Rust Vs Python, Which Language is Better ?

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Two well-liked programming languages used to code and create applications are Python and Rust. Python is a well-known and practically universal computer language, but Rust is a newer emerging language that is gaining popularity among software developers.

Python is utilized for creating web apps and business applications, Rust is utilized for operating systems and game engines. Both have their works, and users can choose any one according to their needs.

What is Python ?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented, and dynamic programming language. Python is frequently referred to as a general-purpose programming language, and for a good reason—it was recognized as GitHub's second-most popular programming language for 2020, directly behind JavaScript. Python is ideal for those just starting their programming careers because it has incredibly legible code and clever syntax. Because it enables students to grasp the fundamentals, many colleges and universities employ Python-based curricula for their introductory programming classes.

Most, if not all, programming environments employ Python, and it's frequently used to create applications for websites, data analysis, and machine learning.

1. Advantages of Python

  • Python is comparatively easier to learn than other programming languages, making it simpler to start. It makes coding easier without compromising the functionality necessary to create top-notch applications. Because of its asynchronous coding style, developers may easily tackle challenging coding needs.
  • Python offers a significant selection of libraries and frameworks that can be used. Python has amassed many libraries over the years thanks to its open-source nature, widespread use, and advanced maturity, providing developers a good chance of finding a library or framework for whatever kind of functionality they require.
  • Additionally, Python can interact with various technologies, including databases and enterprise applications. It is simple here in python to integrate it with other languages, including PHP and .NET.

2. Disadvantages of Python

  • Since Python is an interpreted language, it occasionally runs slower than compiled languages like C++ and Java.
  • Python is fairly easy to debug because libraries and integrated development environments (IDEs) are readily available. However, occasionally mistakes won't be visible until execution, slowing down the maintenance and testing process.

What is Rust?

Rust is a new, general-purpose programming language Graydon Hoare of Mozilla Research presented it. Rust prioritizes reliability, efficiency, and security. Its memory-efficient architecture meets C/C++ coding standards as a statically typed language.

Despite being a far more recent language than Python, Rust has gained popularity among programmers and is currently the top favored technology, based on the 2021 StackOverflow developer survey. Why? Let's examine the benefits and drawbacks of rust.

1. Advantages of Rust

  • Since Rust is performance-oriented and lacks a runtime system and garbage collection, it is faster and has a more effective memory design than other languages.
  • Rust is more reliable and secure because it strictly enforces safe memory allocations and safe coding techniques.
  • Developers have direct, secure control of low-level resources thanks to Rust(Similar to C/C++).

2. Disadvantages of Rust

  • Rust is slightly tougher to learn than Python since it is a little more sophisticated than other languages. This is because using Rust effectively necessitates a bit more coding expertise.
  • Monkey patching isn't supported very well in Rust (A monkey patch is a way for a program to modify the supporting system software).
  • Compared to other languages, Rust's code compiler could be slow.

Preference of Python over Rust

Some factors, such as ease of writing and clear documentation, make Python a superior option to Rust.

Coding Ease

Python has a readable code structure since it was created with simplicity in mind, and its straightforward syntax makes it more accessible to developers of all skill levels. Python may be easily customized to meet the needs of numerous development projects thanks to its integration features. Still, when it comes to Rust vs Python then, Rust has a higher learning curve that makes writing a little bit more difficult, but it is better suited to system programming and particular use cases.


Although both Python and Rust have good documentation updated often by legitimate sources and community assistance, Python documentation is easier for beginners to understand and use. That is not to argue that Rust lacks excellent documentation, it does, and it is also rather easy to use, but it is targeted more at technical users than Python.


Because there are so many libraries, programs, frameworks, and other services available for or can support Python, Python has a clear edge in extensibility. But when it comes to Rust vs. Python, Rust has a rapidly expanding ecosystem due to its popularity. It is still not equivalent to the options available in Python, at least not yet.


Because both languages are open source, the developer community is actively involved in their creation and advancement. Python has a much larger community than Rust because it is more developed and frequently used. With Python development, resources are available for every need and are easily accessible. But when it comes to Rust vs Python, the community for Rust is small yet extremely helpful and active. Although Rust has fewer resources, it still takes a little longer to find them, giving Python the upper hand in this situation.

Preference of Rust over Python

Rust has better error handling and is more efficient than Python. Some other factors that make preference Rust over Python are given below.


The strong performance of Rust has already been acknowledged. Python is slower than Rust since it is an interpreted language. In some cases, Rust can execute up to twice as quickly as Python. No interpreter or virtual machine is needed between the code and the hardware because Rust is compiled directly into machine code. Rust's memory management is another aspect that enhances performance.

Garbage Collection

Programmers in Rust can store data on the heap or the stack. This method can be applied during software compilation to determine whether memory needs to be cleaned up since it is no longer needed.

Additionally, this choice clears the data without asking the software to decide on memory allocation and cleanup. Because Rust does not require a garbage collector to be active at all times, it may be easily integrated with other languages without hurting them.

But when it comes to Rust vs. Python, the Python program checks for wasted memory & clean it up when it is running using a garbage collector. Both have effective garbage collection, but it has the benefit since Rust doesn't need runtime.

Error Handling

Because both programming languages, approach error management in quite different ways, this one is well-balanced. When mistakes occur, Python flags exceptions, whereas Rust produces a value. Hence Rust offers ideas to locate and address any issues, while Python makes no such suggestions.

In this way, Rust enhances the development process, simplifies debugging, and eliminates the need for a user to wait for the runtime to identify some mistakes. The debugging and error-handling phases of development can be facilitated by various integrated development environments (IDEs) for Python.


Rust's design strongly emphasizes security, and its guaranteed memory sets it different from other programming languages. Unless the developer says otherwise, it is entirely memory safe. The compiler records how many variables refer to provided data. It enforces a set of rules to manage and protect memory at any point for a Rust program, according to the Secure Rust Guidelines.

On the other hand, Python necessitates that programmers set up memory management and guard against memory leaks.

Rust vs Python, Which is Better?

As we've shown, settling the Rust vs. Python argument takes work. Although each has advantages and weaknesses, they are both excellent, powerful programming languages with widespread acceptance in the developer community.

Python offers a more straightforward development environment and is simpler to learn. Additionally, it has a larger community and a greater range of resources, which allows for better extensibility for bigger projects. Python applies to various fields, including online application development, DevOps, scientific programming, machine learning, and business applications. Given its usability and adaptability, it is simple to understand why Python is so famous.

But when it comes to Rust vs Python, then Rust should be your go-to solution. Due to its performance orientation and memory safety, it is perfect for tasks like file systems, virtual reality(VR), system development, gaming engine development, and embedded integrations. These possibilities demonstrate that Rust's popularity will only grow over time and that as it develops, its documentation and extensibility will also advance. As it gets more developed, so will its documentation and extensibility.

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After going through this Rust vs Python article we got to know that,

  • Rust still has a way to go before surpassing Python, even though it is undoubtedly making noise in the development community.
  • Although Python remains the front-runner, it's crucial to pick a language that best suits the project requirements you're working on.
  • When security is your top priority, Rust will be your answer.