floor() in C++

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The floor in C++ is an inbuilt function that returns an integer value that is less than or equal to the argument. For example, the function floor(3.78) will return the integer value of 3 as an output. The floor in C++ is defined in the <Cmath> header file.

What is floor() in C++

In C++, the floor function returns the largest integer, which is less than or equal to the given argument. The floor in C++ is defined in the cmath header file in C++.




The code discussed above passes a floating value of 2.72.7 to the floor function as an argument. The largest integer which is less than or equal to 2.72.7 is 22. Thus the floor function returns an integer value of 22 as the output.

Syntax of the floor in C++

The syntax of the floor in C++ is as follows:

We need to pass the argument inside the floor()floor() function of which we want the floor value as an output. The argument can be a real number of any data type.

Parameters of the floor in C++

The floor in C++, defined in the cmath header file, takes a floating-point number whose floor value is to be computed. The parameters can be of the type:

  • double
  • long double
  • float

Note: When an integer value is passed inside the floor function as an argument, it is type cast into a double data type.

Return Value of floor in C++

The floor in C++ returns an integer value that is less than or equal to the argument passed in the floor function.

floor for Integer Values in C++

When an integer value is passed to the floor in C++ as an argument, the return value is equal to the argument itself.



floor for Double and Float Values in C++

When a floating-point number is passed as an argument, the floor in C++ returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument.



Special Cases for floor in C++

Below are some of the special cases of the floorfloor in C++.



  • The floorfloor is an inbuilt function in C++ that returns an integer value that is less than or equal to the argument.
  • Similar to the floor in C++, the ceil()ceil() function in C++ returns an integer value greater than or equal to the argument.

See also