing value modifications that result in various outputs after each render.
  • Facilitating the use of other developers' code.
  • Finding programming errors.
  • Ensuring clear code that adheres to the ideal React procedures.

What’s New in Vue?

The Vue 3 version will be the new standard as of 2022. Vue 3 is quicker, smaller, easier to manage, and simplifies target native, according to its inventor Evan You. The following changes have been made in comparison to earlier framework iterations-

Composition API

You are now able to create components based on functions thanks to the new API approach. React Hooks served as the model for this technique. Logic will be embraced by composition functions and used repeatedly across components. For further information, see this reference to the API.

Compared to Options API, it is a different way to write component states and logic. You employ imported functions while using the Composition API. Declaring options is necessary for the Options API.

Vue usage has changed as a result of the composition API. It increases scalability and flexibility. Nevertheless, they work with the options-based Vue 2 syntactic API. As a result, if you want to use the new methodology, your code will still work with earlier projects.


Evan You developed the lightweight build toolchain known as Vite. It drives the official build setup for Vue 3. Your projects can be bundled using the module bundler in Vite. Vue-CLI (Command Line Interface), which is currently in maintenance mode, is replaced by Vite. Therefore, starting projects using create-vue based on Vite is advised unless you depend on particular Webpack functionalities.

The excellent developer experience on Vite is the major justification for switching. Due to Vite's native browser support for JavaScript modules, the server starts relatively quickly.

The State of JavaScript 2021 indicates that Vite exhibits the highest retention and interest rates.


A state management library for Vue called Pinia has been made the default. Nevertheless, it functions with Vue 2 and Vue 3. You can express a state between components and pages using the library. It is fully typed and intuitive.

Vuex was replaced for state management by Pinia. Although Vuex is in maintenance mode, you can still use it. Therefore, it won't get any new features. For new web applications, Pinia is advised.

Pinia's benefits:

  • It is merely 1 KB in size and won't slow down the programme when added.
  • The finest developer experience is provided by its compatibility with Vue 2 and Vue 3 development tools.
  • It has been simplified, requiring less memorization of boilerplate code and concepts.
  • It offers data type autocomplete.
  • It is by default modular and enables code splitting if necessary.

Key Similarities Between Vue.js and React

Both React and Vue share some common features, which are listed below:

Electronic DOM

One of the biggest parallels between the two libraries is this one. The Virtual DOM in JavaScript is essentially a DOM tree representation. Every HTML element in this HTML DOM abstraction is a JavaScript object. This approach enhances efficiency and permits more declarative DOM manipulation.


Both feature a component-based architecture, are lightweight, and offer lifecycle functions. Their performances are so identical that it is unnecessary to explain the distinctions. On the other hand, Vue renders data more quickly and is lighter than React.


Both React and Vue have vibrant communities in addition to a wealth of resources like libraries and tools. They are also free and open source. React, on the other hand, keeps the advantage.

Key Differences Between Vue.js and React

Vue and React differ mostly in how they approach application design. React focuses on building modular UI components, but Vue takes a more all-encompassing approach by giving developers access to front-end tools. The template syntax of Vue is straightforward HTML, making it easy to learn. Because Vue eliminates the necessity for separate files for each component in your app, we utilize less code here than React.

Now let's examine some specific differences:

  • Vue uses a template-based syntax for component rendering, while React uses a component-based syntax
  • Vue has a built-in template system, while React uses JSX
  • Vue has a simpler learning curve and smaller API surface, while React has a more complex learning curve and requires additional libraries for state management
  • React uses a virtual DOM, while Vue uses a lightweight virtual DOM implementation called the "Virtual DOM Composition API"
  • Vue is more flexible and less opinionated, while React is more opinionated and requires more setup to be integrated into a project
To construct various components, it makes use of Single File Components (SFC).It uses JSX as a component format
Web-based apps are created using it.As a result of React Native's ability to create cross-platform applications, it is utilized to create both online and mobile applications.
VueX is the name of the Vue State Management Library.Redux is the name of the React State Management Library.
Its architecture is adaptable to a range of complex features.It offers several state management libraries for complex features.

Vue vs React- Which One Is Better?

It is difficult to say which one is better, as it depends on the specific use case and personal preference of the developer. Both Vue and React are powerful and popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, and both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Vue is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of learning, making it a great choice for small and medium-sized projects, as well as for developers who are new to JavaScript frameworks. Its two-way data binding and built-in directives make it easy to handle DOM manipulation and events.

React, on the other hand, is known for its performance and scalability, making it a great choice for large and complex projects. Its virtual DOM and one-way data flow make optimizing and updating the components easy. React also has a large and active community, which means plenty of resources and third-party libraries are available for developers to use.

In summary, if you are looking for a simple, easy-to-learn framework with a smaller learning curve, Vue might be the best choice for you, but if you're working on a large and complex project or you're looking for a framework with a larger community and more resources, React might be a better fit.


  • Vue and React are both popular JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces.
  • Both frameworks offer similar features such as a virtual DOM and a component-based structure.
  • Vue has a simpler learning curve and a more approachable syntax, making it easier for developers to pick up and start building with.
  • React offers a wider ecosystem and more extensive documentation, making it a better choice for larger and more complex projects.
  • React has more support from large companies and organizations.
  • React and Vue have a large and active community, with ample resources and support available.
  • The choice between Vue and React ultimately comes down to the specific needs and preferences of the developer and the project they are working on.