C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix

A transpose of a matrix is obtained by interchanging rows of the original matrix with columns and vice-versa.
It is very commonly used in mathematics as well as programming while multiplying two matrices.
Program to Find the Transpose of a Matrix
Finding the transpose of a matrix is a fundamental operation in matrix mathematics. The transpose of a matrix in C is achieved by flipping its rows and columns. For a matrix ( A ) of dimensions ( m * n ), its transpose ( AT ) will have dimensions ( n * m ). This section provides a simple program to compute the transpose of a matrix in C.
C Code:
Upon executing the program, it will prompt you for the matrix's dimensions and individual elements. Subsequently, the program will output the matrix's transpose.
Print the transpose of a matrix using for loop
When printing the transpose of a matrix, we essentially read elements column-wise from the original matrix and print them row-wise. A for loop structure is an efficient way to access the matrix elements in this modified sequence and print the transposed view.
- Nested Looping: Use nested for loops to access each element of the original matrix.
- Modified Access Sequence: Instead of printing element [i][j] directly, print element [j][i] to transpose the matrix while printing.
C Code:
- Transposing a matrix in C is a process of flipping the matrix across its diagonal, essentially turning rows into columns and vice versa.
- The operation is crucial for matrix mathematics and various applications in programming, such as graphics transformations and scientific computing.
- In C, transposition involves nested for loops that iterate through the array elements and swap their indices to reorient the data structure.
- The provided C program examples demonstrate how to prompt for matrix input, perform the transpose operation, and then print the transposed matrix.
- Such matrix manipulation exercises are excellent for understanding the use of multidimensional arrays and control structures in C programming.