What are the Features of HTML?

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HTML contains so many features that it took multiple RFCs (Request for Comments) to describe each one. We will go over some most common features of HTML that are useful in a `developer's life.

1. Simple and user-friendly

HTML is Simple and User Friendly

  • Tags are annotations that can be used to write HTML. Tags structure HTML and make it easier for people and browsers to read the content efficiently. They also allow a browser to add CSS (Cascading StyleSheets) to the digital document, resulting in a stunning visual combination.
  • While HTML includes hundreds of tags, just a few of them are necessary for regular use by a developer. Of course, all tags are important; nevertheless, most are rarely used in normal development.

2. Semantic Structure

HTML has Semantic Structure

  • This is one of the most awaited features of HTML. HTML5 includes several tags for annotating certain elements for their specialized uses. For example, the <article> tag is used to annotate page content. The <aside> tag represents content that is indirectly related to the major content of the document.
  • Other notable components are the <header>, <footer>, <div>, the paragraph tag <p>, and the <a> tag, which is most commonly used for page navigation.

3. SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

  • SEO is by far the most important USP (Unique Selling Point) of HTML5. With the introduction of search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, and others, you literally have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.  
  • These search engines collect information from the World Wide Web by crawling the internet with computer programs (also known as web crawlers) and mapping keywords with respective documents in which they find it. These web crawlers can assimilate this data only because HTML is highly structured, and you can optimize your web pages for searchability.
  • You may also employ the semantic structure of HTML for Search Engines by using tags such as <title>, <meta> with description, <header>, etc., to inform the web crawler about the relevant keywords in the article.

4. Local Storage & IndexedDB - Client-Side Data Storage

  • HTML5 brings significant improvements inclient-sidestorage capabilities. LocalStorage and sessionStorage are important technologies in allowing developers to save data on the client side. These are critical developments in browser storage capabilities because cookies limit data storage size on the client side.
  • Cookies can be used to store small pieces of information, such as authentication tokens or usernames of the client. Still, when consumers return to the web application, the localStorage API comes into use. Avoid loading some basic information on the client, saving both client and server resources. A developer can use the sessionStorage API to persist information only for that session. This means that the data is erased as soon as the user closes the tab. This functionality is useful for browser-based games or high-security applications with limited session times.
  • IndexedDB extends localStorage's client-side storage capabilities. IndexedDB can store more complex and significant data in the key-value form, while localStorage might potentially store a large amount of data in a key-value form where both are strings.

5. Offline Capabilities (PWA) with Cache API & Service Workers

  • Consider creating a web application that operates even when the user's internet connection is down. You don't have to imagine it because, with the introduction of Service Workers, IndexedDB, and Cache API, you might make it a reality. Your web application could provide your users with a native-like experience. Many applications, such as Flipkart, already do this, and it's known as a PWA (Progressive Web Application).
  • Service Workers serve as a way between the user's computer and the internet. They can store files locally, retrieve them when needed using the Cache API, and bring information from the IndexedDB to offer data to the application on demand. When a user's device is not connected to the internet, the Service Worker intercepts these requests and serves them from locally stored data. You can set up your service worker to update these files on a regular or ad-hoc basis.

6. Canvas for Game Development

One of the most significant features of HTML is that you can use HTML5 to create small games, but if you want to create a good video game, you can use the <canvas> element along with CSS and JavaScript. Canvas allows you to create2D and 3D games. You can make these games as interactive as you'd like.

7. Platform Independent

  • HTML runs via a browser, which may be found on almost every device with a basic operating system. If you used mobile phones before smartphones, you'd know that even outdated Nokia phones running SymbianOSthat could open HTML pages.
  • The <figure> tag is particularly worth mentioning because it has revolutionized browser picture rendering. Captions can also be represented using the <figcaption> tag along with the <figure> tag.

8. Media Support

HTML can display images, videos, and audio. Hence it has good media-playback capabilities.HTML5 introduced <video> and <audio> tags, making this much easier than before. Of course, HTML5 allows you to do more than just play media; you can provide controls, graphics for buttons, and even control playback programmatically.

What is HTML Used For?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it is used to create web pages and web applications. Let's define Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and a Web page.

  • HyperText: HyperText is an abbreviation for "Text inside Text." A hypertext is text that contains a hyperlink. You have utilized hypertext when you click on a link that leads you to a new webpage. HyperText is a technique for linking two or more web pages (HTML documents) together.
  • Markup language: A markup language is a computer language used to apply style and formatting principles to text documents. Markup language enhances the interactive and dynamic nature of the text. It can convert text into graphics, tables, links, etc.
  • Web Page: A web page is a document that is typically written in HTML and translated by a web browser. An URL is used to locate a web page. A web page can be of two types, i.e., static or dynamic. Static web pages can be created entirely using HTML.

As a result, HTML is a markup language that is used to generate attractive web pages with the help of styling that appears in a nice format on a web browser. An HTML document is made up of several HTML tags, each with its own set of content.

Syntax of the HTML tag:

A simple example of HTML

Example: In this example, we will create a web page that will be based entirely on HTML and CSS. The page structure is provided by HTML, while the visual and aural layout is provided by CSS for a variety of devices. HTML and CSS are the building blocks for creating Web pages and Web Applications.

Output of the above code: Output of Sample HTML Code

Learn more


  • HTML is a markup language that simply communicates the structure of a digital document to the browser, which may then visually portray that structure. New features of HTML  have entirely transformed the gadget industry, particularly smart devices such as phones and televisions.
  • HTML is useful for more than just making web pages and blogs and accessing the internet. HTML can be used to create large enterprises and highly interactive websites. There are some well-known games that solely use HTML Canvas!
  • HTML is a fairly straightforward language to learn. Learning HTML has a good return on investment. It is appropriate for creating websites, sharing digital documents, and doing a variety of other activities on the Internet.
  • By introducing features of HTML, we can not only construct better static websites, but we can also create dynamic websites by integrating them with JavaScript.